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Ok, I don't really know what I'm doing, so I'd love a bit of feedback on this list. 

(Context is - started playing HH with two pals, Salamanders and Iron Warriors - haven't played any tabletop in years but have been having a blast getting this army painted, got a variety of bits and pieces under construction, so have been thinking about options.)



- delegatus, tartaros, combi weapon, pride of the legion/chosen duty 

- praevian, boarding shield, combi flamer, artificer



- terminator squad, tartaros, 3x combi plasma, power fists, plasma blaster, thunder hammer on sergeant.



 - veteran squad, 10 vets, rhino with multi melta, 2x plasma gun, marksmen, power fist + dagger + artificer on sergeant


- veteran squad, 10 vets, rhino with multi melta, 2x melta gun, machine killers, power fist + dagger + artificer on sergeant


Fast Attack

- jetbike squadron, multi melta, melta bombs


Heavy Support

castellax maniple, 2 robots, 2x flamers each, enhanced targeting array



It comes to ~1500 points, but there's some give in there depending on upgrades. Inevitably using infiltrate mutable tactics. Sadly no transport for terminators yet - I plan on getting a Phobos at least - so will have to infiltrate them somewhere cheeky and hope for the best. Other stuff I've got knocking about that I could put into the list includes a venator, more bolter marines (have a fair amount of power armour bits too), and a couple of different hq options. 

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To start off, I just want to say welcome to the Horus Heresy!


In general, it looks like a pretty strong list to be honest, and Chosen Duty is a decent Rite of War.


I would personally change a few things however (of course, this is just my opinion, so feel free to ignore what you like if you have a certain vision in mind but I'll do my best to explain my reasons behind each point so you at least see where I'm coming from) - here is my list anyway:




Legion Centurion – 107

(Delegatus Consul, Tartaros Terminator Armour, Combi-Plasma)

​*No change here, although I specifically gave him a Combi-Plasma to complement the Terminators he would join.


Legion Centurion – 110 / 217

(Praevian Consul, Combi-Melta, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs)

​*I swapped the Combi-Flamer for a Combi-Melta. A single se Flamer won't do much to Marines, but a Melta shot might help take down a Dreadnought which would threaten the Castellax.

​*Gave him Melta Bombs too as like I said above, Walkers can threaten these in combat so Melta Bombs will help.

​*Boarding Shields are great as they equal defensive grenades so I kept that, but cut the Artificer Armour to save points. I don't think I would be needed as the Castellax will shield the Praevian from most things, and their majority Toughness will help too making it less of an issue.


Master of Cybernetica (Must Join Praevian) – 270 / 487

(2 Castellax Class Battle-Automata, Enhanced Targeting Arrays, Banestrike Bolter Rounds)

​*I cut the Flamers as I would consider them a waste on these guys. Might have a use with Overwatch, but Castellax can fire 3 weapons each in the shooting phase and so Bolters would be better placed to use this rule.

​*I then added Banestrike Rounds as although it has a shorter range, the chance a more AP3 alongside the Mauler Bolt Cannon is worth it!


Veteran Tactical Squad (10) – 220 / 707

(2 Plasma Guns, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Artificer Armour: Marksmen Vet Tactics)

Rhino – 50 / 757


​*No change here...


Veteran Tactical Squad (10) – 220 / 977

(2 Plasma Guns, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Artificer Armour: Marksmen Vet Tactics)

Rhino – 50 / 1027


​*Swapped the Melta unit for another Plasma one. I find these are much better and lots of AP2 is good! Melta is too short range. Better off with 2 Plasma Marksmen squads to get lots of AP2 whilst the Rhino Multi-Meltas deal with armour.


Legion Terminator Squad (5) – 248 / 1275

(Tartaros Terminator Armour, 4 Combi-Plasmas, Plasma Blaster, 2 Power Fists, 2 Chainfists, Thunder Hammer)

​*Added an extra Comb-Plasma as the more the better. Swapped 2 Power Fists for Chainfists as they will be very useful in combat against Vehicles.


Sicaran Venator – 225 / 1500

(Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade)

​*Swapped the Jetbikes for this as it fills in your Anti Tank where I cut a lot of the Meltas. The Venator is much better at anti tank than all the Meltas that were there previously and the points saved allows for more AP2/3 which will really help.




​Everything Infiltrates!


​Sicaran and Rhinos target Armour, whilst 2 Plasma Marksmen Vets and Preavian / Castellax provide fire support. Delegatus and Terminators are your Close Combat unit, or can advance to threaten the enemy.

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- delegatus, tartaros, combi weapon, pride of the legion/chosen duty 

- praevian, boarding shield, combi flamer, artificer



- terminator squad, tartaros, 3x combi plasma, power fists, plasma blaster, thunder hammer on sergeant.



 - veteran squad, 10 vets, rhino with multi melta, 2x plasma gun, marksmen, power fist + dagger + artificer on sergeant


- veteran squad, 10 vets, rhino with multi melta, 2x melta gun, machine killers, power fist + dagger + artificer on sergeant


Fast Attack

- jetbike squadron, multi melta, melta bombs


Heavy Support

castellax maniple, 2 robots, 2x flamers each, enhanced targeting array





Okay, let's take a look into this.


I'd swap out your squad of Legion Terminators for Lernaeans since they are stubborn.

Thus you can ditch the Tartaros suit on your Delegatus for a suit of Cataphractii armour, improving his save.

Power Blades on the Castellax.


Looking like this:



- Consul Delegatus, Cataphractii Armour, Volkite Charger, master-crafted Chainfist

- Consul Praevian, Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Bolter, Melta Bombs

+ 2x Castellax, Darkfire Cannons, 2x2 Flamers, Enahnced Targetting Arrays, Power Blades



- Lernaeans: 4x Power Fists, master-crafted Chainfist, Venom Sphere Harness, Plasma Blaster



- Veterans x10, Rhino w. MM, 2x Plasmagun, Marksmen, Power Fist + Dagger + AA


- Veterans x10 ,Rhino w. MM, 2x Melta Gun, Machine Killers, Power Fist + Dagger + AA


Fast Attack

- Javelin w. Cyclone Launcher & 2x HK Missile

- Javelin w. Cyclone Launcher & 2x HK Missile


Heavy Support



Comes down to 1.489 pts., leaving you with 10 points spare.


Option:  Ditch the MMs on the Rhinos and the Javelins to include a naked Sicaran if you're into that.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! Really interesting to see different perspectives. 


@Apostle of the 30th Host: Great points, I'll tweak a lot of the equipment in line with your suggestions. One caveat is that I've already assembled the Castellax in the flamer configuration (could always proxy them with bolters - no big deal). Dozer blade on the venator? It'll look rad, but I don't have any bits I could use on it... I'll fish around and see what I can drum up. I think PuppetsWar do one?


@Uknown Legionnaire: I've heard a lot about how rad Javelins are, but I don't have any, sadly. Also I'm afraid I don't have any Cataphractii armour - I've got that event-Praetor assembled and I have (currently unassembled) plastic Tartaros. Do you think Lernaens are worth looking into? I'm sort of hoping that they'll get models eventually. 

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