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2500 Eaters of Worlds - Rough Draft


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Recommended list by Carnivore


WE 2500 Berserker Assault List (2496pts)


HQ (300pts)

Gahlan Surlak (110pts)

Khârn the Bloody (190pts): Legacy of Blood, Master of the Legion: Berserker Assault


TROOPS (786pts)


Legion Assault Squad (303pts): 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Chainaxes, 3x Power Weapons

Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combat Shield, Melta Bomb


Legion Assault Squad (228pts): 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, Chainaxes, 2x Power Weapons

Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs


Legion Tactical Squad (255pts): Augmented Inductii, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade

Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


ELITES (560pts)


Apothecarion Detachment (160pts)

Legion Apothecary: Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner, Jump Pack


Legion Apothecary: Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner, Jump Pack


The Red Butchers (400pts): The Devoured, 4x Butcher Terminators, Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, 4x Second Power Axes

The Devoured: Chainfist, Second Power Axe


FAST ATTACK (225pts)


Xiphon Interceptor (225pts): Armoured Cockpit, Chaff Launcher, Ground-tracking Auguries




Legion Spartan Assault Tank (390pts): Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield, Multi-melta, Dozer Blade


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (235pts): Armoured Ceramite, Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade

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Inductii in rhinos really isn't going to work, they badly need an assault transport. While they are awesome in an assault, spending a turn getting out of a rhino is just a chance for them to get wrecked by shooting. I'd either suggest making them one big unit and putting them in a spartan, which means no red butchers, or take dreadclaws if you want to keep the small ten man units. Spartan is probably the better way to go, since they way they can roll with Khârn and Gahlan. Red butchers are a fun unit, just seems like it will be difficult to fit them in the list with all the other units you have.


Also one other small change, the assault marines could really use a couple power weapons to boost their combat power. Sarg with artificer armor and axe or fist is pretty much mandatory, plus a few power swords would be handy as well. Also you need melta bombs on your sarges to deal with vehicles, especially dreadnoughts. If you drop the butchers, you'd have the pts for those power weapons and a few more mortars to give you anti tank firepower. 


I assume you're using the butcher's assault RoW? Works well with the units you have. 

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Right off of the bat, if I'm reading your list right - and I'm not sure I am as the way it's laid out is somewhat visually jarring - you have a lot of issues.


1) Other than the Xiphon and the Sicaran Venator - which are both great units, but like anything else can still be easily killed if your opponent brings the right counter-units - the ONLY anti-armour you have in your whole list is the single Quad Launcher and the Chainfist on your Devoured (Red Butchers) and the Multi-Melta on his unit's Spartan. In 30k, this is a HUGE problem. None of your Troops have melta bombs. If you're not bringing more vehicles or big guns that can punch through armour, then you're going to need to stock up on melta bombs, chainfists, etc. Which brings me to my second point...


2) All of your troop choices are naked. Stock. And you're bringing A LOT of troops. Every squad's Sergeant should have Artificer Armour - no exceptions. He should also have at minimum a power axe and melta bombs as Lord Asvaldir already pointed out, or a power fist instead of the axe if you can spare 5 points. In particular, the Sergeant of your Inductii squads' MUST have a power fist - he's S5 so anything he punches is going to either die instantly or be seriously hurt at best. Also, the Assault Squads badly need some power weapons. I would advise dropping one of our troop choices, ideally one of your assault squads, to kit out the remaining three squads with armour and weapons.


3) Unless you planned on putting them with the Butchers, Khârn and Surlak are footslogging it... alone, as your Rhinos are already at max capacity with just their squad. Needless to say, this is suicide. Your Inductii squads need to either be in pods, Land Raiders, or a Spartan if you want to run a 10+ man-squad and attach an HQ to the unit. You want them to get to the enemy as fast as possible, and to be able to attack immediately once they get there.


4) Why are you running a five-man Red Butcher Squad in a Spartan? If my guess was right and you are putting Khârn and Surlak with them, makes sense numerically, but other than that not at all. You could throw those 5 Butchers in a Land Raider Phobos or an Anvilus Dreadclaw and be equally effective and save at least 75-100pts. If you keep the Butchers, which I highly recommend as they are monstrous and super-fluffy for the XIIth Legion, you MUST keep a chainfist on the Devoured. No exceptions.


5) Take a look at this list - same number of points, and I tried to keep most of the same stuff you had already...


WE 2500 Berserker Assault List (2496pts)


HQ (300pts)

  • Gahlan Surlak (110pts)
  • Khârn the Bloody (190pts): Legacy of Blood, Master of the Legion: Berserker Assault
TROOPS (786pts)
  • Legion Assault Squad (303pts): 14x Legion Assault Space Marines, Chainaxes, 3x Power Weapons
Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combat Shield, Melta Bomb

  • Legion Assault Squad (228pts): 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, Chainaxes, 2x Power Weapons
Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Combat Shield, Melta Bombs
  • Legion Tactical Squad (255pts): Augmented Inductii, 14x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade
Legion Tactical Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Melta Bombs


ELITES (560pts)

  • Apothecarion Detachment (160pts)
Legion Apothecary: Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner, Jump Pack

Legion Apothecary: Caedere Weapon (Excoriator Chainaxe), Augury Scanner, Jump Pack

  • The Red Butchers (400pts): The Devoured, 4x Butcher Terminators, Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod, 4x Second Power Axes
The Devoured: Chainfist, Second Power Axe


FAST ATTACK (225pts)

  • Xiphon Interceptor (225pts): Armoured Cockpit, Chaff Launcher, Ground-tracking Auguries


  • Legion Spartan Assault Tank (390pts): Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield, Multi-melta, Dozer Blade
  • Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (235pts): Armoured Ceramite, Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade
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The list Carnivore suggested is solid if you want to keep with your current theme, only thing I'd change is only take one apothecary, really not worth the pts to give a ten man assault unit an apothecary. Take more bodies instead in that unit. 

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Apologies for the earlier format I was doing it from the old battlescribe on my phone and the formatting was hideous, after reading the feeding back I am thinking I am going to drop the Xiphon as I am not sure it is worth its points. Perhaps transportation for the inductii blob may be more important?

I am on board with dropping another apothecary and adding more inductii or assault Marines, in my meta I will likely be facing 40k armies for the most part the 30k I face will indeed be tank and flyer heavy so I think I need to ponder this a lot more.

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