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Imperial Fists Storm Shields and Tartaros


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But as good as FW is i wouldn't give them

too much credit - I feel it's just another example of some disjointed rules writing.


When you could take Tartaros and shields I never heard anyone moan that they were Op - you had to pay a lot of points to have 3++ sweep!

 Its not a lot of points... its 5 ppm


A vigil pattern stormshield is 15 points per model  on tartaros armor 

A vigil pattern sotmrshield is  10 points per model on Cataprachtii armor


A powerfist is 5 points per model. 



5 ppm more I should have specified obviously. 5 pts to run and sweep is cheap on a 2+,3++ model with no shooting weapon. 

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Imperial Fists Storm Shield Tartaros Terminators cost 50 points more than  Fire Drakes  

Have 1 Less Weapon Skill 
Have 1 Less wound
Do Not have Concussive on their weapons 

It takes NOTHING away from Salamanders to have a terminator unit that costs MORE  than their terminators  with the ability to sweep vs having the extra bonuses. 


The conversation is about cost vs  an example of a unit that currently exists  

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Which would widen the points gap even more.  

Again you are ignoring the conversation , picking one particular thing from the replies and just commenting on it.  


Firedrakes - 10 in a spartan  850 points  2 W  WS 5 

Imperial Fists Tartaros SS / TH  - 10 in a Spartan 950 points   1W  WS 4    ability to sweep 

It takes NOTHING AWAY from Salamanders, and again thats not even the issue , the idea that the unit is not expensive to field is the statement being  discussed.  

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Wow , I  just I cant tell if you are  delibrately trolling me or what  , maybe you are having difficulty tracking the conversation 

The Difference is 50 points when considering power fists  and a 100 when considering Thunderhammers 

The original comparison as to the cost of the unit was using  power fists  
YOU  brought up thunderhammers which widens the gap an ADDITIONAL  50 Points 

And yet despite answering your question it still  is just  you further spinning the conversation AWAY FROM THE POINT 

The Cost of Imperial Fists Terminators  with a 2+ / 3++  and sweeping ability is high , the comparison to Fire Drakes who cant sweep but have defensive bonuses  instead displays a 50 point difference  ( when using fists instead of hammers)  while the Firedrakes  hold Concussive , WS5  and 2 Wounds over the Imperial Fist Terminators while costing 50 points less. 

When using Thunderhammers it FURTHER WIDENS THE GAP BECAUSE IT INCREASES  SAID GAP  TO 100 POINTS  while only bringing the fist termis closer in terms of removing the concussive advantage  of the Firedrakes. 

The Cost of the Unit is high relative to similar units of terminators. 

I dont know how to spell it out for you any better , and I swear if you come back with something else thats utterly nonsensical I am going to do what has been suggested to me and just ignore your posts. 

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First of all. Relax, its an internet forum not the battlefield




5 Tartoros Terminators

w/ 5x Storm shield and powerfists



5 Firedrakes

w/storm shield and powerfists



You could argue that they still don't fill the same roll and its not tactically sound to use IF Terminators in that fashion since they have teleport transponders but anyway.


Upgrading both those units up to max size in puts them at 575 and 625 respectivley. The Spartan costs the same.


The 50 points comes with the following advantages:


10 addition wounds


Fear and pinning resistance

1 master crafter weapon


And these list of drawbacks:

Cannot sweep (pretty big considering its an assault unit)

-1 to their charge rolls or -3 through cover (again a pretty big deal for an assault unit)


The only way to mitigate their charge limitations is to take a RoW that prevents them from getting a dreadclaw, the single most effecient transport in the game especially for 2 wound terminators. 


Fire Drakes get a pretty serious discount for their significant assault limitations, none of which IF Tartorus have to deal with. And since you can teleport in 2x assault cannons, and a smatering of combi-weapons being a T5, 3++ wall with a 15 point upgrade before you charge and sweep an enemy combat unit, I think Storm shield tartorus have a bit of a surcharge.  But are quite viable outside the 10+Primarch+forgelord+Chaplain+Primus in a Spartan meta choice.

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And since you can teleport in 2x assault cannons, and a smatering of combi-weapons being a T5, 3++ wall with a 15 point upgrade before you charge and sweep an enemy combat unit, I think Storm shield tartorus have a bit of a surcharge. But are quite viable outside the 10+Primarch+forgelord+Chaplain+Primus in a Spartan meta choice.

Unfortunately this isn't possible. You can't take deep striking units with the Stone Gauntlet RoW (the source of the T5). You also wouldn't be T5 if you charged.


DS 10 terminators (in order to get 2 x assault cannons) IMO is a really bad tactic. The risk of a mishap is too great, it's ALOT of points in reserve and for what, 8 x S6 rending shots at BS4?


Using shields and combi weapons/ assault cannons is also a poor load out -I find focusing on one role to be the most efficient/ effective option.

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I would appreciate it if you put me on your ignore list.

That's some universally good advice there, I recommend everyone to follow suit! :)


Your correct I was assuming that the shields were included in their cost.


Which is my mistake.


I'll disagree with you on the idea that it's not an expensive unit or one that it reasonably priced for what it does.

Eh, I don't know. Terminators are pretty much garbage in 40K but the thunderhammer/shield variant is still probably the strongest load-out for them even without the ability to sweep (not as relevant in 40K of course).  Having such a unit in 30K is pretty solid. 


I think the bigger shame is that it is not allowed for Command Squads, their WS5 and fearless would go a long way to make this unit a beastly brick. Sadly they can't take at all, much less on Tartaros. So this discussion is largely academic, since none of the things we are discussing are valid options. :P

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