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Sons of Horus Orbital Assault 3000 points


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Hey guys


Here is my first go at an orbital assault list, any feedback would be appreciated


I want to keep it fluffy, fun and able to hold it's own on the table


3000 points, orbital assault rite of war



Praetor, artificer armour scimitar jetbike, refractor field, paragon blade

Maloghurst the Twisted



- 8 Tactical support marines, flamers, artificer armour and melta bombs on sergeant, drop pod

- 10 Veterans, artificer armour and lightning claw on sergeant, 5 combi plasma, 2 melta - guns, machine killers, vexilla, 1 power sword, drop pod

- 14 reavers, jump packs, 5 chain axes, 2 power weapons, power fist, artificer armour

- 14 reavers, jump packs, 5 chain axes, 2 power weapons, power fist, artificer armour



- Apothecary, power sword

- Contemptor dreadnought, 2 DCCW, 2 grav guns, drop pod

- 5 Justaerin, 5 combi plasma, 2 lightning claws, 1 power fist, 1 chainfist


Fast attack

- 3 Scimitar jetbikes, multimelta, melta bombs


Heavy Support

- 5 heavy support marines, heavy flamers, drop pod

- Leviathan dreadnought, storm cannon, phosphex discharger, armoured ceramite, drop pod


Maloghurst and the apothecary to join the tactical support squad with flamers and the praetor joins the jetbike unit


That gives me 5 drop pods, 2 large deep striking reaver units, deep striking justaerin and jetbikes


I don't have any anti-air in the list at the moment, but I could switch out the heavy flamers for missiles launchers with flakk.


Very interested to hear feedback,


thanks for reading!








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Way too many flamers for a setting full of 3+ armor.  The support squad should probably be plasma. The veterans should stick to melta so they can assault afterwards and take max advantage of machine killers.  The Terminators should have all power fists and a few chainfists, and uniform weapons as well.  Those reaver squads would be better and cheaper as regular assault marines with combat shields.

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My thinking was that volume of fire from lots of flamer templates would be an interesting alternative to plasma, it's also 120 points cheaper and has a good chance to do some damage with overwatch.


I agree about the combi-meltas in the veteran squad, I'll switch those.


The reason I am using reavers is that I like legion specific units, plus chainaxes look awesome!


I thought that if I have some lightning claws on the justaerin they'll get to take out some marines at I4 and then attack again at I1 because of the merciless fighter rule.

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I think with WS5, W2, 2+ and 4++ justaerin don't need to worry too much about being hit with I4 weapons. They will need the extra punch of all powerfists/ chainfists when dealing with elite units though.


I'd be tempted to drop the HSS & DP and reinvest the points in a dreadclaw for the Justaerin (for a more accurate turn 1 deep strike/ T2 charge). This keeps you at 5 pods but makes the Justaerin much more dangerous.


With the spare points I'd look to add a power fist, digital lasers and an iron halo to your Praetor = A6, A7 on the charge!


I'd also reduce the vets by 2 so that Maloghurst and the apoth can go with them. Make them weapon masters, give the sergeant a powerfists or power axe so that he can take out enemy sergeants and if you have any points left add extra power weapons (ditch the 2 melta guns to help pay for 2).

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