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Skitarii Kill Team Post-Mortem

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Last night, nearly against my will (I prefer Heralds of Ruin), I ran an introductory game of Kill Team and two standard games after that.  I don't normally post in this forum, but it seemed relevant since I used Skitarii to shake things up last night.


Some Highlights:


I played against Space Marines for the tutorial games, one player has been at it about a year and the other was just starting.  The relevant stuff below was versus the more advanced player.



Sicarian Infiltrators with Power Sword and Stubcarbines are absolutely ill.  You can afford 5 of them with a conversion field on your alpha for a kill team game, and even against a mobile army full of bikes, these guys cruise around the table and absolutely hack to pieces anything they can get their hands on.  I thought hit and run would be amusing on a specialist, but I ended up not needing it.  Honestly, the Stubcarbines did most of the work and my opponent was so happy to get his hands on one of them after surviving shooting and overwatch that he was absolutely devastated when I told him about neurostatic aura.  It goes without saying that Dunestrider not only lets them eat up the distance to gunlines, but also allows them to always seek BLoS cover.  The lack of grenades hurts them, but honestly, if they'd had grenades, I would have felt like I was cheating.  9/10, would employ to murder again.


Skitarii Vanguard

Skitarii Vanguard are just as hilariously good in kill team as they are in every other game.  Radium carbines put out ork numbers of hurt with space marine accuracy and honestly, even moving forward the whole time, I ended up "forgetting" about rad-saturation so that the new player would come back to the game after we both spent two turns slogging toward the objective.  Over three turns, the lone arc rifle killed the enemy razorback, while weathering not much return fire (other vanguard were ahead and killed everything non-vehicle that got close.  The space marine or two that did get into close combat just flailed uselessly and as stated above, to keep the player in the game, I decided not to tell them about rad saturation.  The wrong move?  Perhaps, but I stand by my decision.  9/10 would irradiate with again.


Skitarii Rangers

Rangers were the glaring disappointment in that they were roughly on-par with the space marines they were fighting.  Two shots from fairly far away, the transuranic arquebus was good against the razorback, but didn't really blow my skirt up with anything but its range.  Useless in CC, but what did you expect?  6/10 would hold objectives and plink from afar again.

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Yeah, KT seems like a totally different kettle of fish. Things that are questionable or crummy in normal 40k games can suddenly become much scarier, especially character upgrades. Thanks for the data, brother! smile.png

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^ One of the reasons I love alternate game modes like Zone Mortalis and City Fight (and I guess I gotta add Kill Team to that too), you can play the game at the skirmish level it was born, and low-end stuff that just gets wiped out in larger conflicts can actually do well.

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I had a riot back in 4th building an IG Veterans KT.  I may have to pick up a box of Skitarii and kitbash with some IG/Astartes bits to make a serious Ranger team (Rule of Cool only).

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I had a riot back in 4th building an IG Veterans KT.  I may have to pick up a box of Skitarii and kitbash with some IG/Astartes bits to make a serious Ranger team (Rule of Cool only).


I kitbashed astra and rangers and I have to warn the IG heads and Imp guard head don't match at all, so some filing and greenstuffing is in order to fix them up.

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Thanks for the report Antaeus! So what would be your optimal list based on this experience? Would you drop the Rangers and just take Vanguard. Infiltrators sound very effective but they're also rather expensive for Kill Team as you can only get five models in under the 200 point limit...


Do you find the disallowance of the Doctrina Imperatives weakens them much?

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