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So this is a list that is in part a reaction to the new FAQ ruling wrt Prefered Enemy (PE) and gets hot rolls.  So, its a steel host, psykana division and a CAD.




Steel Host:

Commander tank w executioner turret, hb hull, and plasma sponsons, dozer blade.  Joined by a bare bones eradicator.




Vanquisher with lascan







Psykana Division:

3x units of wyrdvanes.  2 commissars to give two units casting on 2+.  Primaris likely joins blob from CAD below.




Pask (full loaded punisher, lascan, mm sponsons, doer blade) joined by a punisher.


10 vets with 1 melta


Platoon command squad


30 infantry with 3 melta bombs, 3 flamers and one power axe.  


Priest joins blob, enginseer hangs with a psykana division behind wall of tanks.



It's not a tournament winning list but it has some teeth, has some strength with mass av14 with pe on key types of dakka; 6/4 ignore cover, volume s5 (some rending) and plasma.  The blob is fearless and looks to get 4++ from the psykana, to provide a somewhat durable bubble wrap or speed bump for the tank line.  The vets stay in reserve and come on to remove a drop pod and or reinforce an objective.



Would love C&C.  What would be a better 5-7 russ list?  I have a variant that pairs scion ds obsec spam instead of the cad.  This list lacks reach but the idea is that av14 target saturation can try to own1/3 and push into another 1/3 or the table.


Is there a better way to pair psykana and Leman spam?  I don't want to go down the demon summoning route.

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Welcome to the B&C oatbag :D It'd help if you laid your list plans out a bit better (e.g. a list), but that's quite a few tanks. Such lists hit hard, but have vulnerabilities against fast moving/deep striking types. So it won't be winning and tournaments no, but it should be a lot of fun (who doesn't like tanks?). Do you have the models, what colour scheme do you have?

Although kitting out Pask in a Punisher with a Lascannon and Multi-meltas is quite a popular build, it can also confuse what his role on the table is. If he's going to be your Warlord (something strongly advised), you may get more of a troop killing machine by giving bolters all round for 29 (20 with rending) BS4 S5 shots with preferred enemy. Remember, PE passes on to the buddy too, which makes Exterminators a little more of a powerhouse, even against light anti-air. 


Eradicators are cool, but three might be overkill. Can't go wrong with a good old LRBT. S8 AP3 is wonderful against a general meta of mostly Marines, and Ordnance gives you something to take on vehicles with.


Vets should really be in a Chimera if possible - 10 T3 5+ guys aren't going to last very long out there.

Edited the entry to give a bit more detail on the list, sorry for being slapdash.

I have all the models after a great used deal. Currently paint stripping 6 leman russ tanks.  Paint scheme is olive drab with burgundy spot colour.

Thanks slow clinic, the loadouts an be shuffled but I like the lascan mm punisher pask bc it can take down super heavies. Without that loadout my list has a ton of trouble vs knights and gargantuan creatures.

And so sorry that's mistake the 3rd eradicator is a vanquisher with lascan! My bad will edit.

The vets are purely tax and ignorable obsec. Tight on points so didn't know what else to do.

Lovely green and weathering on those models! What's your recipe for the weathering bits?


If you want a throw away Vet unit, what about sniper rifles? Cheap and cheerful and lets them hang back and provide a low apparent threat. I think it looks like a pretty good tank list, a couple of Eradicators will handle hordes neatly and the other Russ hulls should offer some stronger fire power.


On top of the 3 hues of green, I used oils - 1 part lamp black and 3 parts burnt umber, thinned into a wash.  Some darker dots would be put on the larger surfaces and then dragged down with a fan brush moistened with thinner. trying to give a rain streaked feel.   I put down a gloss coat after the base greens and the metallic work, so the washes flowed quite nicely.  I still plan to add 3 tones of mud pigment to give the tank a dustier feel on some of the horizontal surfaces and low by the tracks.


The mud is secret weapon pigments and 'blended fibers' acrylic medium by liquitex, with some secret weaping leaces mixed in to further vary the taxture.  I highly recommend.  It will get another layer of wash and some dry brushing on the mud.


Sniper rifles is a good idea, I'll think on it.  My plan was more to have them come in from reserves than to have them sitting somewhere giving up an easy kill point.  I could also just give them the forward sentry cloaks, and then they're no threat to anyone, and getting better cover.

They're looking great! Furthering on from the Pask-Super Heavy conundrum, What about Vanquishers, plural? 


Look at it this way: A Vanquisher is one of the only things we Guard players have that can take on the larger and tougher armoured targets without needing to be in charging range. The issue is, BS3 is a risk for sinking that many points into a s hot from a Vanquisher Cannon and a Lascannon. Take advantage of preferred enemy within 12" and the BS4 of the Tank Commander and put him in the other Russ with a Lascannon and maybe even Multi-Melta's. You're only missing on a 2, which is much more effective than simply giving the preferred enemy ruling to the Executioner. 


What's -1BS when you're putting out that many blasts?

The thing is, I'm just as worried about wraithknights and surges. I feel the pe rending offers much more than a vanquisher against non-av lords of war. I don't normally like generalist loadouts but I think case I feel this loadout of pask is the only way to really threaten all high value targets.


But you raise a good point. I'll see how playtesting goes. If only we could use beast master (instant death vs mc) rounds outside the clunky old ai2 armoires company detachment (or whatever it's called)

I get it now- move the vanq to the formation commander not pask!? Yes smart will do. Good call

Yeah! That's where I was going. When I've played with the Cadian Battle Group, I've used the following list:


Battle Command


Pask, Punisher, Heavy Bolters all round

Exterminator buddy, Heavy Bolters all round


Emperor's Fist Armoured Company


Tank Commander, Vanquisher, hull Lascannon, Multi-Melta Sponsons

Vanquisher Buddy, hull Lascannon




Eradicator, Heavy Bolters all round




Depending on the game I'm playing, I either bring in the Emperor's Blade or Emperor's Wrath formation. 



I like that loadout mix a lot - very nice. but let me ask - what do you get from the Cadian battle group? It's seemed to me that the buffs are only really good if you have a lot of infantry.


What do you think of my mini durable blob? Is it too small and therefor not worth the invesment? Could go to just 2x10vets with cloaks as a sped bump/ bubble wrap and then put the points into scions to deep strike?

I must admit, the Cadian Battle Group is restrictive in that the core choices take a lot of points. 1+ Battle Command, 0-3 Core per Command, 0-3 Aux per Core. The Command can either be a Company Command Squad or Tank Commander (can be upgraded to Pask). The two possible core options are the Emperor's Fist (can't take Pask, 12" BS4 within Tank Commander) as shown in my list, or the Emperor's Shield Infantry formation that requires multiple maxed out platoons (175 models in total), and three Sentinel squadrons. The overall buffs include being able to issue orders at 24" rather than 12", when issuing orders you roll three dice and discard the highest, and hit rolls of a 1 can be re-rolled for any lasguns or hot shot lasguns. Check Blood of Kittens for more detailed stats on the formations - I'm conscious of overstepping with GW's copyright here...


If you're blobbing up, I wouldn't worry about giving each Sergeant melta bombs as only one can be used by the FAQ. Try to fit in a Priest and provide some hard-to-move bubble wrap for you most valuable tanks. As for Vets, they work two ways: 


1. In a Chimera with 2x Melta (my preference), or 2x Plasma to speed around grabbing objectives and offering the option of drive-bys on vehicles/MCs.

2. With camp cloaks, ideally camped on an objective in cover with a heavy weapon and sniper rifles to take advantage of BS4. 


I've had little experience with platoons as I run everything mechanised. If you can manage to introduce one or two Wyverns, do it. Every Guard player will offer that last bit of advice.

I have montka, what I'm asking is why you run that battle group- ie is there some huge boon to performance I'm not seeing? Feels like even when you make your tank orders apply to all leman russ - the utility is limited. Like - why do you run that detachment and not pask in a cad? I assume I'm missing a tactical advantage/ style. Are tank orders more important that I suspect? Shoot and smoke is only once. Splitfire good but not crucial to our builds. And assume 6 + d6 full throttle isn't used too often.


Yeah I have a priest, and I had the extra mb for redundancy but you're right better off using 10 pts onvets. I'll try cloaks and sniper for vets thanks.

My bad - didn't know you had the supplement. In all honestly, I usually run a CAD with: Punisher Pask, Exterminator buddy, 2x Melta Vets in Chimeras, 3x Wyverns, 2x LRBTs with an allied detachment of Militarum Tempestus (all deep striking) including: Command Squad with 4x Plasma Guns, 2x 5-man Scion squads with 2x Melta in each. Comes in at 1,500pts. For 1,850pts, I usually drop a LRBT in favour of another mech vet squad and add another Tank Commander in a Vanq and buddy like I described a few posts earlier. That's the most effective build I've used to date, and I've won around 75% of the semi-competitive games in a few local metas.

Splitfire is the best, as it justifies running two different types of Russ tanks in one force-org slot that can take on two completely different foes whilst still benefiting from the trait/BS4 boost. 


I choose the Mont'Ka book because there's a lot more variation in the formations, and some synergise quite well, like the Fist and Blade formations together.

In all honesty, if you want t benefit from snipers, take Ratlings. Mixing up the foam in my carry case led me to field ten Ratlings in a 1,500pt game against Tyrannies once. Hilariously effective against MCs, and only 100pts!

I've decided that the 280 pt psykana isn't worth the overhead unless I'm summoning, so I've ditched that, worked in a proper blob w 30 men, 3 flamers, 2 axes and a meltabomb (two priests). some sniper rifles for vets and pcs, 2 melta scion platoon to DS and now two wyvern.


Thanks for the feedback!  I'll try to report back after some matches.


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