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Master of Mankind - Review or Spoilers?


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Not sure what time think about the Drach'yen spoilers. The Emperor struggles with him but can obliterate a chaos empowered Horus.


Edit. Sorry it's not meant to come across as a complaint. I understand it do not have all the facts, maybe there is an explanation or Imore too blinded by my loyalists belief in his power

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Not sure what time think about the Drach'yen spoilers. The Emperor struggles with him but can obliterate a chaos empowered Horus.

Speaking as someone who's just a fan like you are and not privy to any insider knowledge, there are a bunch of ways this could be possible, and it's not like Horus didn't wound him to the razors edge of death. Just wait and all the answers will be made apparent (or not). THEN complain

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After the Emperor's comments on the Primarch project in MoM, the mystery surrounding his relationship with Horus and what eventually happens on the Vengeful Spirit is all the more exciting now. I cannot wait to see what words are exchanged between them.  It will also be interesting to see how the scene is written - from whose perspective, etc.

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I suspect its because the Emperor is human (or is he?) Thus like it says at the start of the book, the first murder has been taunting him all his life/has a bit of power on him.

Oh my gods this book is good btw, the Titans last stand had me on the edge of my seat, the Mechanicum were super interesting at all levels, the Custodes were cold badasses, the sisters Mysterious badasses, The Knights, THE KNIGHTS! Best knights in 40k so far as they often leave me going meh but sooo goood! The Canary was an intriguingly mysterious badass too (Was he actually a Moritat? His gear hints at it and then doesn't?) and Arkhan land was actually amazing, Sapien's introduction being a highlight.

The last few HH books have been mind blowing but damn, ADB is our master now...


Been thinking about building one of the Sacristians knight reloaders too... Ill look up the proper name when i up tools but the goliath looks like a promising base...

I made a "sketch" but photobucket is being crap and not letting me upload :/

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Indeed it has - but my point is that it's never been a 100% 'Chaos Will Win Guaranteed Take It To The Bank' type deal.

I agree with this...


If you take "on the brink of collapse" or "teetering on the edge of collapse" at face value...that means the IoM is close to collapse around M41


That doesn't mean the IoM is guaranteed to collapse around M41...though I would say the odds are certainly stacked against the IoM...but then again, the odds were stacked against the loyalists during the HH


Will the IoM collapse eventually? Seems almost certain, no? All empires come to an end (but not necessarily because of Chaos).


...but is M41 (or M42) most certainly without a doubt the guaranteed End Times? No


It seems likely, but there's no indication that it's guaranteed

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...i know its cheap, but it got your attention didnt it?

So, onto something different, The Blood Angel character.

Two sentences in there have done an excellent job in describing something that has fascinated me about Blood Angel culture.

The first describing the reason why BA have an inclination to be drawn to art.
The second is that Baal'ite culture has some of its roots based on the western Roman Empire.

Also, is the Blood Angel character a Moriatat?

Based on his wargear it would seem so.

Finally, thank you for putting a well developed BA character in the book. I can finally say we have at least one now in the series happy.png

That being said..

-Arkhan Land
-Part of the Custodes brain is missing and he keeps on fighting.
-Commorragh pre it becoming Commorragh
-Big E psychically kills his uncle while he holds up the head of his father....blink.png ...Grimdark


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He's definitely a moritat. The part where he swan dives off the demons back at the end is straight outta my head canon for how blood angels fight. It was also great he got the custodes to shut up about him being crippled and show why the emperor created legionaries in the first place.


10/10 would read an ADB blood angel book.

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He's definitely a moritat. The part where he swan dives off the demons back at the end is straight outta my head canon for how blood angels fight. It was also great he got the custodes to shut up about him being crippled and show why the emperor created legionaries in the first place.


10/10 would read an ADB blood angel book.

I know he and James Swallow are friends and all, and it may be a little self serving on my part, but holy hell would I prefer if the next BA book would be done by ADB.

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Can someone spoiler tag Drachyejajdnfhf :)

My copy won't be in my paws for a few more weeks.


Drach'nyen is the daemon born from the first human murder. Also known as the 'End of Empires, he infiltrates the Webway and kills his way up from servitors to Titans, becoming increasingly powerful as he does.


The Emperor can't destroy him but can only bind the daemon before casting it out through the Webway.



Whilst we're talking about Zephon, did anyone else get a 'drive me closer so I can hit them with my sword' vibe when he demands the Raider be driven in closer whilst he readies his blade?

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One of the things I hate the most in any story, which unfortunately 40k suffers from, is the concept of power levels, measured in numbers or another abstract concept. Where the one with the higher 'number' always win, is always the most powerful.


For me it lacks nuances. For example, an Astartes whom is a master of duels might find himself bested by a weaker character, or in the roaring thunder of the battlefield. It doesn't diminish his accomplishments. It merely enforce that it's a deadly world were even a moment lack of concentration or just a stroke of bad luck can and will get you Killed.


So even if the first murder doesn't have the same 'number' as the Emperor it is still a potent threat since it represents something that is anathema for the rule of mankind. One is hope, the other is the end.

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One of the things I hate the most in any story, which unfortunately 40k suffers from, is the concept of power levels, measured in numbers or another abstract concept. Where the one with the higher 'number' always win, is always the most powerful.


For me it lacks nuances. For example, an Astartes whom is a master of duels might find himself bested by a weaker character, or in the roaring thunder of the battlefield. It doesn't diminish his accomplishments. It merely enforce that it's a deadly world were even a moment lack of concentration or just a stroke of bad luck can and will get you Killed.


So even if the first murder doesn't have the same 'number' as the Emperor it is still a potent threat since it represents something that is anathema for the rule of mankind. One is hope, the other is the end.


Precious nuance. Marry me.

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One of the things I hate the most in any story, which unfortunately 40k suffers from, is the concept of power levels, measured in numbers or another abstract concept. Where the one with the higher 'number' always win, is always the most powerful.


For me it lacks nuances. For example, an Astartes whom is a master of duels might find himself bested by a weaker character, or in the roaring thunder of the battlefield. It doesn't diminish his accomplishments. It merely enforce that it's a deadly world were even a moment lack of concentration or just a stroke of bad luck can and will get you Killed.


So even if the first murder doesn't have the same 'number' as the Emperor it is still a potent threat since it represents something that is anathema for the rule of mankind. One is hope, the other is the end.


this!! everyone thinks it's horus heresy top trumps, but it's all about context

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The first describing the reason why BA have an inclination to be drawn to art.

The second is that Baal'ite culture has some of its roots based on the western Roman Empire.





About Baal & Blood Angels...



I wasn't sure if it was holy roman empire or ancient roman empire. What we term angels certainly have classical - Greek - roots in things like the Winged Grace of Samothrace. But they have also ancient middle eastern routes. However the widespread role of angels feels more like medieval holy roman empire - perhaps late medieval version - the rarified sense of beauty, everyone wandering off a van Eyck or a Jean Fouquet or a Dürer image. I wondered about this too.


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