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New player, starting alpha legion


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hey guys, just branching into 30k, not really sure what i am doing! So here is my first stab at an alpha legion list, 2500pts.



Master of signals, artificer armour, melta bombs, jump pack


Contemptor dreadnought with double kheres


5 x Red butcher all with lightning claws in land raider proteus, dozer blade, armoured ceramite


Assault squad, (9 + sergeant with melta bombs)


Tactical squad (9 + sergeant) in rhino with dozer blades

Tactical squad (9 + sergeant) in rhino with dozer blades

Tactical squad (9 + sergeant) in rhino with dozer blades 


Sicaran with dozer blade

Sicaran venator with lascannons and dozer blade

Fire raptor with reaper autocannon




Coils of the hydra rite of war.



I plan to infiltrate everything then push forward, shooting him to pieces with the tanks and flyer, presenting multiple tough targets, before unleashing the red butchers and flyer in a mini second wave.






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Also fairly new, but here are a few points I'd maybe look at.


- You have four troops units in there, maybe a bit overkill, usually playing Coils of the Hydra most people opt for the minimum of three compulsory troops and use the points elsewhere.


- Master of Signal isn't really suited for combat, I'd take him out of the assault unit and maybe swap for a Chaplain. If you want to use MoS, he's better suited for a unit that can benifit from him boosting there ballistic skill, and stick him in the back line with them.


- Red butchers are a good choice, although they really need an assault vehicle, otherwise they stand around for a turn, getting shot at before they can assault. Maybe look at the Phobos or better yet the Spartan so they can assault straight out.


How are you planning on getting Alpharius in the fray?

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The MoS wasnt necessarily  going with the red butchers. He is at the top because he is an HQ choice. This is really a bit of an experimental list. I was planning on hiding Alpharius in with one of the tactical marines as a surprise tactic, but I can see that their transport is full.


I thought taking a lot of troops is a good option because they are scoring units.


I have since changed the land raider to a phobos, for the reason you gave, but I think the list still needs some work. Access to other legions units is great but also it creates a bit of a dilemma, I also considered firedrakes.

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Ok, I'll give you a few pointers!


Master of Signal is a Support Officer, so he cannot be the Compulsory HQ choice. He was going to do much, as his buffs are for ranged units.


Red Butchers are cool, and can work fine for Alpha Legion, but take twin power axes - better damage & cheaper. I'd arm the Devoured (sergeant) with a chainfist & power fist. As they're an Assault unit, maybe a Land Raider Phobos is a better idea? The Proteus has no Assault Vehicle special rule...


As the Sicaran Venator has an Ordnance weapon, don't pay for any extra weapons. Put those lascannons on the Sicaran Battle Tank instead.


Contemptor Mortis & Fire Raptor are awesome. If you can find the points, grab Hellstrike missiles for the flyer - they're now S8, AP2, Heavy 1, Sunder.


Minimum Troops is perfectly adequate in Coils. Lose one of them and upgrade the others with artificer armour, vexillas, etc.

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Thanks guys, will look into that.


I was going to purhase the two red books, legions and army lists but where are the different missions?


Or do you use the ones in the main 40k rulebook?


I know there are also ones in the campaign books but they are a significant outlay.


Do you guys rate veterans?

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Have a look here at what you need:




It's hard to recommend anything in particular, as all the black books are amazing! Definitely grab the 2 red books for the rules.


Veterans are exceptional - best unit in the game point-for-point. Alpha Legion can make them even better with rules stacking, eg: take Dynat, some meltagun Veterans with Machine Killers and choose Tank Hunters for your Mutable Tactics. He can Deep Strike them into the enemy DZ, with a re-roll on the scatter. They hit at S9 with melta, and re-roll to penetrate armour. If they get a penetrating hit, Dynat gives them a +1 to the roll, meaning getting an Explodes! result on a 4+. Pretty solid.

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Uh... check again, friend. The Alpha Legion tactica is the second most active tactica forum on this board. Only World Eaters have more pages, and that's because they spent 20 pages in orgasmic throes over the constant flow of big buffs from FW to take them from the bottom of the barrel to top ranks in the span of like 6 months. Half of them ended up converting to Slaanesh!

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