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Holiday Gift Exchange


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Hello Admech!

I am coming to this forum to ask advice on a gift. My local war gaming club is putting on a gift exchange- participants construct, convert, and paint a model for a randomly assigned member. I was assigned an admech player, but I don't know much about admech at all.

The model has to be HQ or larger.

I am wondering what model/loadouts you folks might suggest to fit well in any admech army?

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I am under the impression that he plays both cult and skitarii, but I can guarantee that he plays skitarii.

So this dragoon, it looks like a great model for this... what should I know about how to load it out for him?

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For the dragoon I would go lance and pistol since the other loadout would make the Balistarii(s/p?) and then you would have to choose between gun load-outs and I know personally I would magnetize the balistarii to swap weapons, which may be a bit more work than you want. I have seen battle reports and the balistarii seems pretty decent but everyone seems to love the lancer dragoon. 


As for actually building and painting the model...well it can be a bit fiddly when actually making the model (lots of pipes and tubes etc) and I found the Onager to be muuuuch easier to paint. 


I guess the only real downside is that both models aren't the cheapest of the range price wise.

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Just doing a quick google search comes up with this blog:



It's not a step by step and more showing off the finished product but the last image if you scroll down should give you an idea of the parts that one would want magnetized.


I swear I've seen a couple threads here kicking around showing people magnetizing theirs. Once I'm back from class tonight I'll take some pictures of my test dragoon which I haven't gotten around to painting yet,  so you can see where I've magnetized mine and the area's I GS'd pretty clearly.  

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Hmm I can't find any magnetization threads here either . . . wonder where they all went?  I'm guessing it's something as simple as magnetizing the weapon mounts for the Ironstrider Ballistarii (the shooty one), but for the Dragoon you're probably safe to build it with the lance.  I for one think the pistol (jezzail) is pretty lackluster overall.

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