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How to Reuse old Terminators


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I have some old terminators I wish to reuse in something different ( I don't like much the models ) built but nor primered nor hard glued (I can detach the arms if I wish so easily ).

What do you suggest?

I'm referring to these models (which are not mine) http://chaptermasters.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Ultramarine-old-terminators.jpg

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Before we had the plastic termies (so going back to late 90's early 00's) there were some great tutorials and stuff around.



The main conversions I tried were adding bulk - plasticard spacer plates attached to the sides of the torsos (to widen them a bit) and add some to the shoulder pads for more ornate details.


If you have a jewelers saw you can cut and re-position legs, or even add to the length if you cut through and add more spacers - similar to the true-scale tutorials. It's really down to your imagination.


There was a french guy that did some amazing conversions using these - made a Grey Knight unit and retinue. Brother S..... - just can't remember the name!




They're cracking mini's and I have about 50 or 60 Deathwing termies that need some love, though I'll likely use them as they are to give some boots on the ground :)

The other (more boring, but less effort) option is to strip and sell them on eBay or the like. If you can find the right buyer, you can get a fair price for older stuff, then you could just buy some newer terminators.


That, or try some of the conversions mentioned above.



Man... so ething that old will never be built again... chopping them up would be a shame to some folks...


Myself I just rehabbed a metal terminator librarian...


They are just plastic Terminators:


Actually the models I own are in plastic


So chopping them up isn't really losing vintage models or anything.

I like the idea of the terrain statues myself. It is the easiest option and preserves the models if you later change your mind.


I have started some modification of some metal terminators from the same era (WIP) in terms of cutting at waist and using plasticard to bulk out the feet, waist and shoulders. It can get pretty close to the proportions of more recent models but still look incredibly static and are not very rewarding for the amount of time invested. 

Man... so ething that old will never be built again... chopping them up would be a shame to some folks...

Myself I just rehabbed a metal terminator librarian...

They are just plastic Terminators:

Actually the models I own are in plastic

So chopping them up isn't really losing vintage models or anything.

I disagree - they are old, out of production mini's, so they do have some nostalgia and value to collectors. Given that they were originally released in the 1995 version of Space Huilk (2nd ed SH and 40k), I'd say they're 'vintage' being over 20 years old laugh.png

@suxdavide - the real question you need to ask is what do you want to do with them?

Yes, they're a little small compared to current mini's, but they're still perfectly viable and usable if you want to bulk out the army or try some different first company formations.

Or, as has been suggested, you could make some statuary terrain, or even a diorama. Or a diorama terrain piece, with them battling against something (genestealers?) as a frontage to a building in a similar way to the Parthenon.

As they are plastic, you can do some very easy arm conversions, with a few careful cuts below the shoulder pads and some re-positioning. With a bit of Green Stuff (or other modelling compound) you can even alter the angle of the arms to add more movement.

Hope that helps happy.png

You will find with new plastic arms applied they will look a lot more dynamic rather than the old arms by their sides. If you think they are lacking in height just add a 1mm shimmy under they're feet.

This comes from a man who has previously resurrected many old metal TDA's and has another 40+ squirrelled away.

Best example is old TDA Grey Knights:




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