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Iron hands 3k point list

Herald of Magnus

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Hey there, so this is my first endeavour into any army that includes tanks of any kind. Been playing 40k for a long time but have been in love with all of the 30k forgeworld stuff going on and thought that I had to get in on it. I chose Iron Hands because I've been loving their fluff and what's going on. I have a friend collecting 30k Emperors Children and one collecting 30k World Eaters. So I've made a list and it's my first attempt in a LONG time, it's mostly using models I already own with a few extras so it's not hugely competitive - 


I'm not aiming for a competitive list, just a fluffy one but I want it to be able to hold its own as well. Just wanted to know what you guys thought about it that's all! So without further ado, 3000 points. I know force org chart is a bit screwed in this list but me and friend have agreed it's OK. Didn't know if I was allowed to add point costs or anything either, I wanted a more gun-line feel but IDK how I've done with that. Using the Head of Gorgon right of war though that's mostly for the stubborn special rule...-


Ferrus Manus


Praetor Iron Father, termie armour.


5x terminators, 4x power claw, 1x chainfist, cataphractii.


2 x tact squads 20 men, power fist and artificer.


Seeker squad, 10 men.


Heavy support squad, 6 men, heavy bolters.

Heavy support, 5 men, lascannons.

Heavy support, 5 men, plasma cannons.


Dreadnought x2 Plas cannon, Blessing.

Contemptor x1, Kheres, blessing.


Predator, executioner cannon, blessing.


Scorpius whirlwind, blessing.


So for my first heresy and my first Iron Hand list how does it look? Anything look glaringly bad? Thanks in advance, also willing to put pictures of my painting progress up if anyone is interested!


(I posted this in the wrong area before this, oops!)

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Well, shows how fast I skimmed the topic :p


Either way:


Are your terminators going to be punching other terminators? if so, dont bother with anything other that Power Axes or Power Fists since you need the Ap2 or youll have a bad time.


If they arent and are instead going after 3+ saves but are being accompanied by Ferrus in this endeavour then it feels like a waste of Ferrus' killyness.


Too, your Preator doesnt have a weapon to speak of. A power fist or Paragon Blade would help him chew through stuff more.


Lastly, how is your Ferrus+Praetor+Terminator squad getting across the field? If theyre footslogging, theyre probably in for a bad time since theyll get shot at the whole way and you might just end up with Ferrus on his lonesome finally being where he needs to be after 3-4 turns of moving 6"


Consider an Assault Transport.


Additionally, with HOTG and Ferrus around, you want at least Av13 on your vehicles so that they can benefit fully from the buffs they give.

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Aha no worries, thanks for the reply though! To be honest I haven't pinned down a lot of the use for my models yet. The termies have lightning claws because my only models have them right now, I'm going to pick up some gorgons soon though probably. Ferrus will go with them simply cause I don't really know if I have a better use for him yet.


So this list is made with what I currently have so with what you recommend - I actually have a spartan assault tank I'm currently building, however due to work I've had almost no time to actually get to building it as of yet, so didn't know if it'd be ready in time. I wanted to keep it as kind of a gunline based list, but would you recommend moving more towards the tank side of things, what would you replace? I understand I need more Av 13 vehicles so I was thinking replacing heavy bolter squad and maybe the plasma cannon squad as well. Do you think the two dreads should be swapped out as well then?


Thanks so much so far! I've never been very good at this part of 40k aha.


Quick edit: Praetor I'm going to be using the Iron-Father model which I believe has a power axe so I'll probably be adding that to him?


a quick note too that the armies I'm against being both melee meant I was more going to hold them back so my gun-line can pound stuff then they can be used as a counter-attack type deal, is that not a good idea?

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Going heavy gun line can work but going all gun line is risky/ potentially boring to play with/ against.


In ferrus + terminators you have a great counter attack unit - I'd suggest dropping 2 of the heavy support squads and /or normal dreadnaughts so that you can fit in a tooled up Spartan (flare shield/ armoured ceramite and dozer blade or auxiliary drive).


It can either sit with the gun line, adding it's quad lascannons to your firepower, keeping ferrus and co safe until it's time to counter charge or even better charge it up the field, with covering fire provided by the rest of your army!

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