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World Eaters - 3000 - berserker assault


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+ HQ (295pts) +


Gahlan Surlak (110pts)


Legion Praetor (185pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Power Fist]


+ Elites (340pts) +


Apothecarion Detachment (115pts)

····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]

····Legion Apothecary [Jump pack]


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery (225pts)

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]

····Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Graviton Cannon]


+ Troops (1125pts) +


Legion Assault Squad (435pts) [19x Legion Assault Space Marines, Combat Shields, 4 Power Axes,Legion Assault Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (240pts) [Augmented Inductii, 18x Legion Tactical Space Marines with pistol and chainaxes, Legion Tactical Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (255pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines with pistols and chainaxes, Legion Tactical Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]


Legion Tactical Squad (195pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Tactical Sergeant with Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Fist]

··Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]


+ Fast Attack (330pts) +


Legion Land Speeder Squadron (165pts)

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]


Legion Land Speeder Squadron (165pts)

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]

····Legion Land Speeder [Graviton Gun]


+ Heavy Support (910pts) +


Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)


Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw (235pts)


Legion Spartan Assault Tank (375pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]


+ Legion +


Rite of War [beserker Assault]




So, 20 men tactical squad in the spartan with the apothecary and the preator, 19 men inductii in the kharibdis with Surlak, 20 assault marines with apothecary and...



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Do you have the models?


For me the 6 x landspeeders is a bit gamey - especially for WE.


Perhaps go for just one squadron and add multi melta?


I'd drop the 10 man tac sqd and rhino - you have enough non-specialist troop choices.


Reduce the assault squad to 15 - 20 might prove to be a bit unwieldy and is a rather big points investment.


I'd reconsider the Achilles (if you don't already have the model).


With the points saved I'd consider:


5 x red butchers in a dread claw


Leviathan in a DDP


If you add the butchers/ leviathan add a cheap TSS (volkite or flamers & chain axes) to go into a dreadclaw in order to allow you to drop 2 x pods turn 1


Or add a Chaplain/ champion with jump pack to add some

punch and staying power to the assault squad

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Melta is quite useless in the italian meta....

Champion is quite useless i think, and the chaplain is quite useless with the Berserker Assault.

The 10 men tactical squad is for objectives and as "kamikaze" squad to intercept enemy punchy units.

15 man assault squad? Ok, maybe ut's better like that.

The Achilles Alpha is too much awesome to leave it on the shelf :P

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it was a joke...

all those speeders is bit too spammy for me and probably a lot of heresy players


Yep, it was a joke. And I second the spammy thing. 


This is 30k, not 40k. You don't actually need to spam stuff. Weirdly, there is such a plethora of solid unit options, you can run a whole ton of different stuff without repeating much (if anything) and really be effective (sometimes more so than when you spam!). 


I would say do a few speeders for other goodies. Or bump a few up to Javelins with MM/Las.


Also, why Meltabombs and Power Fists on the Sergeants?


Give those Assault Marines Chainaxes, too, btw. Free S5 attacks! Combat shields aren't really worth it, but if it floats your boat, go for it.


And I second the 15 man squad over 20. Deep Striking becomes viable at 15, whereas 20 just gets too unwieldy. Plus, less eggs in the basket. 


If I had liberty to revise the list to make it a weeeeeeeeeee bit fluffier (without compromising effectiveness):


Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Meltabombs
Gahlan Surlak
(2) Apothecarion Detachment
1x Jump Pack, 1x Artificer Armor
(5) The Red Butchers
2x Twin Power Axes
Chainfist, Power Axe
2x Twin Lightning Claws
Anvillus Dreadclaw Drop Pod (Dedicated)
(2) Rapier Battery
Graviton Cannon
(15) Assault Marines
3x Power Axes, Chainaxes
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(20) Tactical Squad
Inductii, Chainaxes
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
(20) Tactical Squad
Power Fist, Artificer Armor
Fast Attack:
(2) Land Speeders
Graviton Guns
(2) Land Speeders
Graviton Guns
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade
Kharybdis Assault Claw
Leviathan Dreadnought
Armored Ceramite, Phosphex Discharger, CML
Dreadnought Drop Pod
Much less spammy, way more variety. And, you get a more heavy-duty Drop force (3 pods vs 1 pod) that will be more threatening. I know it doesn't have the Achilles, but that feels so... just not World Eater-y. Those seem Iron Hands or Iron Warriors or even Salamanders type Land Raiders, to me. 


Anyhow, just spitballing because ...why not? 

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