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2k RG vs Legio Cybernetica


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I have a game sunday and I'm trying to finalize my list. I've never fought LC but I imagine a bllitz to chunk their core units on the table and play to the objectives. It's going to be one of the 6 Eternal War missions from the BRB.


1959 out of 2000 points


HQ (395)

  • Command Rhino
  • Libby, Power Staff, ML2, AA, Camo, Boarding Shield (Rolls on telepathy goes with Vets)
  • Maun, Camo, Decapitation Strike

Elites (386)

  • Apoth Detachment: Apoth w/ Jump Pack and Power Sword, Apoth with combi-plas
  • Vet Tac Squad: 8 total, 8 combi-flamers, Marksmen, AA on sarge, Vex, Drop Pod (Apoth and Libby)

Troops (733)

  • Assault Squad: AA, PF, CS on Sarge, 2 power swords (Jump Apoth)
  • Tac Squads, Vex, Vox, AA on Sarge (Maun)
  • Tac Support, 9 Plasma, 10 total, Combi Wepaon and AA on Sarge, Drop Pod

Fast Attack (445)

  • Xiphon, Ground Aug
  • Lightning, 4x Turbo Kraken, Ground Aug, Battle Serv

The the idea is a one-two punch. The vet pain pod comes down and blasts things with sniper combi flamers and telepathy(Most robots are Ld7-8). The Assault squad goes for objectives/scours non-castellax scoring units with Furious Charge and AP3. Maun and Tacs hang back on an objective. The Rhinos bombardment helps kill and bring in things turn two. Then with a 2+ rerollable reserve roll has everything else come and and murder things. The lighting is in case of Admech tanks, and the Xiphon in case of Vultrax and long range sniping.

If I can kill the Dominus, which is likely going to be his only cortex, I will for that sweet +d3 VPs.

I've never fought LC so any input would be appreciated.

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If he's running Legio Cybernetica, then you're facing at least 4 Castellax. That means AP3 weapons with high enough strength to get wounds on them. I like the idea of using Psychic Shriek against them! If you're opponent is clever though, the Veterans' combi-flamer templates will only hit a 1-2 of them (due to their large base size). That's a lot of points for something that bolters will do almost as effectively.


I don't see much value in the Damocles. Maun gives you Reserves re-rolls and the no-scatter bubble, so you're really paying 100 points for a single bombardment and slightly better Reserves manipulation. You can drop his Tac Squad's nuncio-vox too.


Rather than putting the second Apothecary in the Vet Squad, I'd swap his combi-weapon for AA and put him with Maun. Keeps your lynchpin Warlord alive longer. An extra Veteran is going to be better value IMHO.


Finally, with the saved points, find a way to get a 3rd Drop Pod. Will be good to have both the Veterans and Tac Support come in on Turn 1, especially if you go for the Slay The Warlord/Rule of the Dominus VPs.


Hope this helps mate! :)

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The thing with LC is that they need to fill in their troops to be able to win games that aren't kill points. Concentrate on killing those first; without scoring units your opponent will only be able to get secondaries of which you should easily get First Blood and if you killed his scoring units then he can't get Line Breaker.


I'd drop the Xiphon for a Fire Raptor and again, just kill his scoring units off.


If you get Kill Points or Relic I'm sorry for you since they're terrible missions  

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If I had a third drop pod I would in a heartbeat. Same for the Fire Raptor.


The Vox in the tac was left over from a previous version where Maun was elsewhere.


I wanted the rhino to expand my no-scatter zones and have it in case of Vultrax I can make it harder for them to come in. If not then I can use it to get the 2+with reroll then bully objectives.


So long as he doesn't castle with occularii I should be able to get FB pretty easily.


I also have 3 quad mortars at my disposal. Been considering getting them with phosphex and a siege breaker instead of libby and damocles. I really want to use a libby but phosphex, even forced to reroll successful poison wounds, would still be pretty potent and combo well with a pod unit.


Drafting that up I have to drop both apoths, but instead of a Libby and Damocles I have a Siege Breaker with a boarding shield, Thunder Hammer, AA, Phosphex Bomb, and camo to tag along with 9 combi weapon vets in a pod. Backed up by a a triple phosphex battery.

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What makes phosphex strong isn't necessarily the ap 3, but how crawling fire interacts with multiple blasts to generate huge amounts of hits. They'll be far less effective against small units of automata, but I'd suggest targeting any thallax or techthralls with them instead and just blasting his back line off the objectives. Once his scoring units are dead it should be nearly impossible to lose
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I think I might to Xenobane Vets with combi plas. Then they could reroll to wounds against castallax. A single salvo from them would net about 7 unsaved wounds. I can drop the plasma support and take two combi plas vet squads in pods with xenobane.

I also remembered Knight Errants exist and can take psychic levels and narthecium...

Going to try to draft up another list

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  • HQ (335pts)
    • Knight-Errant (190pts)

      Librarian, Narthecium, Psychic Mastery Level 2

    • Strike Captain Alvarex Maun, camo (145pts)
  • Elites (828pts)
    • Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (180pts)

      3x Legion Rapier

    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (313pts)

      Legion Drop Pod, 8x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Xenobane

      • Additional Wargear

        Legion Vexilla

        • Combi-weapon

          Combi-weapon: Plasma x9

        • Power Weapon

          Power Maul x2

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword/Combat Blade

    • Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (335pts)

      Legion Drop Pod, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Veteran Tactics: Xenobane

      • Additional Wargear

        Legion Vexilla

        • Combi-weapon

          Combi-weapon: Plasma x10

        • Power Weapon

          Power Maul x2

      • Legion Veteran Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Chainsword/Combat Blade

  • Troops (355pts)
    • Legion Assault Squad (220pts)

      9x Legion Assault Space Marines

      • Additional Wargear
        • Power Weapon

          Power Sword x2

      • Legion Assault Sergeant

        Artificer Armour, Power Fist

    • Legion Tactical Squad (135pts)

      9x Legion Tactical Space Marines

      • Additional Wargear

        Bolters, Legion Vexilla

      • Legion Tactical Sergeant


  • Fast Attack (445pts)
    • Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter (230pts)

      Battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Two Kraken penetrator heavy missiles

    • Xiphon Interceptor (215pts)

      Ground-tracking Auguries

  • Legion
    • Legiones Astartes

      XIX: Raven Guard, Loyalist

    • Rite of War

      Decapitation Strike

The Knight Errant goes with the Xenobane vets to drop down and hunt castellax. Might give him a force stave. He rolls on telepathy and divination. If I get some great powers I'll stick with them, if not then prescience and shriek. They should be able to murder two castellax outright coming down. The second pod does the same. The mauls are for nearby castallax if they charge the vets. If it weren't for the grenade nerf I'd just use krak grenades. But one krak, and 6 maul attacks with rerolling wounds will have to do.


Maun hides with the Tac squad. Probably do the Protector Oath on Maun for an easy VP.


AMs hunt down other scoring.


Xiphon hunts whatever needs hunting. It's got a lot of range and decent firepower.


On the fence about the Lightning. Since it's Cybernetica the only real tank threat will be probably be one Triaros at these points since you need to bring a robot first in HS and FA. So perhaps elite Myrmidons might show up. The turbo krakens are S8 AP1 so they can put the hurt on big robots.


Between the two flyers the turn they come on they'll dump 6 S8 AP1-2 missiles, and two twinlinked lascannon shots with strafing run.


The Quads obviously scour thralls and thallax.


Then I have 37 points left to put some upgrades on things. Part of me wants thunderhammers, or at least fists on the Vet sarges, but they may have to tank AP3 mauler bolts with interceptor. Maybe I'll give the one with the Knight Errant a hammer since he'll also have FnP. I could even use the KE to LoS! and spread wounds around.

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