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1500pts Iron Warriors Allies - Golg


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Hi All
Looking to add some Iron Warriors allies to me World Eaters army (and expand upon on later date)
Really like the character Erasmus Golg so using him and his ability to have Terminators as troops
what do you guys think

1500pts Iron Warriors

Erasmus Golg
HQ Total = 175pts
Cataphractii Terminator Squad, x4 Powerfists, Heavy Flamer = 205pts (Landraider A)
Cataphractii Terminator Squad, x4 Powerfists, Heavy Flamer = 205pts (Landraider B )
Troops Total = 410pts
Dedicated Transports
Landraider Phobos, Dozer Blade, Frag Assault Launchers, Armoured Ceramite = 260pts
Landraider Phobos, Dozer Blade, Frag Assault Launchers, Armoured Ceramite = 260pts
Dedicated Transport Total = 520pts
Heavy Support
Tyrant Siege Terminators, x2 Additional Terminators = 395pts
Heavy Support Total =395pts
Main Total = 1500pts

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Because he is a dumb bully, that's why. Evil too and FW often makes villains less good. His leadership is lower then the avarage Praetor too, which fits just fine for a douchbag like him, but makes his special abillity less appealing.
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