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Starting 30k first 1000 pt List


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Hi, I have just started building a 30k list and I was hoping to get a little input on my first build. thanks for any advise! Eventually I would really like to add Templar Bretheran and Sigismund, What Tanks would be classic imperial fists, I really like the Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyers but maybe they are not really imperial fists style.


Force Org: Age of Darkness

Legion: Imperial Fists




Delgatus [100 pts]

- Artificer Armor, Refactor Field, Power Sword

- Rite of War: Chosen Duty


Master of Signals [95 pts]




Legion Tactical Squad 20x  [260 pts]

- Legion Vexilla

- Veteran Sarg, Artificer Armor, Power fist


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad 7x [179 pts]

- Legion Vexilla

- Heavy Bolter with Suspensro Web

- Veteran Sarg, Artificer Armor, Power fist




Contemptor Cortus Dreadnought [165 pts]

- Keres Assult Cannon

- Inbuilt Gravitation Gun


Legion Terminator Squad [200 pts]

- Cataphractii Armor

- 2x power fists, 2x chain fists

- Veteran Sarg, power sword


Total 999 pts



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I'd probably drop the terminators at 1000 points, they'll be footslogging and will most likely struggle to have an impact on the battle. Also I wouldn't recommend spending almost 20% of your points on HQ choices, 1 HQ is plenty for 1000 points.


If you want to use the Chosen Duty Rite of War then you need 2 veteran tactical squads, alternatively you can drop the delegatus upgrade and leave out the Rite of War to save some points too.


With the points you'll save (by dropping the terminators and master of signals) I would suggest upgrading your contemptor from a cortus contemptor and max out your veteran squad, you can probably fit a sicaran in as well.


So the list would look something like this:



Centurion, refractor field, artificer armour, power weapon



10 tactical marines, vexilla, artificer armour melta bombs

10 tactical marines, vexilla, artificer armour melta bombs

10 veterans (marksmen) 2 heavy bolters with suspensor webs, artificer armour



Contemptor with kheres assault cannon, graviton gun


Heavy Support

Sicaran battle tank with heavy bolter sponsons



1000 points is a bit tricky as you spend basically 300 points on your troops and HQ automatically. Anyway, that's my 2 cents, hopefully it gives you some ideas!


Good luck

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