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2000 Iron warrior - ironfire


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2000 point rite ironfire (Iron warrior)


Hello, I finally register in the forum. First apologize for my bad English writing because not much English and I do with the translator of smartfone. I'm a fan of the Iron Warriors and I love its history. Here I leave my idea list with Horus Heresy Rite Ironfire


HQ: Damocles rhino

HQ: legion Predator, power weapon,warsmith

HQ: legión centurión, máster of signar


ELITE: rapier battery, mortero

ELITE: rapier battery, mortero

ELITE: rapier battery, mortero


Troop: 10 marines tactical squad

Troop: 10 marines tactical squad, rhino

Troop: 10 breacher siegue squad,2 melta, nuncio-box


FAST ATACK: deadclaw


HEAVY SUPPORT: 2 basiliks

HEAVY SUPPORT: 2 basiliks



This list use recently vs. Sons of Horus, and in turn 3 was practically annihilated Xd. How can you improve the list to make it even more powerful?

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Well, for one, your entire Heavy Support section is Illegal since Legion Armies can only ever have 1 Artillery Tank Squadron.


Next, if you're only taking 1 Rapier per slot, its kind of a waste. Instead, reinvest the points spent on Illegal Basilisks to instead get 2-3 more Rapiers per squadron and a 3rd Medusa.


Then, you take a Siege Breaker instead of a MoS/Damocles to unlock Phosphex Shells on your Rapier Mortars.


Speaking of Damocles, what purpose does it serve? You only have 1 pod that had Drop Pod Assault (Auto arrival) and has Inertial Guidance Systems (Mishap prevention). You don't really need its 24" no scatter bubble.


Speaking of Dreadclaw, what goes inside? Tac Marines? Breachers? There are better options if you want something survivable and deadly down your opponent's throat T1. Too, since the Dreadclaw only has capacity 10 and your Troops are all minimum sized 10, your Preator can't join any of them.

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Do you possess any other models than the ones in the list? This would help with creating a list together with you msn-wink.gif

Slipstream has already mentioned the most important things. If you are a fellow Warsmith, then why don't you use any iconic Iron Warrior units? Instead of one of the basilisk unit, you could use the Iron Havocs and/or Tyrants. They will hurt tanks, are typical Iron Warriors and there is never enough dakka biggrin.png

For this kind of list I would use the Ironfire RoW. For Hammer of Olympia I would recommend a higher point level and more Infantry. But you could also use one of the other RoW, it always depends on the way you want to play.

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