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No school like the old school - one of my favourite codex art covers too, also on the excellent Battleforce box! I still have my box too, filled with lots of Guard sprues ready for raiding whenever I need smile.png

Fingers crossed for some regimental trait/customisation system when we get our codex update (I'm still thinking next year earliest, not just because I want to keep 40k spending down until then tongue.png ).

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No school like the old school - one of my favourite codex art covers too, also on the excellent Battleforce box! I still have my box too, filled with lots of Guard sprues ready for raiding whenever I need smile.png

Fingers crossed for some regimental trait/customisation system when we get our codex update (I'm still thinking next year earliest, not just because I want to keep 40k spending down until then tongue.png ).

Hopefully with some update plastic regiments that are not Cadians or Catachans - I want Vostroya, Valhalla, Tallarn, Armageddon, Praetorians and yes, even the little Mordians...

And I don't even play guard :P

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If anyone has the Codex, can you look at the doctrines for me and let me know what it says about 'Mechanised' please?


I think it was just a case of adding a Chimera to infantry units that couldn't normally have them at standard cost... is that correct?

All guard infantry must take the chimera transport whether they normally have the option or not. 

May not be combined with special equipment: warrior weapons or light infantry.

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Sigh, my dream codex would include:

-The 2000 Codex ability for Vanquishers to take both Vanquisher and battle cannon rounds

-The 2003 Codex ability to take the "light infantry" doctrine

-The 2009 Codex ability to take Al'Rahem

-The 2014 Codex ability to take really cheap conscripts and attached affordable priests


Tallarn Commander

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No school like the old school - one of my favourite codex art covers too, also on the excellent Battleforce box! I still have my box too, filled with lots of Guard sprues ready for raiding whenever I need smile.png

Fingers crossed for some regimental trait/customisation system when we get our codex update (I'm still thinking next year earliest, not just because I want to keep 40k spending down until then tongue.png ).

Hopefully with some update plastic regiments that are not Cadians or Catachans - I want Vostroya, Valhalla, Tallarn, Armageddon, Praetorians and yes, even the little Mordians...

And I don't even play guard :P

Who's little??

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There are rumors that 8th edition is around the corner, and we've not heard anything about a new codex. Now I know what SoB players feel like... Especially with the state of our codex...

Our codex isnt that bad to be honest. 

I just miss the old doctrine system that allowed for really awesome fluffly armies. 

The units themselves are average to good. 

The codex has just become a bit bland, thats all. 

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There are rumors that 8th edition is around the corner, and we've not heard anything about a new codex. Now I know what SoB players feel like... Especially with the state of our codex...

Our codex isnt that bad to be honest. 

I just miss the old doctrine system that allowed for really awesome fluffly armies. 

The units themselves are average to good. 

The codex has just become a bit bland, thats all. 


You're right on all counts. Which is in itself, at least in my eyes, the whole condemnation of the codex. It's boring. It's why I much rather play from the Forgeworld expansions, even though stuff costs more, it's at least more fun. It's why I basically recosted the whole 5th ed codex, condensed it with Imperial Armor and added some of my own touches. Because the 5th ed book was full of flavor and some units were actually worth taking (like the hydra). 


The Codex is one of the reasons why I'm converting my guard over to Solar Auxilia. That army is well constructed and fluffy and can hold its own against armies of marines. 


I'll keep playing guard, but I'll do it with Armored Battlegroup, Elysian Drop Troops, and Death Korps of Krieg rules. The base codex just doesn't do it for me.



For Sisters it's more the general lack of support rather than the codex, but someone has to be at the back of the queue. I'm ready for a new codex as I've played this one a lot!

I just hope the next book brings back some flavor to the Guard. 

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