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Does Airbrushing take skills?


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I'm a talented individual. I can backwards ride a bike,play the guitar uke drums and bass, I'm also a 3D designer and dable in science. And some of those things i can do at the same time.


I'm an autodidect , self learner. I belive that talent is entirely make believe. Everything can be learned. So keeping this in mind. I cringe a lot when people call others talented. Even doctors have about the same level of skill as a burger flipper(qouting an actual MD) It's simply just not talent. Talent is not real. It's memorization. I can only earnestly think of only a handful of scenarios where I found airbrushed work amazing. Not a huge fan of the fade trend. The nearly two tone tanks and vehicles that have no logical reason for a faded blend. Still despite my disdane airbrushed minis can look great. So is it hard to to memorize? Can you do straight lines easily with a brush.. How long will it take to memorize the skills to be reasonably good at it.

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Lol, you clearly haven't ever paid attention to people.


Talent is the innate skill. It's why some people can paint well after two days as opposed to others who can't ever paint well.





natural aptitude or skill.

"he possesses more talent than any other player"

synonyms: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, knack, technique, touch, bent, ability, expertise, capacity, faculty; More

And if you think that doctors have the same skill level as burger flippers, even if some doctor says it, you (and him) are delusional.Anyways, what is the point of this? It sounds like trolling and I'm afraid I took the bait.

Sorry but I find your reply abusive. Fact Doctors are not specalists. They use a medical archive as generalists and can not legally give information outside of this glorified google. Secondly assuming the opinion of a professional IE the MD is insulting to her. Now for thoose not stupid as :cuss. This was not a troll post. University is taught so the lowest common domination of person can study. A burger fliper was most likely a Burger flipper before becoming a medical Dr. Memorization the only relvent skill required. I don't consider this as talent. Now getting back to point. Is the memorization required for being competent with an airbrush. Regardless if your fragility and ease at which you find my opinion offensive. I still think talented is a way for lazy people to feel better about not willing to put work in. So in that vain. How long does the memorization of Airbrushing technique take to become competent. No more bs from you. This was not a troll post. I actually think talent is bull:cuss. Regardless Its not ment to offend anyone. But someone has got to be offended.

Lol, you clearly haven't ever paid attention to people.

Talent is the innate skill. It's why some people can paint well after two days as opposed to others who can't ever paint well.tal·ent




natural aptitude or skill.

"he possesses more talent than any other player"

synonyms: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, knack, technique, touch, bent, ability, expertise, capacity, faculty; More

Talent does not exist. There have been scientific studies on the subject. Infact I Remember watching a man on SUPER DAVE. That wrote a book on being able to learn and do anything. The guy litteraly balanced a piano top on his chin playing the piano backwards because he learned the skill adaptation. And how to apply that skill to anything. Now if the peanut gallery is done being offended. That would be great.


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