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Zephon from Master of Mankind


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I just finished MoM last night and wanted to give it some time before I posted this.


The BA character, Zephon, only gets a handful of pages throughout the entire book but those few pages are one of the big reasons I'm really tempted to re-read the entire book this weekend. ADB's portrayal of him is entirely something I can appreciate. I really like his interactions with Land.


Has anyone else read this yet?

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Not really spoilers. ADB shows that he gets the BA in my opinion. There's a section when Zephon is first introduced that goes over BA ships having some of the most impression art work that will never see the light of day. While Emperor's Children create art to show perfection, the BA create art to reflect on humanity.


After his introduction, he accompanies a Custodes through the palace and they come across refugees. Zephon reaction to the refugees shows just how different the Custodes are.



The Custodes almost kills a small boy when he approaches the pair. Zephon kneels down and speaks with the boy, consoling him and asking about his parents. A very touching moment.



Towards the end of the book, Zephon puts his life at risk to save two people. Its the only time you get to see him fight and its not much of a fight, on his part. His physical flaws contribute to his humanity.



Zephon has lost both arms and both legs and has bionics that don't function correctly. When he is first introduced, he is attempting to play the harp, which is mentioned that he was previously very good at. Its later mentioned that he is somehow unable to fire his weapons due to his bionics. After he meets Land, who is another amazing character, Land strips a part from a broken cyborg to tweak the bionics and Zephon's markmanship is greatly improved. Zephon then attacks the Big Bad Guy with a chainsword to rescue a Custodes Contemptor.


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Adding a new post to answer the question:


Zephon attacks a DAEMON with his chainsword to save a Custodes Contemptor. Once the Contemptor is freed, Zephon calls in a damaged Cerastus Castigor which damages the daemon pretty badly but the knight pilot can't escape. Zephon jump packs back in saves the pilot and leaves a bandoleer of grenades on the daemon. Grenades go off and then the Emperor shows up to fight it. To put the daemon into perspective, this is the main bad guy from the book and is actually the daemon possessing Abadon's sword in 40k.


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