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New Heresy Player Needs Help


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Firstly I understand that Calth is an excellent box set to start 30k however I am unsure how to model the squads. For example how many shoulder pads do I need to buy and what special weapons such as volkite weapons I should include to base a small starter army using Calth. As a Imperial Fists player would Alexis Polux Be recommended as my HQ? Can 40k Vehicles be used ? I will not be purchasing Calth straight away it will be some time before Christmas when I get it and also I will be getting Prospero as well but I want to start with Calth. Finally Can I be shown what a balanced 1000pt Imperial fist army for inspiration and structure help.

With Thanks biggrin.png

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Welcome Chambers,


In the BaC set you get the below stuff plus world bearer and Ulta Smurfs Tran furs


A Captain in Terminator Armour and a Dark Apostle;


A Contemptor Dreadnought, armed with a choice of multi-melta or twin assault cannon;

Five Cataphractii Terminators, with weapon options including combi bolters, power fists, lightning claws, chain fists, power swords, heavy flamers and grenade harnesses;


Thirty Legion Tactical Space Marines in MK4 armour, with a huge selection of weapons and custom features, including bolters, missile launchers, heavy bolters, chainswords, power swords, power fists, plasma pistols, lightning claw blades, combi flamer, melta and plasma guns, a melta bomb and a set of combat blades! These miniatures also include ammo packs, holstered bolt pistols and a selection of frag and krak grenades.


for more info on Imp Fist I check out the link below or wait for StarScream to appear.


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This could provide a decent starting point, using models from the BoC set:


Delegatus in Terminator armour: combi-weapon; chainfist; Deep Strike 132


9 Veteran Space Marines: nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; 2× heavy bolter and suspensor web; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); Marksmen 245

4 Terminators: 4× combi-bolter; 4× power fist; Deep Strike; + 1 Terminator Sergeant (combi-bolter; power fist) 215

8 Veteran Space Marines: 2× combi-weapon; 2× power weapon; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; + 1 Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; combi-weapon; power fist); Marksmen 243


Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon

• Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought: Kheres pattern assault cannon; Dreadnought close combat weapon (graviton gun) 165


1,000 points

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As I'm currently starting with Imperial Fists myself you could also look at Sigismund for HQ. He's Master of the Legion so allows Rites of War to be taken and is an absolute beast in CC against anything other than the killiest of Primarchs. 


If Forgeworld sold upgrade kits to make Breacher units I'd have modelled my first Calth set for that but I built 2 units of 15 Tactical Marines as a basic starter. BS5 bolters for Fury of the Legion makes me feel funny in my happy places. 

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Imperial Fists are very much a Vanilla/Shooty legion, their standard terminators are amazing as well as the amount of bolter shots they can produce. I, personally would take Sigismund as your HQ, then a supporting chaplain. Sigismund is great as he gives a buff to your combat infantry (Templar Bretheren) on the charge and makes them troops.


In addition, alot of IF players I have come up against usually have a split army... Combining a strong defensive force with a smaller counter attacking army! Unfortunately, I have been wiped by an IF player using this type of list as my NL just couldn't get near the enemy.


With your troops, I would recommend Veterans with Heavy Bolters (you should take Pride of the Legion as a RoW) with sniper and outflank. VERY POWERFUL UNIT!


Using deep striking terminators is key in games of 30k, as only the NL and IF can do so, creating a support unit to plug holes in your defence, I would recommend converting their combi-bolter to a mix of combi-plasmas/meltas (i used the combi-weapons from the MK4 marines)


IF are great

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Alright thank you all so much for all the support in so liitle time. i now i have so much to consider.i might have to treat myself to a Sigismund maybe. The next step is the actual purchase of the set. Also the forge world shoulder pads is it one of the fist symbols per model or two per model?

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Not quite. But if you want to only do 1 shoulder, you're totally fine:


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FW transfer sheet is good, but the 40k if transfers are fine too.


For the Calth set, make 2 - 3 Veteran troop choices. Maybe get Pollux/Sigismund from FW?


Build a Heavy wrapon squad with missiles/Autocannons too.

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I honestly can't recommend the FW transfer sheets enough. They are rammed full of transfers and are of super high quality. I was hesitant about them because they're a little pricey, but after getting one, I'd happily pay that again I was that impressed. 


I used ten marines parts to build Templar Brethren combined with the FW upgrade kit. The only problem you'll find is that you'll need to some bolt pistols to finish them off as you don't get those with the Templar kit (the ones on the website were built from the FW 30k assault squad) but they are lovely models. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you get both sets, the humble heavy bolter will make itself very useful at the 1000pt game mark, you could get 6 of them and 6 missile launchers eavy supports. the bolters can push out 18 bs5 str5 hits with tank hunter for infantry and transports with the tank hunting missiles fror anything bigger.


simple list;


HQ praetor or consul 


two tac squads with tooled up sarge 175 x 2 = 350 

6 heavy bolters, sarge aa aug 170

6 missile launchers aa aug 200

cont cortus with kheres 150


gives you about 130 pts for your hq and  makes the most of whats in the boxes and the legion traits.

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I would strongly suggest getting 2 of the burning boxes as the mk3 marines would fit with if a lot better, then you just have to pick up odds and ends to fill out your list, as far as vehicles go, my experience is no one cares if you use 40k ones as both were available "in production"
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only issue with that is you will lose a huge amount of the conversion bits that come with calth and also the contemptor models, but then if you are wanting to do a terran defence force you'll have lots of custodes and sisters! 


also if you do get two prosperos, the tartoros termies can be fitted with the second set of custodes shields to make a vigil shield squad :)

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