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Imperial fists expansion of Prospero set


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Hi all. The lure of the heresy has finally drawn me in and after much deliberation I've started to collect the illustrious Fists. I've got the Prospero set as a base but haven't bought anything else on top of that yet. I'm looking to build up eventually to about 4k-5k of options with a fluffyish siege army featuring classic Fists elements which is still decent on the table.


My first draft at 3k looks like this. Any suggestions?


Row: Pride of the legion

Hq: Sigismund (x)

Hq: Consul siege breaker - artificer armour, melta bomb and solarite power gauntlet (135)


Elites: 3 quad mortars with phosphex shells (240)

Troops: 10 vet tactical with marksmen usr. 2 heavy bolters with suspensors, vexilla, sergeant with power fist and artificer armour (235)

Troops: 10 vet tactical with marksmen usr. 2 plasma guns, vexilla, sergeant with power fist and artificer armour (225)

Troops: 5 tartaros terminators. 3 chain fists, 2 power fists, plasma blaster. Dedicated Spartan transport - flare shield, ceramite and dozer blade (605)

Troops: 5 templar brethren with combat shields. Solarium power gauntlet.on champion. Dedicated Land Raider Phobos with dozer blade and ceramite (480)


HS: Deredeo with autocannons and Aiolos Missile Launcher (220)

HS: Sicaran Ventnor, no upgrades (x)

HS: Leviathan, melta lance, siege drill, twin volkites, phosphex discharger. Riding a dreadnought drop pod. (440)


Total 3k on the nose.


Siggy goes with terminators in the spartan. Siege breaker is there to unlock phosphex and he rides with the template in the raider.


In particular I'm not sure on the load out of the Leviathan - am tempted by grav bombard and claw but it leaves me light on AT?


Not sure spending points to get nuncio voxes on the vet tac squads is worth it.


Help appreciated!

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I get the theme but I would lose the siege breaker (and consequently the phosphex rounds on the quads.


I'd also lose the plasma blaster from the terminator squad (these guys are going to be in close combat).


With the points saved I'd add storm shields to the terminators (running them as 'standard terminators'), a rhino for at least one of the vet squads and if points allow an apothercary on Templar squad (especially if you plan to put Sigusmund with them, though I'd add him to the terminators).


I think you'd still have your siege theme list but you'd add some important upgrades across your army.

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