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Expanding my 1'500-point Ultramarines


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Hello all,

This is my current 1'500-point list:

+++ Calth UM v2 (1500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List (Age of Darkness) (1500pts) ++

+ HQ (140pts) +

Legion Centurion (140pts) [Artificer Armour, Combat Shield]

··(Optional) Relics of the Dark Age of Technology [Gladius Invictus]

··May be upgraded to one of these Consul roles: [Legion Champion]

+ Troops (595pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (190pts) [13x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Combi-weapon]

Legion Tactical Squad (220pts) [15x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Exchange bolters for combat blade/chainsword]

··Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (185pts) [7x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Calivers]

··Legion Sergeant [Power Armour]

+ Elites (55pts) +

Apothecarion Detachment (55pts)

··Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

+ Heavy Support (710pts) +

Fulmentarus Terminator Squad (390pts) [Cyclone Missile Launcher, 4x Fulmentarus Terminator, 2x Power Axe, Power Sword]

··Fulmentarus Decurion [Power Fist]

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (320pts)]

··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, 2x Leviathan Siege Drill, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Loyalist, XIII: Ultramarines]

Created with BattleScribe

I'd like some advice on how to expand upon this list. The next step would be to get a 2'000-point list, and then 3'000-points. Mechanicum are the only allies would want to add to this force. Otherwise, open to all suggestions. thumbsup.gif
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Nice list for the points level, here are a couple of changes I'd make initially:

As you get bigger in points a RoW is probably worth looking into? Nothing is really screaming at me which but even the Ultra's Logos Lectora could be nice - letting your gunline overwatch as BS2 when needed. For this though you'll need a character with "Master of the Legion." It prevents infiltration/ deep strike but you don't seem to have any regardless smile.png

To get said Master of the Legion, I'd suggest a Delegatus, as he is cheap and you could use your Champion model for him. Speaking of the Champion - he has the Relic sword correct? It's not a bad pick, but it is opponents permission only. A Legatine axe would be better, as it is quite possibly one of the best CC weapons in the Heresy. This would go same for the Delegatus for sure.

The Leviathan is cool but it looks like he's walking with no ranged weapons and two drills? You only ever need maximum one drill - so I'd exchange this for a Storm Cannon or Melta Lance, or even Grav Bombard and add on a Phosphex Launcher. I will say though, that a walking leviathan is a big chunk of "shoot me" tied up into an even bigger chunk of points.

Fulmentarus are great, if anything i'd add a few more to reach those rules breakpoints with them.

The Tac squads are nice, but if you are going with the Lectora as I suggested I'd trim them down to 10 men, put the levtovers into a 3rd squad (as required by the rite) and stick them in Rhinos. There is an awesome bit of strategy where you can mark enemy units with your rhinos to get that re-rolling 1's to wound for your marines.

Otherwise I think you're just lacking anti heavy tank. Some Rapiers would be awesome, especially shatter shell quad mortars or laser destroyers. Gettining that re-roll 1's on pens would be ace for Quad Mortars especially.

OH - ALSO....

Get a Land Raider, get some Invictus Suzerains and add your HQ and an Apothecary to them. Absolute murder train. UM's have quite possibly the best assault unit in the 30k Meta right now.

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Expansion could be a Deredeo for fire support. I'd also like an infantry blob that would suck in fire since you have just under 30. For that I'm building 10 Cataphractii with 2 plasma blasters. They act as a solid support no one would like to tackle head on without softening up and their 4+ invulnerable save helps on that front.
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