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2500 Taghmata, Help a Noob


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Hello there! After a long 40k break, I've decided to take the plunge into 30k and absolutely love the Taghmata army, specifically the Legio Cybernetica. I am trying to find a starting-point for eventually expanding out to more competitive lists, but at the same time, I don't particularly want to get hammered in the face in the meantime. With that said, I've put together a 2500 point list, with minimal understanding of what is important in 30k (other than actually having scoring units).


Any tips/tricks/suggestions for a new Legio Cybernetica player?




HQ (1-3)      

Archmagos Dominus Abeyant (1) 180

Magos Dominus (1)   75        


Troops (2-6)

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, carapace armour, rite of pure thought 100

Triaros Armoured Conveyor (1)   135

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, carapace armour, rite of pure thought 100

Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, shock chargers, atomantic shielding 210

Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, shock chargers, atomantic shielding 210

Thallax Cohort (6) 2 multi-meltas 285


Elites (0-4)      

Domitar Maniple (1) Paragon of Metal 210


Fast Attack (0-3)      

Vorax Maniple (3) bio-corrosive ammunition, frag grenades 240

Vultarax Maniple (1)   175        


Heavy Support (0-3)      

Thanatar (1) Hellex plasma mortar, enhanced targeting array 265

Thanatar Calix (1) sollex heavy lascannon, enhanced targeting array 310


Total (2495)

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01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100001 00100000 01010111 01100101 01101100 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01001101 01100001 01110010 01110011 00100001


First thing i noticed are the MM for the Thallaxii. It´s the worst choise for them. Many vehicles can have armoured ceramite, which makes MM useless. The Phased Plasma Fusil is a much better choise.

For the Adsecularis i´m not sure if i would choose the Carapace Armour. I would keep them as cheap as posible. The RopT is okay. Maybe replace the Carapace with the Charger for more output.

I would give the Castellax the Enhanced Targeting Array.

And a Thanatar Calix? Really? For the same points you will get two Krios Venator. Those tanks are awesome. The Calix looks great, but for it´s points the laser is too weak. If you don´t wanna take the tanks add a second Thanatar.

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01010000 01110010 01100001 01101001 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00100001 00100000 01010111 01100101 01101100 01101100 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01001101 01100001 01110010 01110011 00100001


First thing i noticed are the MM for the Thallaxii. It´s the worst choise for them. Many vehicles can have armoured ceramite, which makes MM useless. The Phased Plasma Fusil is a much better choise.

For the Adsecularis i´m not sure if i would choose the Carapace Armour. I would keep them as cheap as posible. The RopT is okay. Maybe replace the Carapace with the Charger for more output.

I would give the Castellax the Enhanced Targeting Array.

And a Thanatar Calix? Really? For the same points you will get two Krios Venator. Those tanks are awesome. The Calix looks great, but for it´s points the laser is too weak. If you don´t wanna take the tanks add a second Thanatar.


Thanks for the feedback! I definitely do love the model for both Thanatar, but for now I'd like a more capable list, looking at the Venators, those Pulsar-fusil seem incredibly good at anti-tank, so I agree that it's probably beset to go with those for now. How does this look:



HQ (1-3)      

Archmagos Dominus Abeyant (1) 180

Magos Dominus (1)   75        


Troops (2-6)

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80

Triaros Armoured Conveyor (1)   135

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80

Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 240

Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 240

Thallax Cohort (6) 2 phased-plasma fusil 275

Thallax Cohort (3) 1 phased-plasma fusil 145


Elites (0-4)      

Domitar Maniple (1) Paragon of Metal 210


Fast Attack (0-3)      

Vorax Maniple (3) bio-corrosive ammunition, frag grenades 240

Vultarax Maniple (1)   175        


Heavy Support (0-3)      

Thanatar (1) Hellex plasma mortar, enhanced targeting array 265

Krios Venator (1) 150


Total (2490)



I'm also a bit unsure about the FA options and the Domitar. The Domitar does seem really fun, but also pretty damn slow, and the Vorax also seem effective, but could probably use a bigger unit? I also added a second unit of Thallax so that I could max out scoring with 6 troop choices (could be a bad idea? maybe go with the second Krios?). Thanks again!

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Maybe dropping the Domitar or the Vulturax and give the second Adsecularis unit a Triaros and add an additional Vorax. I think you don´t need a Paragon of Metal in a Cybernetica list. you have 24" controling range with the Cortex Controller.

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Maybe dropping the Domitar or the Vulturax and give the second Adsecularis unit a Triaros and add an additional Vorax. I think you don´t need a Paragon of Metal in a Cybernetica list. you have 24" controling range with the Cortex Controller.


Good call on Paragon, are Triaros worth spending points on though for the Adsecularis? It feels so waseful spending 135 points to transport an 80-point unit, haha.

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Yes, the Triaros will deliver the Adsecularis to their mission objects. After that they are powerful units on their own. tank shocking other tanks with haywire. Or you use them as mobile bunkers. I have a Triaros for all my three Adsecularis squads.

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Yes, the Triaros will deliver the Adsecularis to their mission objects. After that they are powerful units on their own. tank shocking other tanks with haywire. Or you use them as mobile bunkers. I have a Triaros for all my three Adsecularis squads.


Hmmm... Maybe I'll add a second one eventually then, haha.


HQ (1-3)      

Archmagos Dominus Abeyant (1) 180

Magos Dominus (1)   75        


Troops (2-6)

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80

Triaros Armoured Conveyor (1)   135

Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80

Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 240

Castellax Maniple (2) darkfire cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 280

Thallax Cohort (6) meltabombs    285


Fast Attack (0-3)      

Vorax Maniple (5) bio-corrosive ammunition, frag grenades 400


Heavy Support (0-3)      

Thanatar (1) enhanced targeting array 265

Thanatar Calix (1) enhanced targeting array 310

Krios Venator (1) 150


Total (2500)


I really wanted double Thanatar, but that Krios is so good, so instead I figured out how to get my cake and eat it too. This is feeling fairly refined. Dropping a single Vorax keeps them effective still, while giving me a few extra points for flexibility. I opted to go with meltabombs on the Thallax so that they're geared to handle just about any threat, and if someone isn't running ceramite on a vehicle, or has any MC, they can go hunt them down.

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Calix is terrible for whatever it's worth.


Yeah... But it looks so awesome I'm going to get it anyhow. I'll probably swap it out for something better down the line, but for now, the rule of cool wins. After talking to some of the locals, they feel that with a big unit of 5-6 Vorax, that my list would get pretty un-fun to play against pretty quickly (monster-mash), so in the short-term, I'm going to swap out 2 of them for a unit of Ursarax. It'll give me a different unit type to paint, which is always nice, though they're not necessarily my favorite models... I'm half tempted to swap them for a Domitar, but the Domitar also doesn't seem that spectacular, though it looks amazing.


HQ (1-3) 
Archmagos Dominus Abeyant (1) 180
Magos Dominus (1) 75 
Troops (2-6)
Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80
Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80
Triaros Armoured Conveyor (1) 135
Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 240
Castellax Maniple (2) darkfire bolt cannons, two boltguns, enhanced targeting array 280
Thallax Cohort (6) 255
Fast Attack (0-3) 
Vorax Maniple (3) bio-corrosive ammunition, frag grenades 240
Ursarax Cohort (3) 1 set of power fists 185
Heavy Support (0-3) 
Thanatar (1) enhanced targeting array 265
Thanatar Calix (1) enhanced targeting array 310
Krios Venator (1) 150
Total (2495)
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Vorax impact depends on whether you use the FAQ or not. If you let everyone throw grenades, Krak grenades fold Vorax in a hurry.


Good point, I'll have to ask, but being in Cybernetica does help them quite a bit, buffing them to I5.


After talking to them a bit more, apparently it's the Thanatar that makes people rage, so taking two of them, regardless of load-out might be a bit much to start making friends with this new group, haha. That said, we all know the Calix is kind of crap, so I've relented and dropped it, in favor of a second Krios, plus mixed my FA/Elites back up... Could drop the Domitar for more Vorax/Usurax, but I kind of like the diversity of models for painting.


HQ (1-3) 
Archmagos Dominus Abeyant (1) 180
Magos Dominus (1) 75 
Troops (2-6)
Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80
Adsecularis Covenant (20) las-locks, rite of pure thought 80
Triaros Armoured Conveyor (1) 135
Castellax Maniple (2) mauler-pattern bolt cannons, enhanced targeting array 240
Castellax Maniple (2) darkfire bolt cannons, enhanced targeting array 280
Thallax Cohort (6) 255
Elites (0-3)
Domitar (1) 175
Fast Attack (0-3) 
Vorax (3) bio-corrosive ammunition, frag grenades 240

Ursarax (3) 1 pair power fists 185

Heavy Support (0-3) 
Thanatar (1) enhanced targeting array 265
Krios Venator (1) 150
Krios Venator (1) 150
Total (2490)
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Only nitpicks:

Archmagos Dominus is awful. If you aren't taking Skoria, you're better off taking a pair of standard Magos Dominus for roughly the same points.

Domitars are the worst monstrous creature you have, but you said you are trying to tone down the list, so okay I guess. You could also swap the Domitar for a Vultarax (coming out in a week) since you otherwise have no anti-air.

Ursarax are also awful, because they can't sweep if they win combat, and their Ld8 means they will break and scatter if they lose combat. But again, trying to tone it down, so okay. \

Two Krios venators are actually way scarier than a Thanatar Calix, so the change is working in your favor there. tongue.png

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Only nitpicks:

Archmagos Dominus is awful. If you aren't taking Skoria, you're better off taking a pair of standard Magos Dominus for roughly the same points.

Domitars are the worst monstrous creature you have, but you said you are trying to tone down the list, so okay I guess. You could also swap the Domitar for a Vultarax (coming out in a week) since you otherwise have no anti-air.

Ursarax are also awful, because they can't sweep if they win combat, and their Ld8 means they will break and scatter if they lose combat. But again, trying to tone it down, so okay. \

Two Krios venators are actually way scarier than a Thanatar Calix, so the change is working in your favor there. tongue.png

Yeah, I was just looking at the Archmagos Dominus, trying to figure out why to take it, I may downgrade him to two more Magos.

Despite the Domitar not being that great, it does look awesome, so there is that, haha.

I didn't realize the Ursarax couldn't sweep, that's actually pretty awful, and since I don't care for the models, maybe I'll change it.

I agree about the Krios, but I know I'll get the Calix eventually anyhow, and double Venators will help bring up the power level to make up for things like the Domitar.

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The Calix annoys me to no end. I wish it had the rule from the super lascannon that the new Deredeo carries, where it causes an additional penetrating hit with no cover saves allowed if one penetrating hit gets through. Something. Not just lascannon + 1S for +45 points over the plasma mortar. Boo hiss!


I like to think it sucks so much as to allow us to have the glory that is Skoria and Arlatax and Vulterax.

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The Calix annoys me to no end. I wish it had the rule from the super lascannon that the new Deredeo carries, where it causes an additional penetrating hit with no cover saves allowed if one penetrating hit gets through. Something. Not just lascannon + 1S for +45 points over the plasma mortar. Boo hiss!


I like to think it sucks so much as to allow us to have the glory that is Skoria and Arlatax and Vulterax.


Haha, I agree, I'm kind of tempted to get it anyhow, since it is basically my favorite model, and using it as an excuse to run whatever I like with the rest of my army... 310 points for a single S10 Ap2 shot (not even AP1, golly gee) should be enough of a handicap.

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