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3000pt Blood Angel Orbital Strike


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+++ Shadow Wars Campaign (3000pts) +++

IX Legion, LV Orbital Assault Company “Blood Drinkers”


Legion Praetor (425pts) [blade of Perdition, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack]

Master of the Legion [Orbital Assault]


Legion Command Squad [3x Charnabal Sabre, 5x Combat Shield, Jump Packs, Power Fist, Power Weapon]


Moritat (165pts) [Artificer Armour, 2x Inferno Pistol, Jump Pack, Refractor Field]


Librarian (135pts) [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Psychic Mastery Level 2]


Legion Tactical Squad (170pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Weapon]


Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [Power Fist]


Tactical Support Squad (210pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]


Tactical Support Squad (210pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns]


Legion Terminator Squad (215pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Power Fist]

Legion Terminator Sergeant [Chainfist]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (250pts) [Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Marksmen, 2x Melta Gun, Power Weapon

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Power Fist]


Seeker Squad (345pts) [4x Combi-weapon, Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines]

Legion Strike Leader [Power Fist]


Legion Heavy Support Squad (300pts) [iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Space Marines]

Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (400pts)

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [2x Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]









Whilst its pretty much set i thought id share my list for the Campaign Weekend coming up to see what people thought?


Tactics are pretty simple, push for first turn, Consider deploying the Terminators/Command squad depending on what the enemy has firepower wise. First Wave is: Veterans, Seekers, Leviathan and Heavy Support squad (With Librarian) unless theres a compelling reason otherwise :)


Sorry if the formatting is awful, my work pcs tend to squash things :(

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I might be missing something but is the list legal? How do the terminators deploy (I thought everything had to be able to deep strike in an OA list)?


If I'm wrong and the list is ok I'd suggest the following:

You need to add armoured ceramite to the leviathan - it will help protect your investment.


I'd make the terminators all have chain fists - this appears to be an unpopular option to many but for an extra 20pts you'd have an unit that can take on superheavies, spartans and knights with some chance of success - only your leviathan has this capability and at 3000pts you'll likely come across more then one tough unit per army.


I'd also look at making your command sqd all power weapons (axes) for that AP2 punch.


To get the points I'd consider reducing the seekers and your heavy support sqd slightly.


If you need another pod (dreadclaw) to make your list legal I'd drop the moriat or librarian for the points.

I'd probably do this anyway as it makes your terminators more dangerous (deep strike turn 1, charge out of the pod turn 2) it would also take your number of pods up to 9, allowing 4 to drop turn 1!

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I might be missing something but is the list legal? How do the terminators deploy (I thought everything had to be able to deep strike in an OA list)?


They get DS in Orbital strike lists :)


If I'm wrong and the list is ok I'd suggest the following:

You need to add armoured ceramite to the leviathan - it will help protect your investment.


I have put a lot of thought into that one but ultimately our Meta tends to veer away from anyone using Melta for AT due to so much ceramite! Im hoping thats still true at WHW, last time i was there i largely fought Mechanicum it seemed :)


I'd make the terminators all have chain fists - this appears to be an unpopular option to many but for an extra 20pts you'd have an unit that can take on superheavies, spartans and knights with some chance of success - only your leviathan has this capability and at 3000pts you'll likely come across more then one tough unit per army.


I'd also look at making your command sqd all power weapons (axes) for that AP2 punch.


To get the points I'd consider reducing the seekers and your heavy support sqd slightly.


Ive run an all Chainfist unit before and it tends to be overkill, that said it was before Superheavies were so prevalent but i do like mixing up initiatives a bit, especially obvious in the Command squad where ive found Sabres more reliable than Power swords given the messes they tend to end up in :D


As for reducing ill admit those two units are mostly in because i like the models, its really obvious how expensive Seekers and Destroyers are compared to Veterans when lined up together!


If you need another pod (dreadclaw) to make your list legal I'd drop the moriat or librarian for the points.

I'd probably do this anyway as it makes your terminators more dangerous (deep strike turn 1, charge out of the pod turn 2) it would also take your number of pods up to 9, allowing 4 to drop turn 1!



The Moritat i definitely struggled with but when it works, it worrrrrks! :D Same for pods, its just squeezing

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