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Admech questions.


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So I'm interested in starting some Adeptus Mechanicus as soon as I get my next paycheck. I want to start my own forge world but I had some questions regarding the machine cult, in particular it seems like all forge worlds have some red incorporated into their heraldry. Is this a norm within the admech or can there be variations? For my own I have two thoughts in mind:


Off-white and red or Off-white and a light blue or an army green and white scheme. 


Also is there a diference between the pre and post heresy Admech? Because I want my forge world be one very dedicated to cybernetics and augmentation of warriors, so some of the units from the horus heresy rules would fit in nicely (they are also really gorgeous minis).


So those were my two questions. Looking forward to hearing your answers.

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Red is the colour of Mars, which is why it's commonly associated with the AdMech. For your own Forge World you can have any colours you like - mine is brown and white :) Someone else can provide more info on the differences between pre-heresy and post AdMech, but generally you have more tech in the olden days as is normal for 40k. Also tech that is perhaps a bit closer to "AI" than you might see otherwise..?

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The Skitarii codex suggests there is a lot of tradition/superstition about colours for the Adeptus Mechanicus and they make a big deal about minor hue tweaks and colour scheme inversion. As a result, almost all official colour schemes have red in them. As you can see by my avatar, I got fed up with red. tongue.png

My colour scheme is quite a bright green but I've seen some nice army style green on Google.


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There are definite differences between pre-heresy and post-heresy ad-mech. For a start the name, Adeptus Mechanicus is the post-heresy name, it was The Mechanicum before that.

Here's a few examples:

Pre-Heresy there was much more frequent use of Automata and more use of more sophisticated types, the next Imperial Armour book should allow some limited use of these in 40k and there should still be Thallax in the Ordo Reductor in 40k (mentioned in White Dwarf and IIRC the Cult Mechanicus codex) but their weapons may change. Because more than half the Legio Cybernetica sided with Horus the Automata are kept a very close eye on since hence the preference for the simpler more obedient Kastellans in later times.

Sydonian Dragoons and Ironstrider Balistarii only exist post-heresy as the Ironstrider Engine was invented a little after the Heresy.

Pre-Heresy the Mechanicum were much more vulnerable to chaos-based malware. The Adeptus now uses Noospherics which is a sort of more secure wi-fi kind of thing as well as Hexamathic Encryption.

Doctrina Imperitives and Canticles of the Omnissiah are post-heresy innovations whereas during there was Cybertheurgy which in game terms functions more like psychic powers but seems to be some sort of hacking.

There's lots more examples, and while we can expect a bit more overlap between the Forgeworld and GW units when the new Imperial Armour book comes out currently they use quite different army lists.

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Alright, thanks for the clarifications. I might make my forge world slightly unorthodox, giving them a reason to use a few of the heresy era units without crossing the heresy line too much.

You may want to wait a bit. Next IA book is supposed to cover Mechanicum units that have survived through to current Mechanicus (though slightly...off after 10,000+ years of use).

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I think any paint scheme is fine for AdMech, though I always prefer some of the holy red of Mars in there somewhere. I look forward to seeing what sort of scheme you choose! biggrin.png

Yeah, the holy red is nice but I wanted something diferent.

I wish there was a admech painter like for space marines. It would make choosing a scheme simpler :P Also choosing a symbol, knocked it down to 2, so many choices and desitions :P

Another question, because I'm making some plans to expand the army with some astra militarum units. Do forge worlds have PDF units or do they only rely on their own armed forces? I was thinking a nice WWI inspired force with some cybernetics elements would look cool on astra militarum (maybe converted kriegers or cadians).

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Another question, because I'm making some plans to expand the army with some astra militarum units.  Do forge worlds have PDF units or do they only rely on their own armed forces? I was thinking a nice WWI inspired force with some cybernetics elements would look cool on astra militarum (maybe converted kriegers or cadians).

Dan Abnett's Titanicus features Titan Legios, Skitarii, and PDF, all natives of Orestes fighting together against Chaos Titan forces. 

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I think any paint scheme is fine for AdMech, though I always prefer some of the holy red of Mars in there somewhere.  I look forward to seeing what sort of scheme you choose!  :D


Yeah, the holy red is nice but I wanted something diferent. 


I wish there was a admech painter like for space marines. It would make choosing a scheme simpler :P Also choosing a symbol, knocked it down to 2, so many choices and desitions :P


Another question, because I'm making some plans to expand the army with some astra militarum units.  Do forge worlds have PDF units or do they only rely on their own armed forces? I was thinking a nice WWI inspired force with some cybernetics elements would look cool on astra militarum (maybe converted kriegers or cadians).

Yeah, I also play BA so I did not want to paint more red. I also have tried 3-4 test schemes and I have yet to find one I am actually happy with...
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I'd say including allied IG with some cybernetics is a great idea. Tech-Guard has been in the background for a while, though it muddies a bit with true Skitarii.

I imagine the Admechs would rather waste the insignificant lives of the average guardman rather than their own technologically superior skitarii. Atleast that's what I would do if I were a techpriest tongue.png

I'm thinking maybe some lawrence of arabia with cybernetics would look cool. Not sure yet, I'm scouting for ideas all over.

But for the admech I've got more or less a solid idea:

Cold climate forge world (or desert considering how much a forge world destroys their planets environment), semi-orthodox cult with a heavy focus of cybernetics and the modification of the human body into their own twisted image of 'perfection'. Slight squabbles with the inquisition and Mars over their use and work with older tech, though not enough to call for a purge of their cult and world, though the cult itself is extremely loyal to the throne world and the Omnissiah. Colours still bothering me although I have their symbol figured out. I've gotten the idea of using burgundy red and green or white. Anyways when I get my paycheck I'll start doing some work on this.

EDIT: Oh, and their most common enemy: Necrons. I imagine they would be very interested in knowing how to turn humans into fully sentient machines, even though that's quite a heretical thought.

EDIT EDIT: BTW, do any of you know if it's easy to remove the heads from death korps grenadiers? I love the heavy armoured bodies but I'd like to change their heads to add a bit of uniqueness.

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You've got some pretty interesting ideas so far. The Lawrence of Arabia with cybernetics sounds cool. I suppose the closest to that GW does is Tallarn models? I like the idea of augmented allies. I thought the Tempestus Scions had a similar well-equipped feel to skitarii but a more meatshield horde could look impressive too.

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You've got some pretty interesting ideas so far. The Lawrence of Arabia with cybernetics sounds cool. I suppose the closest to that GW does is Tallarn models? I like the idea of augmented allies. I thought the Tempestus Scions had a similar well-equipped feel to skitarii but a more meatshield horde could look impressive too.

I'm thinking maybe running them as an all veterans astra militarum army so I can give them carapace armour and better equipment. As far as the models themselves, well I guess I will have to convert some Cadians with some greenstuff and some mechanicum bits.


I actually don't like the tempestus scions models. I wish GW had gone for a new edition of the cadian skitarii, but oh well.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'd say including allied IG with some cybernetics is a great idea.  Tech-Guard has been in the background for a while, though it muddies a bit with true Skitarii.


I'm thinking maybe some lawrence of arabia with cybernetics would look cool. Not sure yet, I'm scouting for ideas all over.



I was looking for parts for a Magos conversion and I found these heads: https://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=277


Would they be suitable for your original idea?

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I'd say including allied IG with some cybernetics is a great idea. Tech-Guard has been in the background for a while, though it muddies a bit with true Skitarii.

I'm thinking maybe some lawrence of arabia with cybernetics would look cool. Not sure yet, I'm scouting for ideas all over.

I was looking for parts for a Magos conversion and I found these heads: https://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=277

Would they be suitable for your original idea?

Yeah, those look great. Now let's see if the hobby butterfly let's me do something about it sweat.gif

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