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2500 Death Guard, updated list!


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I didn't get any responses for my first list, had a think and I've come up with this. Laser Rapiers are filling a 110 point gap that was left over. Please critique!


HQ (410pts)
10x Deathshroud Terminators (410pts)
Elites (320pts)
3x Quad Launcher Battery (210pts)
Shatter Shell
2x Laser Rapier Battery (110pts)
Troops (580pts)
10 Man Tactical Squad (185pts)
Rhino, Vexilla
Sarge, Artificer Armour, Bolter, Melta Bombs
10 Man Tactical Squad (185pts)
Rhino, Vexilla
Sarge, Artificer Armour, Bolter, Melta Bombs
5 Man Support Squad (210pts)
Rhino, Plasma
Heavy Support (765pts)
Sicaran Battle Tank (205pts)
Legion Spartan Assault Tank (370pts)
Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield
Sicaran Venator (190pts)
Lords of War (425pts)
Mortarion the Reaper (425pts)
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What RoW are you taking?


Don't you need an actual HQ consul or do Deathshroud count?


I think it's a really scary list and wouldn't fancy taking it on!


My only suggestion would be to decrease the size of the deathshroud and use the points to pay for a Primus Medicae.


Checking again - you need dozer blades on all of your vehicles - especially the Spartan!

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Added in all of those dozer blades, but the cost meant I had to remove the laser rapiers, and had 100 points exactly left.


If I remove the Plasma squad, I can add in a Kheres Mortis and a Cortus with DCCWs. Not sure if that's any better, but they fit the cost perfectly at 2500 vs 100 points left over.

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