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2500pts Cybernetica - need feedback


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Hi everyone!

I'm quite close to finishing my Raven Guard and Emperor's Children armies, and I'm slowly starting to look for my next project. 

I have spend quite some time reading and re-reading the mechanicum rules, and I've come up with 2 lists that seem fun to me.


Both lists will be legio Cybernetica. One list is really focussed on robots only, and the other one has some more variation in it. 


+ HQ + 

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts




- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts


- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon) - 240pts


- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 4x Myrmidon Secutor (all 2x plasma-fusil) - 315pts
- Triaros Armoured Conveyor (Extra Armour) - 140pts
- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
- Krios - 125pts
- Krios Venator - 150 pts
This list has some tanks and the secutors, which seem to be good on paper and I like the models, however, I'm a Mechanicum noob and I don't know how well the combo of robots and non-robots will work in this list. 
That is why I also made this list:

+ HQ + 

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts




- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts


- 3x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, 1x Multi-Melta) - 360pts


- 1x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, Darkfire Cannon) - 140pts


- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- 3x Vorax - 195pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
Please feel free to comment whatever, and suggest any changes. Nothing really has to stay and nothing is really of limits except for those ugly deep sea diver dudes. I like the Cybernetica idea and the Scoria Character rules so I'd like to use those.
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Second list seems strong but I'd take Homonculex before the Vorax squad, especially if you don't use the FAQ locally.

Thank you for the comment, that's easily done since they are the same points. 

The only problem is the model.. not sure what it should more or less look like...


You think there is enough in the list to be all-round? (enough anti-tank, -infantry, - air, -terminator)?

I think I'm quite ok on anti MEQ and other infantry. Not so sure if I have enough to counter a spartan.. 


In the second list I could drop the lone Castellax and add a krios venator for extra anti-tank.



Been looking at some lists on the webs, and some lists only have Castellax as troops. Even in a Cybernetica list, they are not scoring right?

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Many people are converting the Arlatax from the Domitar, thus using one of our best looking models with the worst rules to represent one of our crunchiest units with no model.


I'm going to do that for one for my Homonculex and really make it Dark Mechanicum-esque so it has a reason to look completely different (if they don't just make them a Domitar with different weapons anyway) from the eventual real thing.


Yes people go all robot without realizing that. It's hard to spend points on other things, my current list only utilizes 2 squads or adsecularis to hold my objectives while the robots kill everything else.

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Yes people go all robot without realizing that. It's hard to spend points on other things, my current list only utilizes 2 squads or adsecularis to hold my objectives while the robots kill everything else.


I assume they ride in a Triaros?

Do you feel like 2 scoring units is usually enough at 2500pts? My marine lists usually have at least 3 and mostly 4 at that points level. But I can imagine that the Mechanicum kills more of their opponents troops than a marine list would, effectively lowering the amount you need to even the board?


So, slowly leaning more towards the second list, I've made some adjustments after your comments:


+ HQ + 

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts




- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts


- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, Frag Grenades, 2x Siege Wrecker) - 290pts


- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts


- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- 1x Arlatax (Arc Scourge) - 220pts
- Homonculex (Arc Scourge) - 185pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
TOTAL: 2500pts
1. Swapped Vorax for Homonculex
2. To not have Homonculex be the only assault orientated unit (which never works well in my experience), I've added a Arlatax to go up the board with him. He also syncs nicely with the Cybernetica rules and the Protocols Scoria adds.
3. Removed the lone Castellax (he was there as a fill anyways)
4. Removed the Multi Melta Castellax inthe Bolter unit. He was there to try and pop artificer armour dudes before the bolter shots would be saved, but 4 Castellax total seems fine and less spammy.
On paper, I'd have the Thanatars Deploy in such a way that they could lay down firepower the whole game without having to move too much, nor be the most forward unit. Paragon of Metal allows for them to be in a little bit of a flank position to get different fire lanes and force the opponent to split up his force. The Castellax would be mid-field in front of them along with the Thallax. Thallax making sure that their priority is to stay alive and move for objectives. The Homonculex and Arlatax would hunt down the stuff that could to most damage to the rest of the army. Either killing them, forcing them away form the rest of my army or just harassing them long enough for the rest of my army to face less shooting etc. The Vultarax will just be cool and do whatever seems right. 
Please comment on any miss-use or dream thoughts I've just spilled about the units in this list. Sometimes stuff performs quite different on the table than on paper. I'm wondering about the Homonculex and Arlatax in performance and and I'm still not sure how to deal with lots of vehicles (though every unit in the list has some answer to armour because of their high strength). 
Maybe 2 Thanatars isn't the most fun to play against? So I think I should maybe take on out and add a Krios Venator and add back the Multi Melta Castellax to the Botler group? This would also add some anti armour to the list.
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I don't bother with transports for Adsecularis. I just put two objectives in or near my lines, park them on them, and play with the rest of the army. Two units with rite of pure thought are 100 points. I find it adequate. Not often sufficient, but adequate.


Having faced two Thanatars, it is indeed brutal.  Equally brutal to face two batteries of Reductor Medusas, so I limit myself to only 1 Thanatar or 2 Medusas in a squadron, never more than that.  But your local mileage may vary.  You can always just take some Krios tanks.  My current 2000 and 2500 point Cybernetica lists actually only have a Thanatar as heavy support.


Suggestions for your latest list:

Only one maniple in the army can take Paragon of Metal, so only one Thanatar could get it.  The only exception is the Homonculex, who comes with it built-in, thus letting you have Homonculex with Paragon and one other model with Paragon.  Another potential place for your one Paragon is the Arlatax. Given that you have costed him at 220 points, I assume you already gave him Paragon, so this list actually has 70 points of illegal upgrades.


You only have one cortex controller bubble and you will want to advance with Skoria and the faster-moving units.  I would drop one of the Thallax squads and take a Magos Dominus to go with the Dark Lance Castellax squad.  You can leave him basically naked to just provide a backfield bubble, repair stuff, and cast Cybertheurgy (so you can fire a Thanatar twice if you need to for example), or give him a basic upgrade like a conversion beamer.


Monstrous creatures can smash, so I wouldn't bother with Siege Breakers on the Mauler Castellax.  I am not sure I would spend the points on enhanced targeting arrays either for just Maulers. Between the left-over points from the Thallax-Magos swap and dropping these upgrades, you should be able to squeeze in a 3rd Castellax here.  Since this unit likes to get close, I like flamers over bolters here.  

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I don't bother with transports for Adsecularis. I just put two objectives in or near my lines, park them on them, and play with the rest of the army. Two units with rite of pure thought are 100 points. I find it adequate. Not often sufficient, but adequate.

Having faced two Thanatars, it is indeed brutal. Equally brutal to face two batteries of Reductor Medusas, so I limit myself to only 1 Thanatar or 2 Medusas in a squadron, never more than that. But your local mileage may vary. You can always just take some Krios tanks. My current 2000 and 2500 point Cybernetica lists actually only have a Thanatar as heavy support.

Suggestions for your latest list:

Only one maniple in the army can take Paragon of Metal, so only one Thanatar could get it. The only exception is the Homonculex, who comes with it built-in, thus letting you have Homonculex with Paragon and one other model with Paragon. Another potential place for your one Paragon is the Arlatax. Given that you have costed him at 220 points, I assume you already gave him Paragon, so this list actually has 70 points of illegal upgrades.

You only have one cortex controller bubble and you will want to advance with Skoria and the faster-moving units. I would drop one of the Thallax squads and take a Magos Dominus to go with the Dark Lance Castellax squad. You can leave him basically naked to just provide a backfield bubble, repair stuff, and cast Cybertheurgy (so you can fire a Thanatar twice if you need to for example), or give him a basic upgrade like a conversion beamer.

Monstrous creatures can smash, so I wouldn't bother with Siege Breakers on the Mauler Castellax. I am not sure I would spend the points on enhanced targeting arrays either for just Maulers. Between the left-over points from the Thallax-Magos swap and dropping these upgrades, you should be able to squeeze in a 3rd Castellax here. Since this unit likes to get close, I like flamers over bolters here.

Thanks! I feel we're getting somewhere smile.png.

I misinterpreted the Paragon of Metal rule, good thing you cleared that up.

After some changes:

+ HQ +

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts

- Magos Dominus - 75pts


- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts

- 3x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, 1x Multi Melta, Frag Grenades, 5x Flamer - 400pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- 1x Arlatax (Arc Scourge, Paragon of Metal) - 220pts
- Homonculex (Arc Scourge) - 185pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array) - 265pts
- Krios Venator - 150pts
TOTAL: 2500pts

1. I've kept 3 units of Thallax because I feel more comfortable with 3 troops I think. Also, if I end up running 2 units, a 3th unit will for sure be added at 3000pts so the models would not be a wasted buy. This seems like the safest option to try first.

2. Removed a Thanatar and removed the Paragon of Metal from the other one.

3. Added a Dominus as suggested (to walk with the darkfires)

4. Corrected the Paragon of Metal on the Arlatax (yes I already paid for it in the previous list)

5. Removed siege wreckers as suggested and gave the unit flamers

6. Added a Multi Melta Castellax to the bolter unit (has 1 flamer cause of points)

7. Added a Krios


- Not sure where the Paragon of Metal is equipped best. The Thanathar would most likely see the best use out of the IWND but the Arlatax enjoys the Rampage.

- Krios was added for fear of lack in anti tank, but I'm ok swapping it for something else because it's the only thing outside of the theme.

- Is the lone Arlatax even a good unit? It could also be swapped for another Vultarax or something else.

Considering all of it, I think I've got the base of the army quite set with:

+ HQ +

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts

- Magos Dominus - 75pts


- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts

- 3x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, Frag Grenades, 4x Flamer - 270pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- Homonculex (Arc Scourge) - 185pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Arrayl) - 265pts
TOTAL: 1855
That seems like a good base for a 2000pts list to play as well for those smaller games smile.png. The last 145pts should easily be filled with something from the 2500pts list (which is what I'm looking for).
So asuming this base, it's now about taking a 3th unit of Thallax yes/no, Krios yes/no, Arlatax yes/no.. or other stuff.
The Multi Melta Castellax will just be added if points end up that way.
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Okay so by way of comparison this is what I field at 2.5k



- Scorpion King

(315 points)

- Dominus w/augery scanner, infravisor, meltabombs

(90 points)



- Darkfire Castellax w/siege wrecker+enhanced array, 2x Darkfire Castellax w/enhanced array

(440 points)

- Darkfire Castellax w/siege wrecker+enhanced array, 2x Darkfire Castellax w/enhanced array

(440 points)


Fast Attack:

- Arlatax w/arc scourge, Arlatax w/claws

(360 points)

- Arlatax w/arc scourge, Arlatax w/claws

(360 points)

- Vultarax-Stratos

(175 points)


Heavy Support:

- Thanatar

(250 points)



- Aegis Line w/Ammo Dump

(70 points)


Total: 2500pts


Homonculex is cool and all, but he still dies just as easily as a lone Arlatax in the enemy turn (IWND doesn't trigger till your turn). A maniple of two is a better use of the FA slot. Arc scourge gives Rampage anyway, which is the part of Paragon that matters most (staying in cortex range is easy in Cybernetica, and Forbidden Protocols means you're still not that dumb off the leash). Also Rite of the Beast gets better the more robots get buffed by it. 


Thallax are trash and you'll lose on objectives most games anyway. Don't get sucked into it, just kill the enemy scoring as a priority. If you're that concerned drop ET's off the Castellax, some gear off the Dominus and pick up two Tech-Thrall squads with Rite of Pure Thought. I'm tossing up ditching my Aegis Line to do just that, but currently I enjoy re-rolls to hit on the darkfire and the 4+ cover is very handy against enemy AP3/2. I might end up ditching the ET's. 


TBH, if you're running Cybernetica, you should be conceding scoring anyway. FW deliberately removed any way for robots to score with 'Machine Creature' rule. It's kinda retarded IMO, they already jacked up prices, Patris Cybernetica eliminates Domini tanking wounds, and Cybertheurgy is still underpowered. Meanwhile Legion get Implacable Advance on killy units and even their base Troops are still quite effective offensively with Fury of the Legion etc, SA get scoring transport Vindicators :^). But them's the breaks. And even if you take Thallax or Tech-Thralls to score with, they just get deleted as priority targets and you still have no scoring. 

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Okay so by way of comparison this is what I field at 2.5k


Homonculex is cool and all, but he still dies just as easily as a lone Arlatax in the enemy turn (IWND doesn't trigger till your turn). A maniple of two is a better use of the FA slot. Arc scourge gives Rampage anyway, which is the part of Paragon that matters most (staying in cortex range is easy in Cybernetica, and Forbidden Protocols means you're still not that dumb off the leash). Also Rite of the Beast gets better the more robots get buffed by it.

Thallax are trash and you'll lose on objectives most games anyway. Don't get sucked into it, just kill the enemy scoring as a priority. If you're that concerned drop ET's off the Castellax, some gear off the Dominus and pick up two Tech-Thrall squads with Rite of Pure Thought. I'm tossing up ditching my Aegis Line to do just that, but currently I enjoy re-rolls to hit on the darkfire and the 4+ cover is very handy against enemy AP3/2. I might end up ditching the ET's.

TBH, if you're running Cybernetica, you should be conceding scoring anyway. FW deliberately removed any way for robots to score with 'Machine Creature' rule. It's kinda retarded IMO, they already jacked up prices, Patris Cybernetica eliminates Domini tanking wounds, and Cybertheurgy is still underpowered. Meanwhile Legion get Implacable Advance on killy units and even their base Troops are still quite effective offensively with Fury of the Legion etc, SA get scoring transport Vindicators :^). But them's the breaks. And even if you take Thallax or Tech-Thralls to score with, they just get deleted as priority targets and you still have no scoring.

I really appreciate what you've written here, this helps a lot. I was afraid the Homonculex would not do too well on his own, and neither would the extra lone Arlatax with Paragon of Metal that I added to support him. You have 2nd this from what I understand, so I took them both out of the list, and created a group of 2 Arlatax. Homoculex will join the party when he gets a model smile.png.

So, I'm getting closer to a list that seems to be well balanced and fun. At the moment after implementing the feedback it looks like this:

+ HQ +

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts

- Magos Dominus (infravisor, Augury Scanner, Conversion Beamer) - 115pts


- 3x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 3x Darkfire Cannon) - 420pts

- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, Frag Grenades, 4x Flamer) - 270pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- 2x Arlatax (2x Arc Scourge) - 370pts
- 3x Vorax (frag grenades, 3x Irad-Cleanser) - 240pts
- Thanatar (Enhanced Targeting Array, Paragon of Metal) - 300pts
TOTAL: 2490pts

1. Removed Homonculex and the lone Arlatax and changed them to a unit of 2 Arlatax

2. Added a unit of 3 Vorax. I know these are not the best, but neither do they seem completely crap to me either. I like the models, they add some close combat support to the Arlatax and it makes the list more fun to the eye and less spammy. Since they will be I5 in this list, I think they could do quite well in at least 50% of the games... right?

3. Gave the Paragon of Metal back to the Thanatar to increase his durability and flexibility of deployment.

4. Consolidated to 2 units of Thallax. I thought I needed 3 units, but feedback tells me that 2 should be enough. Again they are cool models and add diversity, so I'm quite happy running 2 small units.

5. Swapped the Multi Melta Castellax for a Darkfire Castellax added to the other group.

6. Gave the Dominus some equipment, went for conversion beamer because of the range, and because I'll probably be using a Myrmidon model to play him.

I like this list cause it features all the different robot models, while still having a good solid base.

Please let me know your thoughts as before, and especially about the Vorax.. are they utterly bad or do they have a purpose as a support unit for the Arlatax. They are quite cheap and durable on paper (more so if I'd remove the Irad-Cleansers).

Without the Vorax and conversion beamer, I'd have 280pts to spend.. so that's basically the part of the army that's not so set yet. The other 2220pts seem to be quite solid to me.

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1. Removed Homonculex and the lone Arlatax and changed them to a unit of 2 Arlatax

2. Added a unit of 3 Vorax. I know these are not the best, but neither do they seem completely crap to me either. I like the models, they add some close combat support to the Arlatax and it makes the list more fun to the eye and less spammy. Since they will be I5 in this list, I think they could do quite well in at least 50% of the games... right?

3. Gave the Paragon of Metal back to the Thanatar to increase his durability and flexibility of deployment.

4. Consolidated to 2 units of Thallax. I thought I needed 3 units, but feedback tells me that 2 should be enough. Again they are cool models and add diversity, so I'm quite happy running 2 small units. 

5. Swapped the Multi Melta Castellax for a Darkfire Castellax added to the other group.

6. Gave the Dominus some equipment, went for conversion beamer because of the range, and because I'll probably be using a Myrmidon model to play him.


I like this list cause it features all the different robot models, while still having a good solid base. 

Please let me know your thoughts as before, and especially about the Vorax.. are they utterly bad or do they have a purpose as a support unit for the Arlatax. They are quite cheap and durable on paper (more so if I'd remove the Irad-Cleansers).

Without the Vorax and conversion beamer, I'd have 280pts to spend.. so that's basically the part of the army that's not so set yet. The other 2220pts seem to be quite solid to me.


Its a good decision man. Our FA slots are very competitive at the moment. Rage is the only real distinguishing feature on the Homonculex he has over a regular Paragon Arlatax, and the Rampage you can buy with arc scourge so even less reason to go Paragon. If Paragon was FNP of some kind it would be a lot more worthwhile. 


Vorax are bad because no Atomantic Shielding and they can be picked off by AP4 quite easily. One of the worst matchups you'll encounter is actually WE, because whilst you'll go first, the Inductarii have more dudes with higher WS and a boatload more attacks. There is also regular stuff like autocannons and heavy bolter that ruin their day. They look really cool though, and they are cheap and add visual variety. Rite of the Beast is brutal on them, I6 is hilarious and the re-rolls to melee and charge rolls is huge. 


I'd honestly drop Paragon, I don't even take ET on Thanatars anymore. 250pts for a single hellex shot (can't fire both weapons because Ordnance rule...) each turn is painful enough. They're necessary because Legion typically bring a tonne of infantry, and stuff like Incuctarii are impossible to kill off fast enough otherwise (have to ID them to stop the absurd 4+ FNP they can hit). But yeah, keep them bare bones if you can. Celerity puts wounds back on them anyway, IWND is unreliable at best. 


2 units should be fine, at least you're keeping them cheap and expendable. At least they make Infiltration useless and will woodchipper 3+ save units just fine. 


I'd advise against guns on Domini. You always want to be casting robot magic, and that precludes shooting. Infravisor and Augery Scanner are excellent upgrades though, the Infravisor in particular is very cost effective because the whole unit gets Night Vision. 


With your remaining 280pts I'd get two more Darkfire Castellax with enhanced arrays. You can either bulk up your Scoria bodyguard with them, or take them as another maniple to dilute enemy fire. 

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Its a good decision man. Our FA slots are very competitive at the moment. Rage is the only real distinguishing feature on the Homonculex he has over a regular Paragon Arlatax, and the Rampage you can buy with arc scourge so even less reason to go Paragon. If Paragon was FNP of some kind it would be a lot more worthwhile.

Vorax are bad because no Atomantic Shielding and they can be picked off by AP4 quite easily. One of the worst matchups you'll encounter is actually WE, because whilst you'll go first, the Inductarii have more dudes with higher WS and a boatload more attacks. There is also regular stuff like autocannons and heavy bolter that ruin their day. They look really cool though, and they are cheap and add visual variety. Rite of the Beast is brutal on them, I6 is hilarious and the re-rolls to melee and charge rolls is huge.

I'd honestly drop Paragon, I don't even take ET on Thanatars anymore. 250pts for a single hellex shot (can't fire both weapons because Ordnance rule...) each turn is painful enough. They're necessary because Legion typically bring a tonne of infantry, and stuff like Incuctarii are impossible to kill off fast enough otherwise (have to ID them to stop the absurd 4+ FNP they can hit). But yeah, keep them bare bones if you can. Celerity puts wounds back on them anyway, IWND is unreliable at best.

2 units should be fine, at least you're keeping them cheap and expendable. At least they make Infiltration useless and will woodchipper 3+ save units just fine.

I'd advise against guns on Domini. You always want to be casting robot magic, and that precludes shooting. Infravisor and Augery Scanner are excellent upgrades though, the Infravisor in particular is very cost effective because the whole unit gets Night Vision.

With your remaining 280pts I'd get two more Darkfire Castellax with enhanced arrays. You can either bulk up your Scoria bodyguard with them, or take them as another maniple to dilute enemy fire.

Good stuff once again, thank you.

I've decided to not go for another Castellax unit, I think it would probably be the strongest choice, but also the most boring choice paint/army/variety wise. This doesn't mean I'm set on the Vorax, but I haven't given up on them either. Need to think about my meta and how easily they'd be killed.

I've dropped the upgrades on the Thanatar, I think you're right, and saving 50pts is quite a bit and makes the Thanatar less hurtful to lose.

I'll be dropping the gun on the Dominus for reasons you mentioned.

Had to drop the flamers and 1 Arc Scourge to stay within pts limit:

+ HQ +

- Anacharis Scoria (Xanathite Abeyant) - 315pts

- Magos Dominus (Augury Scanner, Infravisor) - 85pts


- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts

- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Darkfire Cannon) - 280pts

- 2x Castellax (Enhanced Targeting Array, 2x Mauler Boltcannon, Frag Grenades) - 250pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- 3x Thallax Cohort (Plasma-Fusil) - 145pts

- Vultarax Stratos-Automata - 175pts
- 2x Arlatax (1x Arc Scourge) - 360pts
- 3x Vorax (frag grenades) - 210pts
- Thanatar - 250pts

Total: 2495pts

So still not 100% set on the Vorax and wondering if the 2nd Darkfire Unit is not better spend on a Krios Venator and some other stuff... but I also like having Robots only smile.png.

If running Vorax.. would you just run them with frag or add other upgrades?

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Thank you :).


The order has been made and is on it's way, so there is no turning back.

Wish those House Malinax Transfers were released yet, I want to go for that scheme. But maybe I'll go for the scheme, but use 'normal' Mechanicum decals for the 'normal mechanicum' that I ordered, and keep the House Malinax Decals for when knights join this party. This would keep them as one army, but not punch the fluff of putting a knight house decal on a Thallax.

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Only thing I just noticed, the Secutors I would arm with grav guns instead of plasma fusils. You have more than enough stuff that can kill Marines, you need more vehicle death, and nothing says vehicle death like 6 grav templates.

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Only thing I just noticed, the Secutors I would arm with grav guns instead of plasma fusils. You have more than enough stuff that can kill Marines, you need more vehicle death, and nothing says vehicle death like 6 grav templates.

Thank you, I had actually already done that while working on that list :). However, I decided to go 'full on' cybernetica and didn't include the secutors.


I ordered:

1 Thanatar

4 Castellax with Dark fire Cannon

2 Castellax with Mauler Bolt cannon

2 Domitar (to play as is or Aralax)

1 Vultarax

3 Vorax

6 Thallax (2 plasma fusil)

1 Magos Dominus on Abyant (Scoria)

3 Myrmidon Destructors (to convert one into a Dominus/Magos Prime)


Was able to create fun 1850, 2000 and 2500 pts lists using these models, nice variety and a quite well rounded army I hope. 3000pts would see a Atrapos and some upgrade somewhere I think.

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Only thing I just noticed, the Secutors I would arm with grav guns instead of plasma fusils. You have more than enough stuff that can kill Marines, you need more vehicle death, and nothing says vehicle death like 6 grav templates.

Thank you, I had actually already done that while working on that list smile.png. However, I decided to go 'full on' cybernetica and didn't include the secutors.

I ordered:

1 Thanatar

4 Castellax with Dark fire Cannon

2 Castellax with Mauler Bolt cannon

2 Domitar (to play as is or Aralax)

1 Vultarax

3 Vorax

6 Thallax (2 plasma fusil)

1 Magos Dominus on Abyant (Scoria)

3 Myrmidon Destructors (to convert one into a Dominus/Magos Prime)

Was able to create fun 1850, 2000 and 2500 pts lists using these models, nice variety and a quite well rounded army I hope. 3000pts would see a Atrapos and some upgrade somewhere I think.

You should get another set of destructors, then you have 5 left to arm with volkite culverins. Pretty beastly squad right there. All the other good loadouts (irad cleansers or graviton imploders) require a transport.

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Only thing I just noticed, the Secutors I would arm with grav guns instead of plasma fusils. You have more than enough stuff that can kill Marines, you need more vehicle death, and nothing says vehicle death like 6 grav templates.

Thank you, I had actually already done that while working on that list smile.png. However, I decided to go 'full on' cybernetica and didn't include the secutors.

I ordered:

1 Thanatar

4 Castellax with Dark fire Cannon

2 Castellax with Mauler Bolt cannon

2 Domitar (to play as is or Aralax)

1 Vultarax

3 Vorax

6 Thallax (2 plasma fusil)

1 Magos Dominus on Abyant (Scoria)

3 Myrmidon Destructors (to convert one into a Dominus/Magos Prime)

Was able to create fun 1850, 2000 and 2500 pts lists using these models, nice variety and a quite well rounded army I hope. 3000pts would see a Atrapos and some upgrade somewhere I think.

You should get another set of destructors, then you have 5 left to arm with volkite culverins. Pretty beastly squad right there. All the other good loadouts (irad cleansers or graviton imploders) require a transport.

I wasn't planning on running destructors in the list, nor do I think they will make the cut in a 3000pts list. I bought them to get parts/a model to use to make a Dominus :).

.... All @1 time¡¿

Compared to a legion, this was a steal :D.

I'm not the quickest painter and I'll be taking my sweet time to make sure they will look nice, but being able to field them even with just a basecoat, helps motivate me to keep painting :).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Myrmidon units I'd definitely consider in a Taghmata list, as they're kinda the backbone of the firepower. But in a Cybernetica list, even a Destructor culverin squad is ultimately less flexible and useful than a Thanatar. 


I'd say you've got a pretty strong 2.5k force to experiment with. I hope you do well with the Vorax and Thallax. 

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Everything is assembled and primed and I've finished the first model to try out the scheme and base I wanted. 

Was hoping to get a game in last weekend with the unpainted models, just cause I wanted to try out the list, but unfortunately I had to cancel.


This is the look I'm going for, I got inspired by the house Malinax scheme, but didn't want to do exactly that (since it's a knight house and non-knights wouldn't really fit), but I wanted something similar and I wanted a Martian looking base (cause I've already done snow, grassland, ruble, dirt etc). Hope you like him:



Of course the shinyness (is that a word?) is because of the lights shining at it. He's completely matt and the metal is also quite 'dull' / not too shiny.

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