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Hooj's Crusade


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I am new here, and I wanna share my black templars army. I dont play, becouse theres no gaming group in my surroundings so I just collect models. I try to post my collection here together with progress.

My crusade consist of: 



Marshal - Teeth of Terra, Storm Shield - pts

The Emperors Champion – 140 pts

Techmarine – Conversion beamer/ Servo harness – 85/90 pts

.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               4x Servitors  – 40 pts

Chaplain –Combi-flamer, Jump pack – 115 pts

Chaplain – 90 pts



5x Honour guard – Thunder hammer, Standard of the Emperor Ascendant, 3x Power sword,

.                                  1x Power  axe – 160 pts

5x Tactical terminators - Assault cannon – 195 pts

Venerable dreadnought  - Assault cannon, heavy flamer – 145 pts

Contemptor dreadnought – 2x Kheres assault cannon, Cyclone missile launcher - 240 pts



10x Crusader squad  - CCW/BP, Flamer, Power fist, Melta bomb, Lightning claw – 200 pts

10x Crusader squad  - CCW/BP, Meltagun, Combi-melta, Lightning claw, Power axe – 200 pts

5x Crusader squad – Bolters, Lascannon, Plasmagun – 105 pts


Fast attack

5x Assault squad - Jump packs, Combat shield, Thunder hammer -  115 pts


Dedicated transport

Razorback – Lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun – 75 pts

Land Raider Crusader – Multi-melta – 260 pts

Land Raider Crusader – Multi-melta – 260 pts

Land Raider Crusader – Multi-melta – 260 pts



Red things I am planning to get and contemptor with crusade squad is on the way. 

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Welcome brother to the Eternal Crusade!


Whether you game or not, does not matter. It appears that your modeling skills will provide a great source of motivation to the rest of us, Please do continue to share.

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