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Zone Mortalis Thousand Sons [1000 pts]


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Hello all,

With some help, I've put together the following list:


+ HQ +

-> Legion Consul: Delegatus

-> Rite of War: Zone Mortalis Assault Force
+ Tartaros Terminator armour
+ Combi-weapon (plasma)
+ Chainfist
= 117 pts


+ One Space Marine
+ Two meltaguns
+ Legion vexilla
+ One breaching charge (Sergeant)
+ Artificer armour (Sergeant)

+ Power fist (Sergeant)
= 295 pts

-> Tartaros Terminator armour
+ one Terminator
+ Five combi-weapons (plasma; incl. Sergeant)
+ Plasma blaster
+ Four power fists
+ Two chainfists (incl. Sergeant)
= 295 pts

-> Tartaros Terminator armour
+ one Terminator
+ Five combi-weapons (plasma; incl. Sergeant)
+ Plasma blaster
+ Four power fists
+ Two chainfists (incl. Sergeant)
= 295 pts

= 1002 pts

Any feedback is much appreciated. thumbsup.gif

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Grav Guns are heavy and have blasts so no firing with them on the move. Better give them 2 Melta Guns so you can threaten Multi-Wound TEQ too and that whilst on the move. A Blasting Charge would be the better choice than the power sword for your Sergeant, so he can blow up other AP2 and 2+ Sergeants at I. 



Fine as they are, i suppose you're going full Combi-Plasma on them? For ZM do prefer Cataphractii over Tartaros but in the end it's more of a question of availability and personal preference.



I love the Delegates, best generic HQ Choice in HH. If you take Chosen Duty with him, you could fill up the square Points with a kitted out veteran Squad.

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Thank you for the feedback, folks! I've taken into account what you've said and have updated the list in the first post.


I've gone with double Terminator Squads because I prefer them over Veteran Squads. And yes, Cataphractii armour would be a better choice, but the aesthetic of the Tartaros pattern appeals to me more. :)

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Look into taking the Zone Mortalis RoW. Makes your Terminators non-compulsory troops and gives breachers +1 to their invulnerables.


Also, Grenade Harnesses arent useful for squads striking at initiative 1.

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Nice, thanks Slips! Quick question while I'm at it. Can the Terminator Squad that has the Deep Strike rule (via the RoW) have a character attached to it and still DS?


EDIT: Good point regarding the grenade harnesses. *facepalm* Added an extra Breacher Marine and a power weapon to the Breacher Sergeant instead.

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Yes, they should still be able to since the HQ is a Terminator Armour Equipped unit in and of himself :p


Reinvest the points from the Grenade Harnesses into a Power Fist and/or Melta Bomb on your Breacher Sergeant since Breaching Charges are One-Use.

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A dreadnought charges your Breacher squad and you failed Overwatch with the two melta guns and you've already used your Breaching Charges only use: What do you do? :P


Also, I doubt a single bolter breacher would help that much compared to your Sergeant always fighting at S8 Ap2.

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