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New Vlka Fenryka player list


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Hi all.

I'm a new player of Horus Heresy (40k veteran) and just bought a copy of Betrayal at Calth and The Burning of Prospero, with the idea of building a VIth Legion army. I've seen there are no specific rules for Space Wolves, until the 7th book, Inferno, is released, but I wanted to start with some of the miniatures I already have.


To learn the mechanics of HH, I've come with a 1000 points list, with no special units (there are none for the moment):



Legion praetor (cataphractii, digital lasers, volkite charger, paragon blade)



19 men tactical squad (legion vexilla, sgt w/artificer armour, power fist, bolt pistol)

19 men tactical squad (legion vexilla, sgt w/artificer armour, power fist, bolt pistol)



Apothecarion detachment (2 apoth w/augury scanner, artificer armour) - one on each tactical squad


Contemptor mortis dreadnought (2 kheres, havoc launcher, extra armour)


I have no idea which rites of war should I take for a detachement like this. In fact, it's a list to play in a doubles game, with the other playing more aggressive, and this one for taking and maintaining objectives (and support fire from the dread).

I don't want to use terminators or veterans for the moment, until I see what VIth legion exclusive miniatures are in the upcoming book. I have a Sicaran also, bought just for painting, but I can use it. Also, I can change one of the arms of the dread for a power fist.


Any suggestions?

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I'd probably think about a cheaper HQ. As you're not running a RoW a basic centurion would do the job - especially at a 1000pts.


I'd also try to add additional CCW to the tac sqd - it's a useful upgrade for close combat, fluffy and provides great modelling opportunities.


To pay for the points I'd drop the tac sqds to around 15 and lose 1 x apothercary.


With the savings from the 2 tac sqds, apothercary and HQ you might be able to squeeze in a small tactical support sqd (volkite chargers and CCW would be cheap yet effective option) and add a rhino. The apothecary and your HQ (centurion in artificer armour) could go with this squad to give it further punch.


Or use the spare point for the Sicaran (I'd go heavy bolter heavy at this points level) and put the HQ and apothercary in the same tac sqd.


For me counter attack or furious charge would provide fluffy universal rules until the new rules drop. That said stubborn is probably the best option rules wise.

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Thanks for the answers!! As I said, this list is made to play along another one, more aggressive, that's why I wanted to maximize the tactical squads. But let's keep the idea of playing it alone.


About the HQ, you are right, it's better a centurion, I don't know which row to use, I can't see one that fits with my idea. But the rules you mention (counter attack, stubborn...), where do they come from? Also, to fit with all the changes, the centurion would be naked (artificer armour, bolt pistol) isn't it?


For troops, do I have to change all boltguns for ccw or can I keep them? Does it give any benefit to have a boltgun, instead of a bolt pistol, and a chainsword? Or am I missing something? The same for the support squad, volkite chargers are not pistols, so no bonus when charging.


Lastly, what about the dreadnought? Is it a good idea or is better to add another tactical squad/apothecary/anything else?

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The universal rules are from the legion age of darkness red book - I don't have the reference to hand. Essentially it allows legions without full rules to pick a universal rule for all of their units with the 'Legion astartes X' rule. From memory the options are furious charge, counter attack, stubborn and maybe 1-2 others.


Regarding tactical squads - you can take close combat weapons as an upgrade - giving them the tactical flexability of medium/ short ranged fire power (enhanced by fury if the legion) and close combat (with 2 attaks each) - the close combat ability would be enhanced by either furious charge or counter attack.


Regarding TTS - they have pistols already so an additional close combat weapon will kit them out like the tactical squads. Volkite charges are an assault weapon, making it a useful combo, especially in low points games.


With the centurion - you don't need to upgrade him to a consul type - just add weapons/ upgrades to taste. A power fist, refractor shield and artificer armour would be a good option but it's up to you.


The only non-legion specific RoW that I find useful in such low points games is pride of the legion and you don't want to take vets/ termies so I'd just run the normal FOC.


Contemptors are a useful option at this level, providing a great source of firepower and close combat punch and can counter other dreadnaughts.

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