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3k Decapitation Strike Raven Guard


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After brooding over some lists; I thought I'd settle with a Recon Company beta-strike but after further looking into it, decided on settling on a alpha strike based list. I'm currently stuck on deciding between two different ones; one using Corax and a Leviathan as I currently have those models and I enjoy using them and how they look or another which features a Typhon and a Sicarian, models I don't currently have but will possibly in the future if I settle on this list. I feel the second list has perhaps more potential than Corax's though. Both lists are quite similar with many repeated units as I've found them to be very effective.
1st list with Corax


Vigilator, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Power Weapon, Refractor Field

Strike Captain Alvarex Maun, Cameleoline 


Legion Tactical Squad, 14x Marines, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad, 14x Marines, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought, Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery, x3 Graviton Cannons

Mor Deythan Strike Squad, 5x Combi-flamers, 4x Mor Deythan, Artificer Armour, Rhino with Multi-melta

Mor Deythan Strike Squad, 5x Combi-flamers, 4x Mor Deythan, Artificer Armour, Rhino with Multi-melta

Fast Attack

Dark Fury Assault Squad, 9x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter, Ground-tracking Auguries, twin-linked missile launcher with frag, krak and rad, 4x kraken penetrator heavy missiles

Heavy Support

Leviathan Dreadnought, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver

Lords of War

Corvus Corax


2nd List with Typhon


Vigilator, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon, Refractor Field

Strike Captain Alvarex Maun, Cameleoline 


Legion Tactical Squad, 14x Marines, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad, 14x Marines, Legion Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs


Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought, Two Kheres Pattern Assault Cannons

Legion Rapier Weapons Battery, x3 Graviton Cannons

Mor Deythan Strike Squad, 5x Combi-flamers, 4x Mor Deythan, Artificer Armour, Rhino with Multi-melta

Mor Deythan Strike Squad, 5x Combi-flamers, 4x Mor Deythan, Artificer Armour, Rhino with Multi-melta

Fast Attack

Dark Fury Assault Squad, 9x Dark Fury, Melta Bombs

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter, Ground-tracking Auguries, twin-linked missile launcher with frag, krak and rad, 4x kraken penetrator heavy missiles

Xiphon Interceptor, Ground-Tracking Auguries, Armoured Cockpit

Heavy Support

Legion Sicarian Battle Tank, Lascannon Sponsons

Lords of War

Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank, Lascannon Sponsons


Thoughts on both lists? Anything I can improve/which one should I aim to take?

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I think you've made two fairly good lists, and either one would work well, however neither of them are really alpha strike lists at all, which it sounds like what you were going for. Alpha strike requires that you have a bunch of heavy firepower units dropping in turn one, usually from pods, and you only have one. If you really want an alpha strike list, it's essential that you have units like seekers/vets with combi plasma/melta, and/or support squads with plasma/melta, all in drop pods so they can easily get in rapid fire range either wreck +2 armor units of vehicles by hitting their side/rear armor. For a list like that to work, ideally I'd say you need 5 pods, two of which would be lower strike power units like tacticals so they can allow the three pods with your alpha strikers all to come in turn one. Your leviathan build though is great for alpha strike, definetly keep that guy in the list, when he drops in he can easily wipe irritating units like a phosphex mortar battery in one turn.


If you wanted to forget about the alpha strike concept though, I think either list works fine. I'd prefer the first one just because Corax is awesome and doesn't even need an escort to work well.   

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My first turn damage is still nasty without pods, Mor Deythan and the grav cannons will hit hard turn one and take out something nasty. With Infiltrate I don't really think pods are that necessary for a decent alpha-strike list, especially since with the updated apothecaries everyone has augury scanners now, interceptor is nasty!! I am tempted more so on the 1st list though, especially with the Leviathan. 

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Infiltrate really isn't all that good for alpha strike. You can lose the roll for first turn and have your heavy hitters be taken out, and you can just be out of range short range weapons like flamers. Granted because mor dethyan have scout and infiltrate, they are a whole lot better at alpha striking, just a few units in pods to assist them certainly would boost your alpha strike potential. 


Not sure about your meta, but I've never had issues with massive amounts of augury scanners all over the place blasting my deep strikers to pieces. Sure it's possible, but I don't see that many units with them. 

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Yeah, the meta around mine features plenty of augury scanners, which makes me reluctant to take drop pods. I might try and fit some in to get some units in their face, seekers seem really nice; especially with their new ammo. I think I might swap out my mortis and the lightning to fit a CC dread with x2 grav in a dreadclaw and then have some points left over to put into other things.

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I would trim points off that lightning. It can't fire all that in one turn, which may be all it has. I would stick with the upgrades and 4 krakens. Is the contemptor just a bodyguard for Maun and company? Otherwise it doesn't have much range with those dual kheres.


And they are alpha strike oriented lists, with Maun and Decap you have a huge chance of going first. There's plenty of damage dealers too. So long as you aren't facing AL 4+ reroll seize you're probably going first. Both are good. I would say they Typhon one is slightly better only because it can start destroying things instantly.

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I put the kheres in there just for some anti-air cover and to tear through any rhinos charging forwards. I stuck the missile launcher on the lightning just to give it more than a lascannon whilst flying around after it's shot it's kraken, might swap it out. Been looking into maybe taking some seekers in a pod with combi-plasma and a CC dread with grav in a dreadclaw, that way I can definitely take out a Spartan turn 1 with my grav weapons for then my seekers or leviathan to take out whatever's inside.  The Typhon is tempting but I already have a leviathan and corax so I don't know if I want to spend that much money on another big thing.


There's no Alpha Legion players present in my meta and I rarely go to tournaments or games out of my meta; I intend to once I get this list sorted, but AL 4+ reroll is definitely something to consider, that'll really mess my strategy up!!

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Definitely try what you have model-wise first. It's still a good list.


Also with scanners, their radius is 18" of the model with it. With clever placement of voxi you could land pods safely out of the radius. It won't help the leviathan much, but it's something.

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Leviathan doesn't really have to worry about interceptor shots, unless your opponent is taking a really hard counter like a full heavy support squad with lascannons or a mortar battery with a master of signals the leviathan will survive any punishment thrown its way. 

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