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[3000] Questoris Knights & Solar Auxilia


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Knight Seneschal
Cerastus Knight-Lancer
Cerastus-Knight Acheron
Scion Martial
Questoris Knight Magaera
Scion Martial
Questoris Knight Warden
Icarus, Meltagun
Scion Arbalester
Questoris Knight Styrix
Tank Commander
Infantry Tercio
Veletaris Storm Section
Dracosan Armored Transport
Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Demolisher Cannon
Fast Attack:
Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter
(2) Kraken, BSC
Malcador Infernus (Tank Commander)
Armored Ceramite, Chemical Ammunition
General concept here is I want an excuse to blow money on another 30k faction without buying a lot. Being able to paint some tanks and dudes for the Solar Auxilia sounds good, and I skip the models I don't care about. 

The Tank Commander in the Infernus should just erase infantry units. The Lightning comes in and throws twin Kraken at whatever tank needs to die. The Dracosan is more firepower and heavy armor, plus a pretty killy squad inside with all that Volkite love.

Arbalester is my answer to aircraft, but also armor and infantry. The Styrix really shines in that spot. Magaera is a durable scoring unit with some gnarly firepower. The Warden has some good firepower and is scoring. Acheron comes in and dumps that template on enemies, which is gross. And the Lancer does what the Lancer does with all those Seneschal perks. Really the best way to run that guy.

Any thoughts? Bases covered? Ideas?
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