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3000 SW - Tournament esq


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Hello, So I have a tourni coming up in the new year. I have thrown this list together with a weather eye on Inferno dropping and causing me to change it all. 


I am also aware of the differing views on Transports for Primarch's chose, but i was going to run it by the TO and let them decide. So, without further ado...



Primarch's Chosen - Space Wolves - 3000pts


Russ (400pts)

Legion Terminator Squad (1x Reaper Autocannon, 2x Lighting Claw, 2x Chainfist) (240pts)

  +   + Spartan Assualt Tank (+Flare Shield) (350pts)


Legion Veteren Squad (+5 men, +Serg Artifier, +Vexillia, +2x Power Weapons, + Heavy Flamer) (210pts)

Legion Breacher Squad (+2x Melta Guns, + Serg Artifier) (200pts)

   + Land Raider Phobos (225pts)


Legion Tactical Squad (+ Serg Artificer) + Rhino (170pts)

Legion Tactical Squad (+ Serg Artificer) + Rhino (170pts)


Fire Raptor (+2x Reaper Autocannons) (220pts)

Land Raider Phobos (225pts) (for the Veterens to ride in)

Land Raider Proteus (180pts)


Lightening Strike Fighter (+ 2x Dual Kraken Missiles,+Battle Servitor Control, +Ground Tracking auguries) (230pts)



Anything obvious that looks stupid.  I am hoping for a tide of AV14 to swamp most opponents with some decent air power. None of the squads is super deathstar, but such is life. I only have some many points/models... But any good idea greatly appreciated :-)


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I often lack anti-tank in my lists, so would looks suspicious to me is only 4 kraken as anti-tank? In a 2000 pts tournaments you might go through with that, but with 3000 pts I'd say you lack in that area.

Raptors' auto-cannons, Veterans and two tactical squads is plenty against infantry, bit imho you lack boom against heavier troops and vehicles.

edit: i am far away from a playable army. so this is all very theoretical theory-crafting msn-wink.gif

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