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2500 LVO Fists.


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So I just purchased my ticket for the LVO Horus heresy tournament. I'm contemplating running something along these lines.



Chaplain: artificer armour; bolt pistol; melta bombs; refractor field 110



10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; legion vexilla 180

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; legion vexilla 180


5 Terminators: Terminator Sergeant (chainfist); 4 Terminators; 2 × power fist; 2 × chainfist; Iliastus pattern assault cannon; Deep Strike 245



Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180


8 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; combi-weapon; thunder hammer); Marksmen; 7 Veteran Space Marines; legion vexilla; flamer 196


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: augury scanner 50

• Apothecary: augury scanner 50


Heavy Support

Predator Strike Squadron

• Predator: turret-mounted Executioner plasma destroyer; 2 sponson-mounted lascannon; dozer blade 175

• Predator: 2 sponson-mounted lascannon; dozer blade 120


Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Lord of War

Rogal Dorn 385

• 4 Chosen Terminators: Terminator Standard Bearer (combi-bolter; chainfist); 3 Chosen Terminators; power fist; 2 × chainfist; heavy flamer 195

• Land Raider Phobos: dozer blade; auxiliary drive; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta 275


2,496 points

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I'm not sure about the terminator squad.

They really need combi-melta/ plasma so that they can have some sort of effect when they deep strike. You also lack voxs to ensure the arrive accurately (I can remember if you can use Dorn's wargear whilst inside a transport).


I also think your Vet squad could do with a rhino.

If you don't want to free up points or don't want to buy another rhino I'd prioritise the vets over your tac squad.


I'd consider splitting the predator squadron or down grading the executioner plasma cannon to a normal pred cannon or investing in power of the machine spirit - at the minute you have a lot of different weapons firing at the same target which isn't very points efficient imo.


I think you could free up points from the second apothercary - I don't think a 10man Tac squad warrants the investment.

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Ok so how about this?


Vigilator: artificer armour; Charnabal sabre; refractor field 115


10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; legion vexilla 180

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; legion vexilla 160

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


6 Tactical Support Marines: Tactical Support Sergeant; 5 Tactical Support Marines; plasma guns 205

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180


10 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); Marksmen; 9 Veteran Space Marines; legion vexilla; flamer 205


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: augury scanner 50


Predator Strike Squadron

• Predator: turret-mounted Executioner plasma destroyer; 2 sponson-mounted lascannon; machine spirit 195


Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Predator Strike Squadron

• Predator: 2 sponson-mounted lascannon; dozer blade 120


Rogal Dorn 385

• 4 Chosen Terminators: Terminator Standard Bearer (combi-bolter; chainfist); 3 Chosen Terminators; power fist; 2 × chainfist; heavy flamer 195

• Land Raider Phobos: dozer blade; auxiliary drive; armoured ceramite; pintle-mounted multi-melta 275


2,500 points

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Good catch! I've fixed it and I think gave the army a little more punch.



Praetor in Terminator armour: Terminator armour (Cataphractii); Vigil pattern storm shield (Cataphractii); thunder hammer 165

• 3 Chosen Terminators: Terminator Standard Bearer (chainfist); 2 Chosen Terminators; Terminator armour (Cataphractii); power fist; chainfist; heavy flamer 155

• Land Raider Phobos: auxiliary drive; extra armour; armoured ceramite 260



10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 190

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


10 Tactical Space Marines: Tactical Sergeant (melta bombs); 9 Tactical Space Marines; chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla 170


5 Terminators: Terminator Sergeant (combi-weapon; chainfist); 4 Terminators; 3 × combi-weapon (plasma); 2 × power fist; 2 × chainfist; Iliastus pattern assault cannon; Deep Strike 273



Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought: 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons 180


8 Veteran Space Marines: Veteran Sergeant (artificer armour; power fist); Marksmen; 7 Veteran Space Marines; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla; flamer 191

• Rhino: dozer blade 40


Apothecarion Detachment

• Apothecary: augury scanner 50



Predator Strike Squadron

• Predator: turret-mounted Executioner plasma destroyer; 2 sponson-mounted lascannon 170


Whirlwind Scorpius 115


Predator Strike Squadron

• Predator: 2 sponson-mounted lascannon 115



Rogal Dorn 385


2,499 points

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I ran this list against alpha legion today and it did really well!


His army was a coils of the hydra list that was


Dynat (of course)


2 apothecaries with scanners


2 tac squads with vexillas, sergeant with power dagger and artificer armor


Assault squad 2 power axe, Sgt with power Fist arty armor, dagger


3 thud guns


Leviathan melta thingy and storm cannon and phosphex

In pod


10 iron havocs


Sicaran venator




After action review Dorn and pals were disgustingly good!


They killed the thud guns, apothecary, Dynat, the venator

And Dorn put three wounds on alpharius. Sadly in the last turn Dorn was brought low by the serpent. But I killed most of his scoring by turn two. So in the end it was 6-3 for the Fists.

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