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Angels Tenebrae - First Legion Log


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"We served faithfully by His side at the beginning, and so we shall at the end. No others shall rule us."











Looking great there DC12


Quick question - there's a couple of guys that don;t have the sword icons painted on the tabards - the dude with the long blade (top half is done) and the guy with the bib - are ya gonna go back and do those?



Totally gonna borrow this idea for some termies, though very tempted to hold out until later this year to see what toys we get in book 8!

Ave, Ferrum Regis


++Hail, Iron King++








The Iron King, Fellblade of the XXIIIrd Cataphracts, was rumored to have been one of the first, if not the first, Fellblades off the sanctic tank yards of Tigrus to the Dark Angels Legion. It received battle honors over the Great Crusade longer than some individual miliatary units having seen action in the Rangdan Xenocides and cross training with the Xth legion. It earned its sobriquet in one such action in which an attached Xth legion officer remarked after seeing it lead other tanks in a valiant blitzkrieg, "the Fellblade lead a charge of iron into the enemy ranks, a king amongst tanks...an Iron King.


@cloud runner

I thought about doing so, but I was afraid it would draw attention away from the model :D


@Draconis and LionofJudah

Thanks gentlemen, I live for the roar of the crowds :P

  • 2 weeks later...

Gotta represent, keep up slackers :P







@OthnielsBlade - thanks mate, I thought the green and white would suit better as it's part of the same colour palette, and not often seen

@Soric - I'm not overly a fan of wings on the helm, I think they're a bit too showy - I like my marines gritty and on the front lines - with maybe a bit of ornamentation here and there

Here's some shots of other angles (apologies for size but I can't resize these down on my phone for some reason)


He's being dropped off at my local GW today for a painting competition (slightly late, but think it'll be ok) - everyone was painting the Dark Angel chaplain figure, and anything goes, so I decided why not go for a praetor.

And then when I build a better commander, this gut gets to be a paladin (champion of champions)

EDIT - I really need to get the light box and camera set up properly to take some decent pics of this dude - the flash has washed out the faded look on the cloak - perhaps when he's back I can get some more pics done

@Khârn - thanks bud, I'll get some better pictures when I have it back! loving the veterans too - great work :D


If anyone's interested, it uses the Andrea white paint set which consists of various tones to build up the colour, and then some weathering powders to give it that lived in feel.



My inspiration for the colours and style are a combination of the HH artwork by Sam Woods (Astelan and the Champion piece) and Michael Phillipi with the glowing power weapons.


They both have a gritty, lived in look look to the cloth and are (for me) some of hte defining artwork of the legion.

  • 2 weeks later...

If I might join you?...


Born amongst the vassals of the Terrawatt Clan, brought up amongst the great steel clad and rad-fueled forges of the Ural Mountains, the boy known then as Rion-43 was selected as one of the aspirants for the tribute payments. These payments, hundreds of genetically-strong young adults and children were given to the Emperor for his use, along with cruel weapons of war and conquest for his armies. Going through intensive and bloody training under both Custodian Guard, and the more cohesive Thunder Warriors, those who survived from these tributes became the first of the Space Marines. The Angels of Death. 
Reborn as a Legionnaire, Dumah, sorted into the second Host of the ‘Six Hosts of the Angels of Death’ bore his new name with as much purpose as his blackened plate and deadly weapons. Fighting alongside the early Legion, Thunder Warriors, Custodes and even Emperor on occasion in some of the harshest battles of the Unification Wars he proved himself capable time and time again, earning praises from allies and brothers alike, rising to the rank of Lance-Decurion; one of the handful of leaders of the Host.
At the peak of the Unification however Dumah fell amongst the barren wastelands of Hy Brasil as a counter-attack force of millions of psi-shackled conscripts and elite Dracos soldiery, the last in a desperate gambit to prevent the Imperial forces from reaching Dalmoth Kyn’s seat of power. As disintegration weaponry lanced out from the Legion’s lines, it was met in kind by vortex cannons, bi-phage projectors and other weapons of atrocity. Nuclear weapons were used in last ditch attempts to slow down the implacable Angels, the blasts costing hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides, and splitting the very continent they were used on. Almost the entire second Host was wiped out in the conflict, a sixth of the total legion forces at that time. Though through the sacrifice, the push was halted and within the week, Hy Brasil fell to the Emperor.
Rescued as one of the few who lived yet at the end of the conflict, the imperial forces found Dumah’s body addled with radiation and cancer, broken beyond repair, even for the skilled gene-forgers and bio-technicians. But he yet lived. Interred in one of the first experimental contemptor-pattern dreadnoughts, his mind was brought back screaming from the pain as body and metal became one. With sophisticated life-support modules preventing the last of his living flesh succumbing to the decay that had ravaged him, he was reborn a second time, brought back from death itself. 
With the armour still in development and subject to alteration, the contemptor chassis Dumah now resided in would later be known to have more similarities with that of the Contemptor-Cortus suits created during the Ullanor Crusade than the true Contemptors created during the early years of the Great Crusade, once contact had been re-established with the forges of Mars. Later transference of Dumah to a more suitable dreadnought was found to be unfeasible, with the neural shock of such an action quite likely to end the worn mind, and kill one of the oldest surviving members of the Legion.
Winning countless battles through the years of the Great Crusade, Dumah proved his worth in both front-line combat and imparting the wisdom accrued through centuries of war. By the time of the Horus Heresy, though it’s outer layers were updated and strengthened, the inner workings, life support, and complex neural strata were worn and frayed. It was obvious to the legion’s techmarines, apothecaries, and the occupant himself that by another century whatever remained of the honourable warrior within would be faded and gone. His mind broken, and body finally wrought through with lesions and cancerous tissue, Dumah would suffer unending, living in unescapable torment in the realms of his own broken sanity. 
It could be seen as a mercy then, perhaps, that Dumah fell only a handful of years later. Sent along with the bulk of the Dreadwing to the Thramas Sector to combat the delaying actions of the VIIIth legion, Lance-Decurion Dumah of the Dreadwing would die amongst the rubble and ruin of Tsagualsa. His chassis would later be recovered from the piles of fallen Night Lords, and ceremonially burnt in purifying flame to mark the passing of one of the oldest of the Legion. 
'Repent, for the Angels of Death hath come upon ebon wings, and you would do well to stand aside.'
  • 4 weeks later...


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