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Imperial Fists 2500pts


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So I'm taking a break from 40k Ultramarines to build and paint some 30k Imperial Fists, but I have no idea what I'm doing and hopeing some vets can help steer me in the right direction


Here's what I want out of the army:

A competitive-ish list that still runs in the theme of the Imperial Fists 


A list that's easier on the wallet- I have more than enough tactical marines and tartaros terminators, and I can convert most of the rhino/land raider variants, but I'd like to stay away from the more esoteric stuff that FW puts out.


One that I can potentially turn into a 40k army with minimal investment (heavy/special weapons troopers are not a problem)



Here's what I've put together so far:


Praetorian 175pts

Cat terminator armor, power fist, digital weapons, storm shield

Cemturion 105pts

Artificier armor, master of signals


Legion Tactical squad  185pts

15 marines, Legion Vexilla


Legion Tactical squad  185pts

15 marines, Legion Vexilla


Legion Tactical squad  185pts

15 marines, Legion Vexilla


Legion Tactical squad  185pts

15 marines, Legion Vexilla


Legion support squad 160

5 marines, Volkite Calivers, rhino


Legion support squad 160

5 marines, Volkite Calivers, rhino


Apothecaryx2 90


Terminator squad  220

Cataphractii armor, x2powerfists, x2 stormshields, teleporter


Terminator squad  220

Cataphractii armor, x2powerfists, x2 stormshields, teleporter


Legion Predator 75



Legion Predator 75



Legion Predator 75



Typhon heavy seige tank

Ceremite plating





Thanks and help me figure out if this is the right direction. 

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Ok///looks good but seems a little boring for the illustrious VIIth. Lets switch out the powerfist for a solarite gauntlet on the Praetorian, dont think you need the MoS as you're not taking arty or anything with a pie plate...so maybe switheroo for a primaris medicae. 4 x 15 man squads...lets make 1 @ 20- sgts need AA and a PW and MB's for fun, and 2 x 10 man squads - sgt AA and power somethings with MB's, vex and the entire squad with extra CC weapons in rhinos for obj grabbing and slaying stuff. Probably just spent the points from teh 4th 15 man squad so lets look at the lack of AT...you have none other that the typhon which will be the #1 target for everyone. 

I know you dont want anything esoteric so lets look at a flyer... yes, the lightning (proxy a corvus or nephilim if you want but) get something that can AA any flyers outta the sky and strap some krakens on it to ding any spartans or esoteric stuff the other 30k dude will be bringing. 

3 AC 30k pred...yes please...

maytbe drop 1 termi squad, buff the remaining up to 7 dudes, throw in a assault cannon and a chainfist with the praetorian and other command dude of choice and make sure you have a transponder in one of those rhinos;)

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Similar to the post above:


I'd consider dropping 3 of the 15 man tac sqds, possibly the apothercaries and the MoS in order to free up some points.


I'd reinvest points in increasing the size of your TSS and to include melta or plasma (or one of each) - this gives you a greater capability in dealing with a range of threats. I'd also add a dozer blade to the rhino and if points allow a multi melta.


I'd use the points/ models to make a veteran sqd with marksman in another rhino, special/ heavy weapons to taste.


I'd think about putting all 3 predators into one squadron and upgrading one into a command vehicle - providing some useful upgrades, especially if you can find the points for lascannon sponsons.


With the spare Heavy slots (and the models freed up by reducing the tactical sqd) you could now add a heavy support squad, heavy weapons to consider would be; lascannons (great anti tank but expensive, missile launchers with flak for anti air or culverins for rule of cool and sheer volume of fire).


Deep striking the terminators looks good on paper but can be very challenging...

A command rhino could be a good investment for the 24" no scatter bubble and 1+ your reserve rolls but is often a high priority target for the enemy.

Fortifications are both fluffy for IF but also provide the options for a comms relay for vital reserve manipulation but could also offer a cheap source of anti air (quad gun) and a defence line for HSS/ tactical sqds to shelter behind.

Vox units in your infantry is another must - it provides you 6" bubbles to deep strike your terminators into. Using your landraiders is another, all be it expensive, option.


Other considerations, upgrades:

Vet sergeants artificer armour, melta bombs and points allowing power axe/ fist.

Chain fists on the terminators - at least one per sqd (though I like running 5 in a small squad for dedicated anti- super heavy duties), combi weapons (melta or plasma) so that they can actually damage something when they deep strike.


Clearly you won't be able to fit everything in but hopefully it gives you some ideas to consider which will help you stick to your theme/ resources but makes your list a bit more viable/ competitive.

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