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2000pts WW1 themed militia list


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This is a fun list I m thinking about.  Anvil Industries is gearing up to release their Trench Raider wave and I am very excited about this.  I have always wanted to do a WW1 themed army and this seems like a fun way of doing it.


My provenances are Survivors of the Dark Age and Abhuman Helots (for that sweet marine lite survivability).  I am open to suggestions to swapping out the abhuman  provenance for something else though as it can be a little unfluffly and it does create problems if I want to ally something in.  I know I am light on infantry but  almost everyone is T4 with a 3+ and stubborn (Discipline collars)





Force Commander, Iron Halo + provenances



Troops 1255


305-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus


305-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus


305-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus


340- Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad, Heavy Flamers,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus


Fast Attack 230


230-Thunderbolt Fighter, Ground Tracking Auguries, Flare Shield


Heavy Support 336


336- Imperialis Heavy Ordnance Battery, Medusa, 12x extra crew



The Proteus are my Mark 4 British tanks that also conveniently shield my guys inside presenting a wall of AV 14 to my opponent.  I chose laslocks with advance weapons because I can't add special weapons in and still take the transport so II needed as much punch as I could get so I grabbed the Str 5 basic gun option. I figured since they are meched up the lower range won't be as much as an issue.  Although lasrifles might be better due to flexibility and the extra shot at double tap range would more then make up for the lower strength.   The force commander hides with the artillery battery to add his leadership so they don't run.  The thunderbot is in there because P-40/Hawker Hurricanes in SPAAAAAAACE is just  plain awesome. 


So what do yo think? 

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Love the theme mate! Good choice of Provenances too. Couple of points though...


You can't take a Land Raider Proteus for the Fire Support Squad - only Grenadiers and Command Cadres can get them with "Survivors of the Dark Age". But I wouldn't take one anyway, as they can take long ranged guns, like autocannon, and sit backfield with the Medusae. Now imagine if those autocannon had AP3...


...because if you take "Planetary Overlord" on your Force Commander, you can pick "Merchant Princling" as your Warlord Trait and give an Infantry squad 1 better AP on their ranged weapons!


Grenadiers setup is spot-on. I would definitely take dozer blades on their Land Raiders though, and at least consider armoured ceramite, multi-melta and extra TL lascannon.


Maybe think about taking a Command Cadre? Gives a useful morale bubble for your backfield units, and then you can attach a Discipline Master to them and the Fire Support Squad.


And I'd definitely add a Cyber-familiar to the Force Commander for a 3++. :)

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Thanks for the input.  Lots of good tips there.  I can't believe I missed the the transport issue with the fire support squad.


I have a question about the Discipline Master since you have to take 2 minimum can I attach one to the artillery battery? It says he has to attach to unit with the infantry type.  Well looking at the artillery battery the crew is listed separately and have the infantry type.  The rules for following back also seems to imply the crew is separate
as well.


This is important because if I can't attach the Discipline Master the artillery battery I need a second squad to put him. 

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Yeah, it's a funny one that Forge World do with their Artillery units - Rapiers are another example of it. If you look at all other examples in GW books, they are just "Unit Type: Artillery". So that would mean you can't attach Apothecaries to Rapiers, or Discipline Masters to Heavy Ordnance Batteries. Forge World specifying unit types for the crew and the gun might be deliberate in order to allow for attaching units, or it may just be a quirk. No one knows.


If you are concerned about the legality of it, take a Platoon Command Cadre. Then you have 2 units. :) Or ask your local meta or gaming group!

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I have made a few changes to the list to accommodate the the suggestions.  I might have to drop a extra crewman for the artillery battery in order to fit in the pts for dozer blades for the tanks. Also I need to scrounge up points for the planetary overlord upgrade.  Perhaps I could drop the flare shield on the thunderbolt to help fit it in? I also have to take advanced weapons on the platoon Command Cadre as they have to be issued army wide if taken as an option.


Here is where I am at now:


Total 1991


HQ 240


175-Force Commander, Iron Halo + provenances


65-Imperialis Militia Platoon Command Cadres, Advanced weapons, Discipline Master 



Troops 1185


335-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus, Extra TL Lascannon


335-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus, Extra TL Lascannon


335-Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad,  Melta Bombs, Laslocks,  Advanced weapons , Discipline Collars,  Mounted in Land raider Proteus, Extra TL Lascannon


180- Imperialis Militia Fire Support Squad, Autocannons, Discipline Master 



Fast Attack 230


230-Thunderbolt Fighter, Ground Tracking Auguries, Flare Shield


Heavy Support 336


336- Imperialis Heavy Ordnance Battery, Medusa, 12x extra crew

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Well, in a WWI style army your Thunderbolt looks odds, It doesn't look as a Biplane.


Your Proteus have tu be Mark V* which carry a section of infantry :D :D


It looks solid, but you have so few models on the board... I use my DKoK for militia too, but there I put lot and lot of body on the board

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