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Starting with WE 1500 Orbital assault


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my gaming group just started playing Horus Heresy games, and I have chosen to play World Eaters. We had some games at 1500 points using proxies to test things out. This is a list I want to playtest next time and I need some feedback. I have the terminators and contemptor from the Calth box set and enough power armourd marines.


So my list:


World Eaters, Traitors with Blood Madness, Orbital Assault


Delegatus 100

Power axe, Artificer armour and Refractor field


Command Squad 265

4 Marines, 4 combat shields and Power swords, dedicated dreadclaw


Apothecary 65

Power sword and Artificer armour


Legion Terminator squad 345

Sergeant with Power axe and Combimelta, 4 Combimelta, 2 Power axes, 2 Chain fists, dedicated dreadclaw


Contemptor Cortus 285

DCCW and Chainfist, 2 Plasmablaster, Droppod


Tactical Squad 185

additional Chainaxes, Sergeant with Artificier armour and Power fist, droppod


Tactical Squad 185

additional Chainaxes, Sergeant with Artificier armour and Power fist, droppod


1430 total


That leaves 70 points to play with.


The plan is to drop assault with the contemptor, terminators and command squad with delegatus and apothecary turn one. The tacticals will drop later and mop up survivors and claim objectives. I have chosen orbital assault for the cheap droppods, even though I can't charge out of them.

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Orbital Assault is awesome for World Eaters! Nice pick.


I'd take a mix of power swords & axes on the Command Squad (and a fist on the Standard Bearer) as you might need them to deal with 2+ saves occasionally.


Maybe think about taking Red Butchers instead of Legion Terminators? Twin power axes (chainfist & power fist on the Devoured) will ruin everything!


2 plasma blasters on the Cortus is cool, but is asking for Get's Hot trouble. Especially given they have lower BS, as the risk isn't balanced out by a 2+ To Hit. Maybe take dual graviton guns?


Finally, have you considered Assault Marines for your Troops? They can start on the board, despite Orbital Assault's restrictions, and do pretty well these days! Not as good as Gahlan Surlak's Inductii, but still good.

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Can't you do a trick with WE where you take one of their gladiatorial weapons (the single handed specialist weapon one, maybe the whip?) and combine it with a power fist so that you get an extra attack? (Like the AL Power Dagger)


Would give your delaguatus some extra punch!

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So an updated list:



Delegatus 100

Power axe, Artificer armour and Refractor field


Command Squad 270

4 Marines, 4 combat shields, 3 Powerweapons, Powerfist, dedicated dreadclaw


Apothecary 65

Power sword and Artificer armour


The Red Butchers 405

Sergeant with Chainfist and Powerfist, 4 additional Poweraxes, dedicated dreadclaw


Contemptor Cortus 275

DCCW and Chainfist, 2 Grav guns, Droppod


Tactical Squad 185

additional Chainaxes, Sergeant with Artificier armour and Power fist, droppod


Tactical Squad 185

additional Chainaxes, Sergeant with Artificier armour and Power fist, droppod


1485 total

I will get a naked chosen for the command squad for the remaining 15 points. Will test this list tomorrow.

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extra chainaxes seems wasteful if you're gonna assult anyway  would swap bolters for them


you could also turn the drop pods into dreadclaws and use the crimson path rite with this tutorial



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