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The Hydras VIIth defence force.

The laughing raven

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Will be playing a stronghold assault game, 2nd scenario, as defender using Fists.


Have come up with two lists and wondering what the verdicts are when facing off against an Imperial gaurd/mechanicum list. the first scenario was a sound success for the fists with only 500pts lost to the attacking forces. rather than just playing the same list I have come up with these to be a little more interesting and add to the narrative.


List 1;


Praetor, tda, vigil, para blade 165

10 vets, v&v, pf mb aa, 210

10 vets, v&v, pf mb aa, 210


leviathan cm, ac, ph, sd, ddp 430

5 lascans, aa, aug 250

2 vindicators 250

3 x javs tllc, mm, hk 240


defence line+ 5x6" tank traps 125

void gen, 3 shields ammo 115


Grand total 1995.




Centurion tda, vs 100

2 x 10 tacs 250

levi +ddp 430

cont mortis dual kheres 180

def line +5x6" tank traps 125

5 lascans void gen (3) ammo 365

2 vindicators hfl 270

quad shatter 70

5 flamers 2ccw 110


total 2000.


Idea is to soread the defence line from one side across board to leave last 18" on one side, vets or tacs behind line to catch inf with vindis blocking the opening.


as you can see one is more aggressive with the vets and javs other more defensive whats the verdicts?

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played the first list swapping one javelin for a quad mortar, worked a treat, only the baneblade made it to halfway accross the table before the levi mugged it and all the rest got themselves stuck in his deployment zone trying to get round the traps :) have to say those baneblades can take some beating!

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