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Loyalist Death Guard 2500


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I wanted to try and make a fun death guard list using a lot of guys backed up by some artillery explosions. Something that won't just be wiped off the map second turn, but not particularly for competitive play either. I've so far come up with something like:



Crysos Mortug


5 man Deathshroud Terminators



20 Breacher Siege Squad

-Vexilla, 4 Graviton Guns, Nuncio Vox

-Breaching Charge, Thunder Hammer, Artificer on the sergeant


20 Tactical Squad

-Additional Close Combat Weapon, Vexilla

-Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Artificer on the sergeant


10 Tactical Support Squad




Apothecary Detachment

-2 Apothecaries in Artificer Armor


2 Quad Launcher Mortars

-Shatter Shells


10 Cataphractii Terminator Squad

-Plasma Blaster, Reaper Autocannon

-1 Pair Lightning Claws, 2 Chainfist, 1 Thunder hammer, Grenade Harness


Heavy Support:

1 Legion Medusa


10 Heavy Support Squad

-Missile Launchers

-Augury Scanner, Flakk Missiles


Should be 2500 exactly. I'm thinking put Mortug with the Deathshroud and then infiltrate them, the flamers, and the terminator squad to make up for the lack of transports. An apothecary in both the tactical and breacher squads to help them out a bit making it up the field. Thought about trying to shove in a praetor for a rite of war, but don't think I actually need one to use the models I want to as is. Currently I'm thinking about a potential Siege Breaker addition to add in phosphex to the artillery and buff up the missile squad.


I guess my biggest concern is with the cataphractii I'm not sure exactly how I should be equipping them.

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Instead of 10 normal Cataphractii, you're probably better off with 10 Grave Wardens :D they're much tougher and a little more shooty overall for the price.


I'd ditch the flamer squad too - the Gravwardens can do this task a lot better as well as anything the normal Cata would have done. I've toyed with the idea of flamer squads myself but the always come up short.


Now, what else do you infiltraite? Why those breachers of course! While stupidly expensive, four Grav-guns infiltrating is going to cause a world of pain to any armour they might have and you can put them in the perfect position for sure.

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Swapping out both the flamer squad and the terminators for 10 Grave warden with a small section of them having chainfists would give me around 175 points to play with. Maybe Garro (as my favorite character...did Mortug live long enough to see the knight errant version of garro?) or a siege breaker with artificer/refractor field and a relic?

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Read "Blackshield" - it will give you more info about Morturg! :) He works with Calleb Decima, the Mechanicum special character, so maybe that's something to work towards...
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Swapping out both the flamer squad and the terminators for 10 Grave warden with a small section of them having chainfists would give me around 175 points to play with. Maybe Garro (as my favorite character...did Mortug live long enough to see the knight errant version of garro?) or a siege breaker with artificer/refractor field and a relic?


Garro sounds like a fun inclusion :) or you could pop in another quad mortar or some other rapiers? Or even add another Medusa. A Contemptor Mortis with Twin Kheres will also cover the skies for you along with your missiles (you could even remove the Flak then...).


But yes, Wardens with chainfists are great. Unless you have something major to put them in the Siege Breaker is a waste.

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