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Going for an infantry heavy list with support elements from allied Questoris knights plus a spartan. The list revolves around a hard hitting 'alpha strike' / outflank list, utilising veterans and Mortarion.



- Legion praetor, artificer armour, paragon blade, iron halo, digital lasers - 165

- Legion centurion, consul: Master of signal, artificer armour, power sword, refractor field - 130



- Legion veteran squad X10, veteran tactics: Marksman, legion vexilla, X2 heavy bolter w/ suspensor web, [artificer armour, power fist] SGT - 235

- Legion veteran squad X10, veteran tactics: Marksman, legion vexilla, X2 heavy bolter w/ suspensor web, [artificer armour, power fist] SGT - 235

- Legion veteran squad X10, veteran tactics: Marksman, legion vexilla, X2 heavy bolter w/ suspensor web, [artificer armour, power fist] SGT - 235

- Legion tactical support squad, Plasma guns [artificer armour, melta bombs] - 190



- Anvillus pattern dreadclaw drop pod - 115



- Grave Warden Terminator Squad X10, X1 chainfist - 380

- Spartan assault tank, combi-bolter, armoured ceremite, auxiliary drive, flare shield - 385

- Legion Heavy support squad X5, missile launchers X4, flakk missiles, [Artificer armour, augury scanner, power sword] SGT - 235



Mortarion, RoW: Pride of the Legion - 425


Total: 2730



Allied detachment: Questoris knights



- Senechal knight warden, Storm spear rocket pod - 465



- Scion martial Paladin, Twin Icarus autocannon - 410



- Scion arbelastor Errant - 395


Total: 1270



Overall total: 4000

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Mortarion is starting in the spartan but will disembark as soon as possible for maximised movement in the initial few turns. MoS will join either the Grave wardens in the spartan because 20 poisoned blasts at BS 5 is lethal or the heavy support squads for the BS.

The plasma support squad is in the dreadclaw for an alpha strike / DISTRACTION CARNIFEX.

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I think the MoS would have the biggest impact with the plasma TSS.


I'm not sure grave warden need the support and I don't think 5 x missile launchers justify the investment of the MoS.


Or just drop him? That would allow you to reinvest the points into something that could support your reserves (command rhino/ fortification with a comms relay, etc).

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I think the MoS would have the biggest impact with the plasma TSS.


I'm not sure grave warden need the support and I don't think 5 x missile launchers justify the investment of the MoS.


Or just drop him? That would allow you to reinvest the points into something that could support your reserves (command rhino/ fortification with a comms relay, etc).

Agreed! But at 4k points, 5 plasma marines won't do much. Maybe drop them, the Dreadclaw and MoS altogether?


Reason I suggest it is because the Dreadclaw is the only thing stopping you from running "The Reaping", which is an awesomesauce Rite of War! You almost have a legal list - you just need to shuffle a few units... :)

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I think the MoS would have the biggest impact with the plasma TSS.


I'm not sure grave warden need the support and I don't think 5 x missile launchers justify the investment of the MoS.


Or just drop him? That would allow you to reinvest the points into something that could support your reserves (command rhino/ fortification with a comms relay, etc).

Agreed! But at 4k points, 5 plasma marines won't do much. Maybe drop them, the Dreadclaw and MoS altogether?


Reason I suggest it is because the Dreadclaw is the only thing stopping you from running "The Reaping", which is an awesomesauce Rite of War! You almost have a legal list - you just need to shuffle a few units... :)

Missed that, thought it was a full squad of 10! 5 plasma guys also don't warrant the investment of a MOS or even the dreadclaw.


You clearly have a theme/ plan shaped around the core of your army. I'd ditch the TSS/ HSS/ Dreadclaw/ MoS and even the Praetor in order to revaluate where you need to spend points.

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The Veteran Heavy Bolter is a trap (unless you are DA)


You pay premium points for an extra shot per guy. As it is sniper the S/AP makes minimal difference in a setting where 90% of enemies are in power armour.


You get those Chem Sniper tempaltes in range and boy-oh-boy you will eat things, take it from the guy who used a single Frag Cannon to kill and entire squad of Wraith Guard - Rending Templates (and thus ignore cover) are utterly nasty!

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Agreed get the flamers out. Drop the mos as if he is in the Spartan you won't be doing orbital strike and again won't be with the wardens moving up. Seems waste. You would be better off if want plasma. Do plasma vets in a rhino with outflank as drop pod not viable.
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