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Commission and pricing?

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All, remember, the B&C is not for the conducting of personal business, such as taking commissions. If you are going to operate a commission service, conduct business elsewhere, such as your own website. You can have your commission website linked in your signature.

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I'm thinking of getting a sons of Horus era army painted. Just wondered if anyone has any idea of costs or what's reasonable?
Doesn't have to be a masterpiece just decent.
Thanks in advance :)

Honestly, Son of Dorn, I've seen pricing all over the place. Depending on what quality you want will probably determine a price you are willing to pay in your mind. Matching that up to a service may take a bit of doing, so search around for a bit.

I don't do commission work specifically because what I would charge for work is not something I'd consider reasonable for most to pay, but what I consider "table top ready" is also not what most would probably consider either.

There have been plenty of commission painters here at the B&C, as well as places like CoolMiniorNot, DakkaDakka, and even just searchable out on Google. I would highly encourage you to set in your mind a price you don't want to go above and an amount of painting you don't want to go below (such as base coat, shading, one highlight, gem lenses) and then get quotes from multiple commission vendors and see which one matches your needs.

Some other things to consider: do you want to have the painter assemble them? Does the painter charge separately for painting assembled vs. unassembled minis? Do they state a different in quality/coverage for assembled vs. unassembled figures? Do they charge different rates for basic/kit-bashed miniatures vs. converted/third party sculpted ones? What is the stated time frame for the commission? Does it work for you or, if necessary, can you pay for expedited service? How do they accept minis to them and how do they ship them back to you?

I wish you luck in finding a painter!


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