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5000 Pts World Eaters

Clive the Badger

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I will be allied with 5000 points of Iron Warriors hence the lack of heavy support.

I will most likely be taking Berserker Assault rite of war. Unless anyone has a better suggestion.

And any chainswords/ combat blades will be swapped out for chainaxes.

Angron, The Red Butchers and the Primus Medicae are going to be in one big murder squad in the spartan.

The regular apothecarys are going to be attached to the 20 man tactical blobs, and one will be in Kharns command squad.



+HQ+ 545pts


Khârn the Bloody 375pts

- command squad

   -Legion Standard, 4 legion chosen (with Combat Shields, Melta bombs)

- Rhino (auxiliary drive, dozer blade, combi weapon.


Legion Centurion, Primus Medicae 170pts 

-(nanyte blaster, Tartaros terminator armour, 



+Troops+ 1410pts


Legion Tactical Squad - 225pts

9x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour, combi weapon)

additional Chainsword or combat blade,

dedicated transport: Rhino (auxiliary drive, dozer blade, hunter-killer missile, combi weapon) 


Legion Tactical Squad - 225pts

9x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour, combi weapon)

additional Chainsword or combat blade,

dedicated transport: Rhino (auxiliary drive, dozer blade, hunter-killer missile, combi weapon) 


Legion Tactical Squad - 240pts

19x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (heavy chainsword)

Chainaxes and Bolt Pistols, Legion Vexilla  


Legion Tactical Squad - 240pts

19x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (heavy chainsword)

Chainaxes and Bolt Pistols, Legion Vexilla  


Legion Tactical Squad - 240pts

19x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (heavy chainsword)

Chainaxes and Bolt Pistols, Legion Vexilla  


Legion Tactical Squad - 240pts

19x Legion Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant (heavy chainsword)

Chainaxes and Bolt Pistols, Legion Vexilla  


+Elites+ 1495pts


Apothecarion Detachment 165pts

 - Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Chainaxe  

 - Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Chainaxe

 - Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Chainaxe  


Apothecarion Detachment 110pts

 - Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Chainaxe  

 - Legion Apothecary

Artificer Armour, Chainaxe 


Contemptor Dreadnought Talon 700pts

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought 

Carapace Havoc Launcher, Chainfist/Plasma Blaster, Twin Linked Autocannon, Extra Armour.

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought

Carapace Havoc Launcher, Extra Armour, 2x Close Combat Weapons/Plasma Blasters

Legion Contemptor Dreadnought

Carapace Havoc Launcher, Extra Armour, 2x Close Combat Weapons/Plasma Blasters

Red Butchers 520pts
9x Butcher Terminators, 9x second power axe
The Devoured, 2x Chainfists
+Heavy Support+ 1150pts
Legion Heavy Support Squad 370pts
9x Legion Marines, Legion Sergeant 
Autocannons, Hardened Armour
Dedicated Transport: Rhino (auxiliary drive, heavy bolter, hunter killer missile  


Legion Heavy Support Squad 370pts 
9x Legion Marines, Legion Sergeant 
Autocannons, Hardened Armour
Dedicated Transport: Rhino (auxiliary drive, heavy bolter, hunter killer missile  
Legion Spartan Assault Tank 410pts
Frag Assault Launchers, Heavy Bolter, Armoured Ceramite, Auxilary Drive
Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Hunter Killer Missile
+Lord of War+ 400pts
The Primarch Angron 400pts










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