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Infantry-heavy Ultramarines (3000pts)


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Hello fellow frater,

I want to start two HH armies at the same time. As the first one will be a rather static IW force (you can find the list here), the second one should be a more mobile intervention force and it should be Ultramarines. Bikes are a no-go for me as I already have a large 40k Ravenwing force. I could image to use some Jetbikes, but due to the fact that I already have two B@C-boxes to work with, I am aiming at an infantry-heavy force. Beside the two boxes I own 10 MkII assault marines, a Storm Eagle and 5 Destroyers with jump packs, which could be included. I am not really convinced of the Destroyers though, when I look at their price tag.

Below you find the first draft I came up with. I think it is too weak on anti-armor in its current form and I am not sure if it is actually fast enough. I also thought about using the Orbital Assault RoW instead of the Logos Lectora, but then again I do not see how to put together a workable list against heavy armor. Btw I am aware that other legions are more suitable for the concept I have in mind, but after almost twenty years in the hobby it has finally to be the XIII. for me! I've always liked Ultramarines, did never play them, now the time is ripe. And one final thought: Would it help to reduce the number of points to something around 2500?!

So, here is the list, to make it 3000 I can spend another 20 pts.

+++ Ultramarines (2980pts) +++

+ HQ (402pts) +

Legion Centurion (225pts) [Artificer Armour, Damocles Command Rhino, Legatine Axe, Melta Bombs]
····May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: [Master of Signal]

Legion Praetor (177pts) [Digital Lasers, Paragon Blade, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Volkite Charger]
····Master of the Legion [The Logos Lectora]

+ Troops (640pts) +

Legion Assault Squad (220pts) [9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
····Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade, Multi-melta]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (215pts) [5x Legion Space Marines, Melta Guns]
····Legion Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

+ Elites (378pts) +

Legion Terminator Squad (378pts) [2x Chainfist, 8x Legion Terminators, Tartaros Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 8x Volkite Charger]
····Legion Terminator Sergeant [Volkite Charger]

+ Fast Attack (905pts) +

Legion Seeker Squad (335pts) [9x Legion Seeker Space Marines]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade, Multi-melta]
····Legion Strike Leader [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]

Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship (285pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Twin-linked Multi-melta, Two Twin-linked Lascannons]

Locutarus Storm Squad (285pts) [9x Locutarus]
····Locutarus Strike Leader [Power Axe]

+ Heavy Support (655pts) +

Legion Heavy Support Squad (190pts) [4x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Culverin]
····Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner, Power Armour]

It would probably make more sense to put LasCans on the heavy support squad, but I simply love the concept of Choom... cool.png

Legion Sicaran Battle Tank (205pts) [Lascannons]

Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (260pts)
····Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]
····Legion Vindicator Tank [Laser Destroyer Array]

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