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Iron Warriors - 2000 points

Guest uk_crow

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Guest uk_crow

First list for my Iron Warriors, what do you think:



Siege breaker, cataphractii TDA, combi melta, chain fist, phosphex bomb



20x tactical marines, artificer armour, power fist, melts bombs, vexilla, nuncio vox

20x tactical marines, artificer armour, power fist, melts bombs, vexilla, nuncio vox



2x apothecary, artificer armour, augury scanner

3x quad mortar, shatter shells


Heavy Support

2x medusa

9x iron havocs, missile launchers, augury scanner, artificer armour, melta bombs

5x seige tyrants, chainfist


Tempted to swap out medusas for a further 5 tyrants and 1 more iron havoc to make them full size squads.

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In a comparative environment where you will probably be up against a fair amount of ap2 large blasts and other weapons capable of wiping out power armor fairly quickly, this army won't do that well since you have no transports at all for your infantry. That being said, I think this looks like a fun list, and certainly fits the theme of a very infantry heavy IW list very well. If you want to keep with that theme, I would switch out the medusas for tyrants/havocs just because as the only two vehicles in the list with fairly poor armor values, they are going to die fast. 


Also I'd grab phosphex shells for your mortars, those are super nasty. 

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Guest uk_crow

If I was trying to make the list more competitive what's suggestions do you have?


Swap out the 20 man blobs for 3 10 man squads in rhinos?


Open to all suggestions as I only have 30 tactical marines built so far but I still want to keep a fluffy Iron Warriors force.

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Hmm, well I would definetly suggest you put them in rhino. While it might not be as fun as driving 40 screaming power armor maniacs through the enemy trenches you'll be able to survive. Fluffwise they could be a force sent over the top as shock troops or as mechcahnised infantry as part of a tank company. Keep the tactical with the box for artillery and artificer armor on the Sargent. Make sure to get rid of apothecary sadness they don't have much of a use.


Now you have a couple of choices here: if you want to go full ww1 then ironfore is very very competitive. You would neee a delegatus for the ROW but then you've got accyarate artillery. You would add more quad mortars and if you could maybe trade the havoc or tyrants for a scorpius. For extra fun/hate add phosephex to them.


Anothee option is to go Khyr valen and go full gunline. Change the medusas for more tyrants or havocs. Grab a bunker then have iron havoc S in it.


You have a ton of other options as well if you want to go terminator.

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Guest uk_crow

Thanks for the tips, I want this to be quite an offensive yet firepower orientated army so the rhino mounted squads is cool. I will make an updated list and post it later.

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