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Ultramarine 2500pts


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I'm going to be getting a few games in soon and want to try this out.


Ultramarines 2500pts






Vigilator   Artificer armour

Vigilator   Recon armour

Vigilator   Power armour




Invictarus Suzerains x7, Thunderhammer

Legion Breacher Squad 2x graviton gun, vexilla

Legion Vet squad, 2x Missile launcher w/flakk, vexilla, Rhino

Legion Vet squad, 2x Plasma gun, vexilla

Legion Vet squad, 1x Missile Launcher w/flakk, plasma gun, vexilla, Rhino




ApothecaryX2 w/ Artificer armour, Augury Scanner




Legion Kharybdis

Sicaran Venator w/HB, Armoured ceramite




Roboute Gulliman


The vigilators en masse will hopefully pop 1-2 light vehicles early before the game starts.  Gulliman,, an apothecary and the Suzerains deploy via the Karybdis for a turn 2 charge.  Breachers to hold a backfield objective and the vets create an anti DS/outflank  bubble while holding back to midfield objectives.  The venator either stays out of sight and pops out to shoot or stays in reserve to at least get a shot off. 


Might drop the breacher squad for another vet squad to capitalise on Guilliman's boost.  Tank hunters with machine killers or even interceptor with machine killers is nice.   Not a lot of armour though and will struggle if something big gets in my backfield.  


Likely going to redo the list again so any comments are welcome.







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The vigilators seem like a huge waste of pts. You're paying what, 250ish pts for three bare bone vigilators that aren't even giving scout to any of your units, just so you can get off a couple sabotage attacks at the beginning of the game to kill maybe one rhino? That's 250pts spent on killing 35, and once they use the sabotage attacks they are useless. 


I'd drop all the vigilators, and take a chaplain instead to go with the suzerians. 

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Why can't they give scout to any unit?  They are there for that flexibility in case I want/need to scout.  In the past I've used two.  Most of the time they pop Vindicator laser destroyers, contemptors or Javelins if they deploy on the field.   And sniper shooting tempest bolt shells are actually decent. 


Your point is valid though but I prefer not to look at point for point trade offs when it comes to effectiveness. 


I've considered the Chaplain and may still use one seeing as how they do increase the effectiveness of the suzerains quite a bit.  so it may be worth the trade off for one vigilator as far as what will help out.


edit:  Also I need to try and max out my HQs.  Ultramarines give up points if all the HQs are dead.

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Well out of 5 squads, you have 2 in rhinos with no room for a vigilator, and the suzerians in the pod can't benefit from scout, so there's 3 units out right off the bat. Then consider that all three veteran units really should have rhinos, the only unit left which can use the vigilator's scout move is the breachers, who certainly could use it but you only need one vigilator, not three for that. 


Yeah, sniper tempest bolts are good, but are they worth 85pts just for one when for twice the cost you could just take a squad of seekers instead? Bare bones characters just aren't that great in general, then considering that there are almost no units for the vigilators to actually buff with scout, three of the is just overkill, and not worth the sabotage attack. 


As for the Ultramarine rule, you'd be better off taking two well equipped characters with artificer armor and refractor fields that will keep them from dying, opposed to three with bare bones equipment. 

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Perhaps take a Primus Medicae to lump with Guilliman? He grants FNP too and is an HQ you need so you actually save some points by swapping one Vigilator and an Apothecary for him. Give him a lovely Legatine axe and you're well away.
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