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IF 1850, but ive 25 pts spare!

nefarious squirrel

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Ive devolped what i hope is a strong if generic IF army for 1850pts games. But ive got 25 pts left to use, and cant think where to put 'em.


Any ideas please.


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (1825pts) ++


+ HQ (200pts) +


········Legion Centurion (95pts) [Artificer Armour, Consul, Melta Bombs, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Volkite Serpenta]


········Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour]


················Master of Signal [support Officer]


+ Elites (510pts) +


········Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (175pts)

············Cortus Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]


········Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (175pts)

············Cortus Dreadnought [Extra Armour, Graviton Gun, Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon]


········Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (160pts) [4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Veteran Tactics: Resolve]

············Additional Wargear [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox]

············Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter]

················Power Weapon [Power Maul]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Bolters, Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


+ Troops (475pts) +


········Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [11x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant

················Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad (175pts) [11x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters, Legion Vexilla, Nuncio-vox]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant

················Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Support Squad (125pts) [Legion Sergeant, 4x Legion Space Marines, Support Squad, Volkite Calivers]


+ Fast Attack (65pts) +


········Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (65pts)

············Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Multi-melta]


+ Heavy Support (575pts) +


········Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)


········Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (145pts)

············Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade, Extra Armour, Laser Destroyer Array]


········Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (130pts) [Dozer Blade, Extra Armour]


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ VII: Imperial Fists, Loyalist]


Created with BattleScribe


Tactics wise, the consul and vets go in Alpha LR, signal master with support section, and the two tactical squads get a dred each to bolster there fire power and CC effectiveness. With the jav milling around flanks and the scorpius bringing the rain. Vindicator, to punch any medium vehicles.

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Some points to consider:


- I like your HQ selections. But if you're intend on bringing the MoS / Caliver Support squad combo, then max out that squad at all costs and maybe even give them a bare bones Apothecary to tag along. Otherwise they will just die.


- Your Dreads seem .. unfocused. I'd go for a Cortus with double Grav and a Mortis with double Kheres maybe.


- I see no reason for the Heavy Bolter or the Nuncio Vox on your Veterans. If you really want to run them as a unit of five with your Centurion attached riding the Achilles, then gear them to survive an assault (I.E. power weapons & Fist / Resolve or Weaponmasters plus your melee-oriented Centurion, OR focus on the shooting part, keep the HB and downgrade your Centurion to make him cheaper). Either way this unit will not survive for long once out of the Achilles.


- Tacticals:  Footslog them in big yellow blobs of 20 with an Apothecary attached, OR bring 10 in a Rhino DT. Otherwise they will just ... die.

And bring Artificer on the Sergeants.


- Tac Support:  Like mentioned earlier, max out that unit if you want them to do anything.


- The Javelin likes some tasty HK Missiles at 5 pts. each.


- Extra Armour on your tanks is highly situational.

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Thanks Unknown Legionaire,

I shall try get a new list with the points you've shown put in.

I think problem with the vets is that i want (re need!) to use my achilles as its my fave model and an IF stalwart. But its not a assault vehicle, so the vets may be better as shooters.


I think if i make one tac squad max 20 with the dred supporting it for CC, and the other 10 in rhino to support the vets?


Ive put vox's on each squad to use barrage to best effect.


The boards i fight on are generally city ruins or other terrain heavy boards.


Cheers, NS

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New updated list ref sugfestions made, thanks.


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v202) (1850pts) ++


+ HQ (200pts) +


········Legion Centurion (95pts) [Artificer Armour, Consul, Melta Bombs, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Volkite Serpenta]


········Legion Centurion (105pts) [Artificer Armour]


················Master of Signal [support Officer]


+ Elites (385pts) +


········Apothecarion Detachment (50pts)

············Legion Apothecary

················Additional Wargear [Augury Scanner, Chainsword/Combat Blade]

················Standard Wargear [bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Narthecium, Power Armour]


········Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (165pts)

············Cortus Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]


········Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (170pts) [4x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Veteran Tactics: Marksmen]

············Additional Wargear [Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla]

················Power Weapon [Power Sword]

················Power Weapon [Power Sword]

············Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter]

················Power Weapon [Power Maul]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Bolters, Chainswords/Combat Blades, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


+ Troops (655pts) +


········Legion Tactical Squad (245pts) [19x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters, Legion Vexilla]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant

················Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Squad (185pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Additional Wargear [bolters, Legion Vexilla]

············Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [Dozer Blade]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant

················Combi-weapon [Combi-weapon: Meltagun]

············Standard Wargear [bolt Pistols, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour]


········Legion Tactical Support Squad (225pts) [Legion Sergeant, 9x Legion Space Marines, Support Squad, Volkite Calivers]


+ Fast Attack (60pts) +


········Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (60pts)

············Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Hunter-killer Missiles]


+ Heavy Support (550pts) +


········Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)


········Legion Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron (135pts)

············Legion Vindicator Tank [Dozer Blade, Laser Destroyer Array]


········Legion Whirlwind Scorpius (115pts)


+ Legion +


········Legiones Astartes [ VII: Imperial Fists, Loyalist]


Created with BattleScribe


To save a few points, for AA on tac squads. I could change the LR alpha into a standard Achilles, but that lacks choom!

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