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Off with thier heads.... 3k decap strike


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Hi gang


Busy playing with lists again (one of my favourite hobby to do's!) And came up with this decap:


+++ Rg 3k decap Strike +++


+ HQ +


Damocles Command Rhino


Strike Captain Alvarex Maun [Cameleoline]


+ Elites +


Legion Apothecary

[Chainsword/Combat Blade, Jump Pack]


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Resolve]

Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword/Combat Blade]


Mor Deythan Strike Squad [Artificer Armour, 8x Combi-weapon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, Melta Bombs, 7x Mor Deythan]


Mor Deythan Strike Squad [Artificer Armour, 8x Combi-weapon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, Melta Bombs, 7x Mor Deythan]


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]


Legion Tactical Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]


Legion Tactical Support Squad [Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Space Marines, Melta Guns]


+ Fast Attack +


Dark Fury Assault Squad [8x Dark Fury]

Chooser of the Slain [Melta Bombs]


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


+ Heavy Support +


Fire Raptor Gunship [Four Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannon battery]


+ L.o.w +


Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]


With a high chance of turn 1, I start Maun and vets in the comand rhino just in case, or infiltrate them into a good terain position to use his vox turn 2 for re-rolls.


Melta team is there to knock out any anti-air threats such as dreads or back field scorpious etc..


The Mor Deythan will be equiped with plas, maybe 1 melta one plas but idea is for them to stay out of trouble unless there are some good vulnerable targets. Otherwise, they are in wait for the lighnings to arrive to open up any spartans and target the units inside. 2 planes gives me a fantastic chance of at least one coming turn 2 and i feel with the lack of heavy hitters in a ravens army, these guys will take care of the AA.


Was thinking of a 3rd Mor Deythan but opted for Furrys instead for some combat ability and the models are amazing. Apoth gives them that fnp.


Typhon brings the big guns wich helps the lack of fire power in a Decap list with the raptor being brought in for clean up duty/reinforceing table areas.


Plenty of scoring, mobile units (thats if im right in thinking the deythan still have IA?) And lots of options for multiple targets


Not a huge fan of double lightning, but them being my only real answer to av14 i have to get at least 1 on early game


Thoughts? Where are my big weakneses and how would you improve?


Looking at it, it really excites me and is a totally differemt feel to my World Eaters

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had a little update on the list due to some feedback elsewhere. Be great to hear your thoughts..


I had a little re-draft:


+++ Rg 3k decap beta strike +++



+ HQ +


Strike Captain Alvarex Maun [Cameleoline]


+ Elites +


Mor Deythan Strike Squad [Artificer Armour, 8x Combi-weapon, Darkwing Storm Eagle, Melta Bombs, 7x Mor Deythan]


Mor Deythan Strike Squad [5x Combi-weapon, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, Melta Bombs, 4x Mor Deythan]


+ Troops +


Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

Additional Wargear [bolters, Nuncio-vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter]



Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

Additional Wargear [bolters, Nuncio-vox]

Legion Tactical Sergeant [bolter]



+ Fast Attack +


Dark Fury Assault Squad [9x Dark Fury]

Chooser of the Slain [Melta Bombs]


Legion Seeker Squad [5x Combi-weapon, Legion Drop Pod, 4x Legion Seeker Space Marines]

Legion Strike Leader [Melta Bombs]


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles]


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Four Hellstrike Missiles, Reaper Autocannon battery]


+ Lords of War +

Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Lascannons]



As you can see a few changes:


Duckwing for the deythan - I wanted a unit heald back to engage after the lightnings have done their job so the drop ship is perfect for a load of plas Turn 2


Larger tac squads - better survivability for Maun and with infiltrate, who needs rhinos


Apothecary gone - meh, I think the Furrys will die just as easy anyway


Damocles gone - with Maun re-roll I figure points are better elsewhere


Smaller Deythan- points. Figured 5 with flammers is plenty big enough squad


Seekers over support squad - 40pts more or so for better bs. I think good considering they have to be efficient in there role. Also if by some mini all they last, ap2 or 30 inch range help set up a fire base in enemy's back line



More solid?

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