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New to 30k Blood Angels Day of Revelation


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This is the first list I have made for 30k and I'm wondering if this would work for most games and as a good start. I really enjoy the blood angels fluff and the assault style rules they have.




Legion Praetor- Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Digital Weapons, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Bolter, Charnabal Sabre, Paragon Blade. 212 points

Command Squad- 5 Charnabel Sabres, 5 combat shields, Jump Packs, Standard Banner, Melta Bombs. 290 points



10 mand Veteran Tactical Squad, Marksmen. Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. 2 Heavy flamers. Rhino transport. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword. 295 points

 10 mand Veteran Tactical Squad, Marksmen. Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. 2 Heavy flamers. Rhino transport. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword. 295 points



10 man assualt squad, Melta Bombs, 2 power swords, Sergeant has Artificer armor, combat shield, thunder hammer 278 points

10 man assualt squad, Melta Bombs, 2 power swords, Sergeant has Artificer armor, combat shield, thunder hammer 278 points

20 man tactical squad, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword 265 points

20 man tactical squad, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword 265 points


Fast Attack

Storm Eagle Gunship- Twin linked Multi melta, 2 twin linked lascannons, Amoured Ceramite 286 points

Storm Eagle Gunship- Twin linked Multi melta, 2 twin linked lascannons, Amoured Ceramite 286 points


Heavy Support

Fire Raptor Gunship- 4 Hellstrike Missles, Reaper Autocannon battery 250 points


I want to put the tactical squads in the storm eagles and have everything besides the veterans deep strike turn 1. hopefully I won't mishap. I picture it as the Angels coming down from the sky so its a fluffy list that I think will be really fun. 


Let me know if this would be some what competitive and if I should change anything, thanks.

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From all I see and hear, 15-man Assault squads are where it is at. Plus, no Jump Apothecaries to give them staying power? Definitely worth scrapping a Tac & Storm Eagle to adjust. Or the Vets, who will get torn apart in such small squads all on their lonesome out there. 

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From all I see and hear, 15-man Assault squads are where it is at. Plus, no Jump Apothecaries to give them staying power? Definitely worth scrapping a Tac & Storm Eagle to adjust. Or the Vets, who will get torn apart in such small squads all on their lonesome out there. 

Okay, I like the idea of the bigger assault squads. I didn't know I could give the apothercaries jump packs. I took out the veterans with there rhinos and added the extra assault marines and another power weapon in each squad. Im at 2750 points with the changes. For 250 points, im not really sure what I could add that fits with the army.

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From all I see and hear, 15-man Assault squads are where it is at. Plus, no Jump Apothecaries to give them staying power? Definitely worth scrapping a Tac & Storm Eagle to adjust. Or the Vets, who will get torn apart in such small squads all on their lonesome out there. 

Okay, I like the idea of the bigger assault squads. I didn't know I could give the apothercaries jump packs. I took out the veterans with there rhinos and added the extra assault marines and another power weapon in each squad. Im at 2750 points with the changes. For 250 points, im not really sure what I could add that fits with the army.



Scrap the Meltabombs on the squads. Only one guy can throw them anyhow, so just go with a Sarge w/ PFist or TH to bust up armor. That saves you like 150pt! 


That nets you another 15-man Assault squad with a Jump Apothecary. Scrap the Nuncio Vox (no need for them, your Deep Strikers arrive before those guys are on the table), scrap the Meltabombs on the Cmd Squad, and shift some points around to get an Apothecary in those Tac Squads (drop to 19 dudes). 


So, something like this maybe:

Legion Praetor
Paragon Blade, Lightning Claw, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Digital Weapons
(3) Apothecarion Detachment
Jump Packs
(15) Assault Squad
3x Power Axes, Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armor, Combat Shield
(15) Assault Squad
3x Power Axes, Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armor, Combat Shield
(15) Assault Squad
3x Power Axes, Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armor, Combat Shield
(17) Tactical Squad
Vexilla, BP/CCWs, Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(17) Tactical Squad
Vexilla, BP/CCWs, Power Fist, Artificer Armor
Fast Attack:
Storm Eagle
TL MM, TL Las, Armored Ceramite
Storm Eagle
TL MM, TL Las, Armored Ceramite
Heavy Support:
Fire Raptor
Armored Ceramite, Reaper Battery, 4x Hellstrike
Leviathan Dreadnought
Armored Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, CML
Dreadnought Drop Pod
49 Marines dropping in on T1 without a roll and getting a 5+ cover save, with all of their shooting causing Pinning. Not bad! The squads have FNP now, meaning they should survive that drop turn to get into combat, which they do at +1 Initiative. The Combat shields are insurance because of the "By Honour Bound" meaning you will be fighting challenges and at Initiative 1 thanks to the Hammers, but with a 2+/5++/5+ FNP, you should survive to swing. The Leviathan is your answer to that must-kill vehicle, as the CML is S9 AP1 Melta that will most likely be within that magical 9" on the drop. you should pretty easily nuke whatever is in front of it and with that 4++ on that 13/13/12 chassis... just gross. Plus, with Severing Cut, it does a whole lot of hurt to toughness based models. The Phosphex is an ugly way to erase a squad nearby too at S5 AP2 Poisoned 3+. So nasty. The Tactical Squads are mid- and late-game objective takers, mostly. Enough dudes to last against a diminished enemy, ideally. Skipped Apoths on them with hope it won't be a necessity. 


This list is so very straight-forward. Alpha strike and mop up. And it doesn't deviate too much from your own list (I tried not to!).

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^With that list they shall know fear. Artistically fluffy list which is competitive too. Wonderful. Can I hire you as my basement troll to build lists for me? smile.png

Yea, feel free. I literally make lists on my down time at work (shhh, don't tell). Plus, list building helps me understand opponent's armies better.

If you get this built and on the table, post up some results and pics! :D

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^With that list they shall know fear. Artistically fluffy list which is competitive too. Wonderful. Can I hire you as my basement troll to build lists for me? smile.png

Yea, feel free. I literally make lists on my down time at work (shhh, don't tell). Plus, list building helps me understand opponent's armies better.

If you get this built and on the table, post up some results and pics! biggrin.png

It will be awhile but currently the Fire Raptor, Praetor, and some assault marines are getting painted.

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If the storm eagle, and the fire raptor have the deep strike special rule as well, wouldn't they also come in on turn 1?

Nope. It says specifically Jump Infantry units.

^With that list they shall know fear. Artistically fluffy list which is competitive too. Wonderful. Can I hire you as my basement troll to build lists for me? smile.png

Yea, feel free. I literally make lists on my down time at work (shhh, don't tell). Plus, list building helps me understand opponent's armies better.

If you get this built and on the table, post up some results and pics! biggrin.png

It will be awhile but currently the Fire Raptor, Praetor, and some assault marines are getting painted.


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If the storm eagle, and the fire raptor have the deep strike special rule as well, wouldn't they also come in on turn 1?

Nope. It says specifically Jump Infantry units.

^With that list they shall know fear. Artistically fluffy list which is competitive too. Wonderful. Can I hire you as my basement troll to build lists for me? smile.png

Yea, feel free. I literally make lists on my down time at work (shhh, don't tell). Plus, list building helps me understand opponent's armies better.

If you get this built and on the table, post up some results and pics! biggrin.png

It will be awhile but currently the Fire Raptor, Praetor, and some assault marines are getting painted.


Thanks for the advice man

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  • 2 weeks later...

I disagree about putting too many points into Assault Marines. It just makes them a larger target, and they die like flies to Scorpius Whirlwinds or phosphex barrages.


That said, this whole section here:



20 man tactical squad, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword 265 points

20 man tactical squad, Legion vexilla, Nuncio-Vox. Sergeant has Artificer armor and power sword 265 points


Fast Attack

Storm Eagle Gunship- Twin linked Multi melta, 2 twin linked lascannons, Amoured Ceramite 286 points

Storm Eagle Gunship- Twin linked Multi melta, 2 twin linked lascannons, Amoured Ceramite 286 points


is 1102 points of garbage.

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I disagree about putting too many points into Assault Marines. It just makes them a larger target, and they die like flies to Scorpius Whirlwinds or phosphex barrages.


And that argument can be made about literally all infantry units. Sweating every single contingency will make you not want to even put dudes on the table. The list can work, like any list can work, if it plays to its strengths. 

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