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1850k BA Foot Slogging Siege List


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Praetor w/ Catapractii Armor, Blade of Perdition

Priums Medicae w/ Catapractii Armor



2X Apothecaries w/ AA, Augury Scanner

3x Legion Quad Support Battery w/ Shatter Shells

5x Catapractii Terminators w/ 2 Chainfists



20x Legion Tactical Squad w/ AA,  Melta Bomb, Vexilla

20x Legion Tactical Squad w/ AA,  Melta Bomb, Vexilla


Heavy Support

Leviathan w/  BA assault cannon nipples, Phospex, Siege Drill, Armored Ceramite

Sicaran Venator w/ Armored Ceramite


This leaves me 20 points to spare and I'm thinking of giving the Levi something to shoot with.

Melta, Grav-flux, Storm, what should I give him?

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IM thinking you drop the Venerator and go all foot- maybe add in a recon element or outflanking vets to DS the termis... would love to see the Levi get a DDP to weather the insane amount of fire coming his way and preclude him getting shot to pieces.

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IM thinking you drop the Venerator and go all foot- maybe add in a recon element or outflanking vets to DS the termis... would love to see the Levi get a DDP to weather the insane amount of fire coming his way and preclude him getting shot to pieces.

A DDP would work very well, but to be honest this is more of a stop gap list that will let me play sonnetr rather than later because I take a long LONG time to paint, so I just want to get a few games in before I can build and paint my main list which has 3 Levis with DDPs.

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